Tatewaki Kuno

Tatewaki Kuno plays a relatively major role early on in the Ranma 1/2 TV series but his role gradually lessens to that of minor comic relief; usually with him getting smacked, punched, or kicked into the sky. He does; however, add a bit of color to the series. Although he doesn't have a curse, his actions and his constant quest for getting a date with Akane Tendo and the "pig-tailed girl" provide more than enough entertainment and amusement.

Who is he?

Tatewaki Kuno or as many people like to shorten to Kuno (Who enjoys saying "Tatewaki" all day anyways?), is first seen during the the second episode of the Ranma 1/2 TV series. His age is 17 and shares the same class as Akane's older sister Nabiki. He always seems to be dressed in his kendo (Japanese fencing with bamboo swords) outfit while carrying along his bokken (yeah the bamboo sword). I can't recall any significant times when he wasn't wearing his dark blue/black kendo outfit but... episode 2 in the classroom, he was wearing normal clothes! The only other time I know is during the second movie. He's always seen quoting Shakespeare and is always getting beat up. For some reason I'm not surprised; are you? When it comes to sword fighting though he's pretty good; after all he IS the undefeated captain of Furinkan High's Kendo Club. But even being an upperclassman with a wooden sword and much larger than Akane he still loses all the time.

Still, Tatewaki Kuno is one of the funniest characters in Ranma 1/2. Every morning he along with a few dozen boys rush at Akane in an effort to defeat her in combat. Why? Kuno had previously given a speach (at a speach contest) that whoever wanted to 'date' with Akane had to first defeat her in combat. He has this obsession with dating Akane but always seems to lose when he fights her. This all changes though when he meets the "tree-borne kettle girl" Ranma-chan. From now on he gets an obsession to date with both Akane and the pig-tail girl.

Other Info:

Jusenkyo Curse:
Believe it or not, none. He doesn't need one after all ;)

He has a sister, Kodachi, and a father who happens to be the principal of the school. They all seem a bit weird but it probaly runs in the family.

Always was and always will be the bokken. Kendo is his forte.

Possible Suitors:
Nabiki Tendo
Akane Tendo
Pig-tailed girl

Ranma Saotome...
but he gets beat up by pretty much anyone should he get in a fight.

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