Diary II

Updates From May 8th, 1999.

JAN/20/00: First of all, I want to thank all of you who had been visiting this page, allowing it to surpass 1000 visits before New Year's Day. It really encourages me to never again take so much tiem to post the following chapter.
I´ve just posted Chapter 8. I know it never answers the question, but I think it ended up better than the project I lost when my PC collapsed. I wish you all may found it enjoyable.
Last november, I went to a Comics Convention in Mexico City, and gratefully noticed that a movement to rescue mexican traditions through independent comings is surfacing and fortifying. Practically all of them are "Spawn-like" comics (not of my taste), but anyway this is an encouraging step for me. I´m not saying I'm a pioneer of something. Not at all. I'm glad to be part of this movement through this so simple Webpage.

SEP/1/99: The last week has been a remarkable one for YCC. Not only the balloting for BOSS-99 has started, but also my page has been enlisted in two of my most admired weblists: Anime Web Turnpike and Sailor Moon Nexus. You know? SMN was my first link with many of the pages I admire the most, including the ONE of YCC's Godmother. Michelle Merriman. I want to thank the organizers of both pages, as well as Greg/Shade, creator of SMN.
By the way, an urgent job has stuck me a little with Amatl 8, but hopefully its spanish version will be posted next week, and its english translation the same day or a week later. Sorry, and thank you all for your patience.

JUN/30/99: Finally I found an spanish language Webring, and fortunately I was accepted. Its name is "El anillo del Fanfiction en Espaņol", and I've already added the banner on both versions of YCC.
Also, thanks to Yahoo-Geocities merger, I've subscribed myself in two spanish language Sailor Moon fanclubs: "Sailor Moon en Espaņol" and "Sailor Jupiter en Espaņol". I will include links to them only in the spanish version page. but if you want to visit them (to practice your spanish languaje or just for fun. Who knows? maybe you'll find them worth to join) Go to my spanish links page, HERE.

JUN/24/99: Dear Michelle & Sharon: I wish you both had felt as great as I felt.
I was invited to became "Godfather" of a new page here in Mexico, named Ginzuishou; I hope you all can take some time to visit that page. Currently is just beginning, but I'm sure it'll be a very complete Sailor Moon Realm in the future.
LAST MINUTE NEWS!! Yaocihuatl Coyolxauhqui has just been accepted to participate for the "Best Otaku Sailor Senshi 99" Award!! I wish you all find her worth of winning this coveted prize, because it's a great honor to share the place with so greatly designed Sailors. Thanks to the organizers, and BEST OF LUCK, NO CIHUANTON MILLY!

JUN/10/99:I should have added this update two days ago, but I only had time right now. Finally, I've opened a parallel webpage, Mahtlactli Atl's Foreign Sailors Ship, and its first Fanfic in progress, Sailor Caribes. I want to express my full gratitude to Kenya Stallworth for allowing me to use her original idea, and to Sharon Williams, creator of another black-sailor character (Sailor Sirius), for all her support and encouragement for the developing of this project. I have another project in mind, but it'll need a lot of research and structure, because its theme will be really delicate.
Thanks to all the friends who have supported this new project, specially Cecilia Tentle (please, forgive me the "dedazo"), Michelle "Sailor Europa" Merriman, Samuel Crider, and of course, my dear friends from Saltillo, Conny, Laura and Cintly. You all are the best friends anybody may have!!!

JUN/5/99: Finally, I have Chapter 7 up, including my first pic of Atlacihuatl Chalchiuhtlicue, more of a "Sailor" than the previous ones. By the way, I'm developing a new project, and hopefully next week I'll be able to present it to you all. Thanks a lot, Sharon! you're amazing!

MAY/13/99: Can you all believe this?! Yesterday, YCC received its first invitation to join a Webring: Serenity Moon. I want to thank Kitten, organizer of the ring, and all of the members which considered YCC worth of such distinction. Probably, I'll forward as Amoxtli Two the story "Journey to the Rising Sun", to crossover my senshi with Sailor Moon sooner than planned.

MAY/8/99: This weekend YCC had another distinguished visitor: Sharon Williams, the author of the excellent FF "Sailor Sirius".
She also authorized me to set a link to her page, so you all can visit her work (I highly recommend it!) from Itzpapalotl's Calli.

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