The Senshi of the Cosmos

Sailor Cosmos appears in Volume 18, Act 52 of the original Japanese Manga. She is the last incarntion of Sailormoon. She comes back to the past (our present) in the form of Chibichibi to befriend Usagi, protect her, and help her make the right choices. Her plan is to help Eternal Sailoirmoon destroy Chaos because she ran away from him in her own time. She also wants to destroy the last bit of Chaos left in the universe after Eternal Sailormoon jumps into the Galaxy Culdron. Eternal Sailormoon told her that all she needed to defeat Chaos was hope, and as long as she had that hope there was nothing to fear.

She also appears in Episode 200 of the anime. She was Galaxia's starseed that took the form of Chibichibi. When Galaxia went to kill Eternal Sailormoon, Sailor Chibichibi started praying. Her tears eminated energy that sent Eternal Sailormoon's starseed back into her body. Then, amidst a blast of pink energy, Chibichibi becomes Sailor Cosmos. (However, behind her is a bright pink light, so it is hard recognized her.) She then gives Sailormoon her glitter of life and became the sword to defeat Galaxia. Then Galaxia destoyes the sword.

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Sailor Cosmos links:

Act 52: The story of Sailor Cosmos
Cosmos and Chibichibi
Moon Garden: Chibichibi
out of shadows
Sailor Cosmos's Shooting Stars

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