Note: there are words not related to any known language so don’t try to translating it the meaning is revealed in the story

Serena- A new girl in town goes by the name of Chugar.

Rini-It’s pronounced as sugar.

Serena-Whatever, she has a ring with a dragon inside.

Rei-It’s not a dragon, dragons have scales it feels like a horse and it has wings like a pegasus and a horn.

Rini why do you call her Denchau?

Tuxedo's Past: "I thought his folks were dead"

NOTE this could have only happened If Emerald was dead and Rini wasn’t snatched by the doom phatom and a revised version is available if this is too unbelievable)

Serena knocked at Darien's door. Beside the door were Rini's shoe and some lady footwear? A girl answered, "Don' t worry, Fabwi, I got it."

Fabwi Serena thought I came to see Darien.

"Oh, (drawn out) come in your Serena, right? I heard most every thing about you, but I really want to see your arm," the girl said.

"What? Why for?" asked Serena, put a back by the statement.

"I can tell you your future that way," Serena held out her arm the girl took one glance and closed her eyes. "I see a love everlasting, and an adorable little girl," she claimed.

"Really," said a surprised Serena. "I know me Darien are destined to be Rini's parents but how did she know she that."

"No, Darien told me that your love is destiny," she explained.

Serena-Oh but you said.

"And I can but I really don't do it unless it' s necessary," the girl replied.

Rini ran up to the girl calling her Denchau.

"That's a weird name," said Serena.

"It's not a name meatball brain," said Rini (sticking out her tongue)

"That's not nice. I guess you want to know why I'm here," the girl inquired.

Serena tried to ask the girl for a name but was interrupted

The girl explained, "Fabwi's like a brother to me so I felt a visit would help us catch up."

She picked up Rini and said, "My name is Chugar (sugar) and this morning this munchkin came knocking on the door."

Serena then asked, "How long have you been in Tokyo?"

(Footsteps from the bedroom)

"We can talk more later," Chugar whispered.

Darien entered the room with a towel on his shoulders. "Maybe I..."

"We've already passed that, are you planning the big day yet," Chugar asked.

"Not quite so fast, I'm too busy with school," ansewerd Serena.

"I understand," Chugar replied. "Well can I at least meet your parents

Serena thought Chugar sounded a bit like her mom.

"Deil, don't talk like that your just my sister," Darien complained.

"Soorry, well, don't call me Deil and say stuff like that -_-"

"I have to go to work so you three can hang out," Darien insisted.

"Do you have any ideas," Chugar asked Serena.

"Yeah let' s go shopping. ^-^ Oh, and you got meet my friends," exclaimed Serena.

"Darien, Fabwi, I almost forgot, Andrew's coming in tonight so won't be crashing here,"

Serena-Does Andrew live in Tokyo?

Chugar-No he travels around and he complimented me by saying home is where you are.

Serena-That's romantic, but do your parent' s approve.

Chugar-Serena you are so inquisitive. My parents approve of me seeing. The man I love but he gets paid for his ventures, which helps.

Chugar heard a scratching at the door.

Chugar-Does Darien have a pet?

Serena-Oh, I forgot Luna, my kitty, was right behind me, she follows me everywhere.

By the t e ended the sentence Chugar was carrying Luna and petting her.

Chugar-I just love pets they bring peace of mind and ask for so little.

Serena-Not Luna she eats twice her weight 3 times a day.

Luna stopped purring (looked down with sweat tear).

Later at Rei's temple:

Mina-Wow you really know how to shop.

Chugar-I thought to myself what if a total stranger gave me a gift just for meeting me would I be grateful appreciative, or thank the person was crazy. I came to the conclusion crazy, but I'll give you gifts, anyways because sometimes I am.

She looked into the bag looked at the girls and perfectly matched them both. "Serena told me all about you as I was purchasing those," she explained

Lita-How did you know who was who

Chugar-Ami for starters emulates a certain mental maturity. Rei, your wearing a temple robe. Lita looks athletic, and Mina has the posture of a model. Do need I explain further.

"She knows magic and looked at your faces to see your names," interrupted Rini.

Chugar-That too.(kinda like Rei huh?)

Rini-"Show us your magic."

Chugar-"Inside then I'll do it."

They rushed inside. Chugar gave a warning, "All that you see you can not speak about and uh...just keep it our secret."

She first transformed her clothes in a ball gown then she made rabbits appear then she did some impressions of other favorite anime characters making boys appear and disappear accordingly and cracking jokes, recreating scenarios all until she was tired. (stop by showstopper central for some additional magic info and more on chugar)

When they sat down around the table her cell phone rang.

"Chugar speaking"

"Isn't it always," said a man's voice (showing man on plane)"

Chugar-"No, sometimes it's Honey or Spice, but I'm glad you called."

The plane was delayed 2 hours you may have to make reservation now.

