" Return of Pearl or The Pearl of the Earth"

Serena- It's been some time since she came and saved us from that really strong villain. She back and opening a theater and we get in free. But now Dr. Tomoe thinks he can take her pure heart. Wow look at the shape.

At airport:

Planes coming in crowds talking loud speaker, "Flight 3987 now arriving from Kenya."

"Darien, I've missed you," Chugar says while running toward him with duffel bag. "Can you carry this," she insisted. "Think you, I raised a good gentlemen."

"What do you have in this, it's heavy," Darien inquired.

"Just clothes and stuff. What aren't you happy to see me," she asked.

"Of course, I'm glad you came back. How long will you be staying," Darien wondered.

"This is Lacus," pointing to the man who just walked up. "Let's go"

On the drive to Darien said, "You avoided my question."


He repeats the question. "Oh, a month or so. Don't worry I won't be crashing at your place this time."

"If the girls see you and him together, they'll have a lot of questions for you," Darien informed.

"If they ask I ll tell them the truth," she responded.

"Which Hotel?"

"Not a hotel go to the Chugar Estates on...," she gives him the address. "I had them built for people who tend to long for a perminate residence and there is a few rooms open."

They pulled up to a huge complex with over 30 floors tall. "It can have some 90 or so families and rent is cheap," she explained.

If a family wants a permanent home in one they can buy and sell it back for the same price or higher. if you want there is a room left"

Darien-"No, I uh.."

"... love your freedom, well your got like 80 years left to enjoy it. Do you have serena's phone number?"

"yeah but I don't call, it's ---------. Why do want it?"

" great, thanks, oh don't worry I might be able to help her with some school work, I bet you always distract her."

" everything distracts her"

The telephone rings.

Serena's mom, answers "yes, Tsukino residence Tsukino-san speaking."

"I'm Chugar, is Serena there?"

"Last time I spoke with her she was headed to over to the Aino residence, why?"

"No reason in particular, I really called to ask if your looking for the perfect son-in-law and if you've found one yet"

"Oh, don't be so old fashion. I'm pretty sure she's already picked out someone herself(giggles).

"That's why I' m calling because that someone is my son."

Serena's mom thinks she sounds too young to be a mother wait this is a prank I know that voice and isn't one of Serena's friends named Chugar. Kenji, Serena's dad, walks in)Now's not the time to figure it out "I' ll have to get back to you on that one later. What's your number," serena's mom whispers into the phone Better safe than sorry if she is real.

"Who was that," he asked.

Skip to scene where girls are in Mina's room.

Serena-My brain's going to fry and what's with the heat its like 1000 degrees in here.

Mina-Sorry guys, Artemis decided it was a great landing spot when I accidentally stepped on tail.

Luna-Cluts the cat strikes again.

Artemis-Will you please stop calling me THAT.

Phone rings.

"Is this the Aino residence?"

"Yes, Mina speaking"

"Oh, good I called 30 other places. Serena's mom said you gals were studying and I wanted to join maybe even help out."

"Sure...," Mina was interupted by Chugar.

"I' ll be right there as soon as you give me the address."

"Who are you," Mina asked.

"Chugar, duh, oh, you must not recognize my voice," she replied.

Mina gave her the address and hung up.

"Who was it," asked Ami.

"Chugar, she's back," Mina explained.

"Do you think she's tracked some trouble here," asked Lita.

Serena-Maybe she's just came to help and see her fabwi, that means son but I don't know in what language. I'll ask her when she gets here.

"Wow Serena learned a foreign word maybe you should try to more English words," replied Rei .

Serena-"It so happens that Darien is helping me in that subject."

Car pulls up and they hear, "Chugar, I gotta run some errans you have fun, Ok."

"Sure, seeya," she shouted back.

Everyone rushes to the front door. Standing there as Chugar pulls out some slippers from her purse.

She looked up and said, "Isn't anyone gonna say hi," while handing them small boxes.

"You really didn't have to get us anything," said Ami.

"Pish, posh, your friends so you get friendship rings but these are very special and they will protect you when you need them most," she explained.

The rings matched Chugar's but the stone were of their favorite colors. They all went back to Mina's room. "Is there a reason you came to visit," inquired Serena.

