This is just weird stuff I've emassed.
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I am Akane Tendo, of the Tendo Dojo. Unfurtunately, Libby-chan is very very busy with her play and school and life in general, so I'll be introducing this.
Not that I couldn't do it much better....
Ranma, shut up. She asked me first, okay? Besides, you were too cought up with catching Happosai for her to catch you.
Yeah, that's true, you're a perfect addition to this. Wierd and unusual, that's Akane.
Who are you calling weird?? You turn into a girl when splashed with cold water, and you say I'M strange???
At least I act like I should.
Suuuure you do.
Hey, you guys, take your lover's quarrel somewhere else. I need you to introduce the page, okay? Now, DO SO before I loose my temper and stalk you down...after I finish this project.
Okay okay! Akane, go for it...HEY! Whaddaya mean, lover's quarrel!? I--
Ranma, shut up. Just ignore her, it's easier. Anyway! This place has a whole lotta cool stuff! Everything Libby-chan has found exceptionally funny or too weird for words she has put on this page. If it has come from you, please notify her and tell her. She will give you credit, she promises. The problem is, she has been a web surfer a lot longer than a website owner, and she has saved a lot of neato stuff. Unfortunately, she did not remember where she got it from. If it's yours, please tell her! Lawsuits are bad.
No kidding. I remember--
Shut up.

These are all the hilarious emails I get. Only the good ones go here, cuz I get a lot of so-so emails.
Evil overlord rules to remember
substitute "pants" for certain words in Star Wars...
Things to know...
Cat quotes
The Rules of Chocolate
real court quotes (very good)
Men Jokes (yeah, I'm female...)
What women really mean when they say...
more one-liners
Ads in papers
sayings on pins
more pins
what to say when you're caught sleeping
work phrases

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