Uh oh she thought, "Darlin', I have maybe 400 yen left from...

"Oh well then I'll see you at sonny boy' s place then," he replied.

Chugar whispered into the phone, "Can you pipe down I spent the day with is girlfriend and her friends are all right here"

"What, I can't hear you, I'll call back later, bye" (Beep)

The next day:

"Look, at that ring she wears," Prince Demando went on to explain, "I sense a powerful being inside (the dragon flashes in the reflection)

Yes thought Demando with that ring I will get Tuxedo Mask out of my way.

Safire, you must get the ring I'll use this (holding up one of the wedges, which transforms into a copy of Emerald but wearing silver)

Safire-Meet Sil'Vera she's better than the original and will succeed.

Sil'Vera laughed (like emerald) and disappeared.

Chugar and the girls were in the market place eatery.

Lita-Did Andrew give you that ring

Mina-You should tell us when the wedding'll be so we...

Chugar interrupted, "My father gave it to me. He was... A tear fell on her cheek as she thought back to the incident of him being murdered before her eyes, as she was helpless to stop it.

Ami-Are you okay?

"Yeah," she replied while wiping her cheek with the napkin. "Andrew isn't quite ready to take that step. I bet he's bugging Darien at work or something. Ha," she added trying to change the subject.

Serena blurted out,":et's go see if he is."

Rei-But Serena don't you remember you all agreed to help me at the temple today.

Chugar-Great I need to do something that doesn't include spending.

Rei-No, you are so generous but my grandpa doesn't know you. He's not there. He always says uh...

Lita-It would be so boring for you, all we do is sweep, mop, iron, and dust.

Ami-Why don't go to the park? It's the most beautiful view in town and doesn't cost a yen.

Chugar-Are you sure?

In unison: Yes, go on, we'll get finished and meet you there. The girls really wanted to talk sailor business but as they walked away Serena complained, "I don't want iron temple robes."

The girls got caught up in talking about plans and time just flew by for them.

But Chugar found herself watching the sunset alone.

"Beautiful, but what would take this long to clean or iron," she wondered.


Chugar-Who do you think your are to be so judgmental?

Sil'Vera-I want that ring so hand it over or pay with your life and have me take it anyway.

Back at the temple:

Mina-Oh no look at the time.

Lita-I'll go see if she's at the park

Serena-I'll check at Darien's.

You can't go alone( mina said to lita and serena)

They split up into two groups consisting of Lita and Mina and Rei, Serena, and Ami. (split screen of girls running in opposite directions)

At the park Sil'Vera was firing silver pieces at chugar but she was quick to avoid them.

Chugar-"My ring is not coming off no matter what."



Mina-Yeah! That's right over here

Lita-I'm Sailor Jupiter.

Mina-And I'm Sailor Venus

In unison: We will...

Sailor Moon-Hey that's my line.

Lita and Mina Sailor Moon!!

Sailor Moon-"Wearing Silver shows dignity and it's obvious you have none and for that I'll punish!"

Chugar stand back.

Chugar-No way this is my fight.

Pearl Power Makeup!

(transformation sequence) click here to read about it.

Sil' Vera - Huh? You're a Sailor brat, too.

I'm Sailor Pearl and if you want my ring you'll have to defeat my power to prove worthy to possess it and you won't so prepare to be obliterated.

First she used pearl bombs, then pyschic shock.

The girls were in awe but then used their powers which Sil'Vera easily avoided.

Suddenly a paint brush knocked Sil'Vera back.

"Silver is magnificent color but on you its looks like grey," said a masked man with a barret. "I, Masked Artisan, stand for eternal love. Sailor Moon I think she's weak.


Sil'Vera made a shield.


A light came from Sailor Pearl's unisword engulfing the shield and Sil'Vera.

Sailor Moon-Wow Chugar! How, when, and who?

Tomorrow, OK, I'm tired.

The next day:

Serena and Rini went to Dariens. At his doors Serena thinks What a brat I can't spend one day alone with my Darien

Serena-Darien, hi! Where's chugar?

Darien-She left this morning with Andrew. I think they headed for Norway. She left a letter for you insisting that I shouldn't read it before you do. Here.

Rini started to cry, "Denchau is gone(sniff) if it weren't for you meatball head she'd have stayed."

The letter read:

Dear Serena;

It was great fighting along side the sailor senshi twice, but more importantly you should know that I approve of you and my Fabwi(son) getting married. Tell Rini that Denchau(grandma) will see her in the future.

Catch ya later


P.S. Don't Andrew and Darien look very alike.

P.P.S. Next time call me Deil(mom).

Serena looks up at darien and asked"is she"

The end.

If you liked that try reading the continuation entitled:

"Return of Pearl or The Pearl of the Earth" or read the revised version of this story which does not coincide with the storyline of Sailor Moon

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