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Disclaimer: Sailor Moon and its related topics are properties of Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, TOEI Animation & Ban-Dai. It´s US rights are awarded to DIC.

It's explotation in Mexico has been awarded to the following companies: Ban-Dai Mexico, TV Azteca (TV Broadcasting), Intertrack de México (Dubbing), Editorial Toukan (Comic and Activity Books), Editorial Vid (Original Manga), Editorial Navarrete-Perú (Collectible Albums) and some other companies I may forget.

Milagros Tuchmetztli and any other character created in this page is a property of me. If you wish to use or quote them, please E-mail me in advance (Include your name, HomePage Name and URL, and a brief description of your project with them).
This page is constructed in a completely AMATEUR basis (no money received for it) and tries to respect all of the legal rights of any holder in any way, so please don't sue me.
If you have any complaint about it, please E-MAIL_me (in english or spanish, its OK).

Wow! We have new friends sending pics from No Cihaunton Coyolxauhqui and the other Yaocihuameh. Great!
Thank you, Kristie, for becoming the "godmother of this FanArt Gallery!

FanWorks by Kristie Green

Sailor (Yaocihuatl) Coyolxauhqui. A beautiful B/W pic

Sailor (Yaocihuatl) Coyolxauhqui. Same pic as above, but IN COLOR!!

Yaocihuatl Mayahuel. Another Great Pic in Color!

Atlacihuatl Chalchiuhtlicue. A Great Pic of the first Water Warrior.

Yaocihuatl Tlazolteotl. A cute pic from the confession senshi.

FanWorks by Amanda Buckel

Malinalli González. A cute SD Pic in color.

FanWorks by Holly

Sailor (Yaocihuatl) Coyolxauhqui. Nice Pic in Color.

FanWorks by Cecilia Tentle

Mallinali González. A beautiful face portrait, and MY FIRST MEXICAN FANART PIC EVER! Thank you very much, Ceci!!.

Ameyali Alvarez. Computer-drawn headshot.

Barbara Ilhuicamina. Another Computer-drawn head shot.

Ameyali Alvarez, wearing a party dress.

Barbara Ilhuicamina displays the uniform of the Secundary Technical School.

FanWorks by Leslie Dali

Right from Venezuela (wow!), Leslie sent this beautiful drawings of the Yaocihuameh in their civilian forms. Thanks, Leslie! I really appreciate your drawings!

Milagros Tuchmetztli. Nice jeans and yellow shirt.

Malinalli González. A sleeve instead of a wristband writing aide? Great! Seems like a great idea for uncle Aniceto!

Ameyali Alvarez. I truly love this blue dress!

Purita De la Cruz. She lacks some teeth, but the mini-shirt and purple skirt are great-looking!

Barbara Ilhuicamina. Wow! That's a really sportive attire!

The five original mexican senshi. (Purita looks a bit taller than in "reality", if you ask me...)

FanWorks by Miko

Miko, a great friend and talented author from Neo-Sailors Fanfics Club, kindly agreed to draw me some fanart, and offers all of us with a cute gallery of SD's! I sincerely LOVE each of this pics.

Yaocihuatl Coyolxauhqui.

Yaocihuatl Mayahuel.

Atlacihuatl Chalchiuhtlicue.Here appearing with black hair. How do you like her most?

Yaocihuatl Tlazolteotl.

Sailor Itzpapalotl.

FanWorks by dtscout

Dtscout, another friend and talented author from Neo-Sailors Fanfics Club, gave me this great art to share with all of you!

Yaocihuatl Tlazolteotl. A huge (+200 KB) pic of Purita in her senshi attire.

That´s all right now, but any new entry will be warmly welcome (No Hentai, please!)

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