"Sure I left you gals asking a lot of questions, now I'm ready to answer most of them. I was really ready when I left but that letter surely left you scratching your heads," she explained. She went into detail on how she knows the future and about Rini and how her and Andrew first met. "But right now I'm seeing someone else temporarily, I know it sounds weird but I have a saying 'though love is for eternity tolerance needs replenishing' (It's from lover's philosphy a book chugar has and is writing as she grows wiser. The story behind the book is totally irrelevant to Sailor Moon but is found in the Chugar chronicles. If you want to read them it might be a while I'm not finished writing them yet.)

"So if Darien is prince of the earth wouldn't you be...," started Serena.

"Stop right there, if I become queen Darien will never be king, understand," she explained.

All together: "Oh, yeah."

Ami-That's very generous, I guess.

Chugar-Tomorrow I'm opening a theater of the arts and I have decided to have the first showing two 10 lucky viewers who will watch as I perform magical illusions(holding up hands making quotation marks with fingers) and I have 2 opening left for any of your friends .

Oh, I know Molly and Melvin-Serena.

Mina-No, no why not Michiru and Haruka. they might like to be the first in a theater of the arts.

Serena and Mina let the others vote and because they didn't want Melvin ruining it with some analysis they voted for Michiru and Haruka.

Chugar-There won't be any drinks or snacks b/c it's not a movie theater.

Ami-What if someone suspects it' s real?

Chugar-That's why you choose who...

"Oh, I almost forgot, Rini's a scout," blurted Serena .

Chugar-I'm sure she is, she must follow her mother's footsteps.

The next day: Lacus, Haruka, and Michiru sat in the middle row and Rini, the girls and Darien chose the row in front of them.

Rini-"Wow, look that's the orchestra pit."

Haruka-I don't see why a theater this beautiful should be wasted on a magic show."

The curtain rose as the instruments started floating and playing by themselves as being held by an invisible orchestra.

"How beautiful," said Michiru. No one was on the stage then water spouted up from the floor forming into a figure. As soon as they could see that the figure was Chugar, a daemon made out of one the chairs came at her taking out her pure heart.

It was the shape of the love dragon (the same figure that shows through her ring).[I will have a pic] She was envoloped in a bubble and turned into the beast within. It was too bad, for the daemon was stuck in the bubble as well. Chugar started to (too violent to describe) With the bubble around her how could the scouts give her back her

Serena-A pure heart.

A hand shape formed on the bubble reaching for the heart, but then Sailor Neptune and Uranus snatched it.

This has to be a talisman look at the shape Haruka thinks It's not that bright. Nothing. She growls throwing the crystal to the ground.

"NOOO" It bounces and and lands upright.

"Whow! What were you thinking if that isn't returned everyones doomed," Yelled Darien. He grabbed the heart and went and threw it toward the bubble. The hand caught it and the dragon went head first into her chest making Chugar transform back to normal. The girls and Darien transformed in the lobby where Lacus couldn't see them, for the daemon wasn't dead.

How did it survive her attacks. They were so brutal. The daemon had healing abilities and not one scratch had gone unhealed.

Chugar tried bubble trap but it missed. The girls took their tries too.

"You have to combine the powers of the rings and focus them toward Sailor Moon," Chugar explained.

They all yelled, "Planet ring power!!" The rings all lit and the light from them forms a rainbow that surrounds Sailor Moon. When light fades see wings and usual pattern of light for skin like the eternal transformation but wings are attatched to shoulder blades Sailor moon transformed into Ultimate Sailor Moon. (It takes all 6 rings for this power to work) In her hand was a new staff. With spiral line going down handle and wings at the bottom was a moon shape.

"Sailor Moon say, love dragon tooth," shouted Sailor Pearl and when Sailor Moon did LD came forth and (too violent and makes the story too even longer -_- )

NOTE: I don't need parents complaining email me if you want details

Chugar-"Yeah, Sailor Moon, you showed Theachairo. now the show must go on."

Later Serena and Chugar walking form Darien' s place:

Serena-"Thanks for the assist, but why didn't you kill the daemen yourself, you are powerful enough?"

"I like you, because you don't think very much(hey!-Serena) which reminds me of myself.(OH!-Serena) I did it b/c you're their leader. They probrably think I' m a glory hog for the last battle. Did you enjoy the show?

Serena ansewered, "It was better and bigger than the one at Rei' s."

Click here forshow stopper central and a description of chugar's power and her profile.

Note: as soon as things were turning violent Rini' s eyes were covered so even she doesn't know what happaned and she heard beautiful music I think it was 'Tuxedo Mirage'.

The end.

next episodes:

Serena get' s warped into the 50's in America. Does anyone here speak Japanese?