Hiko humming ^_^;;

The Hiko Tunes area

These tunes come from the almighty Rurouni Kenshin Original SoundTrack III: Kyoto Battle.

The Hiko Theme

Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu : Ama Kakeru Ryuno Hirameki - a theme of Hiko Seijuro(TRACK 01)

COMMENTS: This song is excellent, showing a slow beginning, as it slowly builds up. This theme is played when: a)Hiko is teaching Kenshin OR b)Hiko comes to save the day. Overall, it is my favorite theme of all the characters in the series, because it is so appropriate for the character, and sounds great too.
There is another version of this song on the Director's Collection CD. It's the same, minus a few instruments.

Hiko Sound Bites

The Rurouni Kenshin Soundtracks

Original Soundtrack

The first soundtrack CD was my first RK CD. When I bought it, I had seen up to episode 24, and overall I thought the music was either cute or just nice to hum to. Kimi wa dare mamotte iru, all 4 versions of it are just cool, as it gets the most play when Kenshin comes in and opens up a can of Whupass. Sobakasu, the opening theme for the first 38 episodes, really turned me off. I just didn't like it at all, and I couldn't help but notice they put the same song on Tracks 2 AND 24. Strange. Namida wa Shitteru, the 2nd RK ending theme, fared much better with me. It's just one of those nice songs you could play for almost any anime, but since Suzukaze Mayo(the seiyuu of Kenshin) does it, it's probably better suited to this show. Kaoru's themes are very cool, as well as Sano's being one of my favorite BGMs. The best I feel is the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu theme(not to be confused with the OST 3 version) is cool as all get out. I think it's a great CD to have.

Original Soundtrack II:

When I first got into watching the anime, I only was able to watch about the first 16 episodes(they were probably 5th gen or so) and I wasn't terribly impressed with it. I liked it, but not too much. When I was browsing House of Anime, I came upon this soundtrack. As I looked through the booklet, I noticed many pictures of characters I didn't recognize(such as the JupponGatana and Misao, and (gasp!) Hiko.) Then I met a new friend, Rob, who just happened to have up to episode 28. I continued to watch it, bored with the filler episodes. I almost didn't watch 28, which was what intrigued me. It went from a happy atmosphere, to a dark, foreboding one. But anyway, 28 is what started me on the anime. This CD has some killer tunes, Saitoh's theme is super cool, as is the Lone Wolf Suite, Shishio's group theme, my favorite part being "Red Rain", that music that plays at the end of many of the Kyoto episodes. Then there's Run to You, Sano's new theme, which has a really cool beat to it. Starless is my favorite music in this CD. It's power has the ability to knock me out if I'm reading a book in bed while listening to this. This CD is good, but no vocals could change your mind about buying this one. I liked it though, and recommend it if you like the BGM of the series.

Original Soundtrack III:
Kyoto Taisen
Battle in Kyoto

After the 1st Soundtrack, I bought this one, which came extremely recommended by many people who had watched the series(and I had seen past them, too). When I went to buy it, about 7 other people walked in and bought it, and practically clutching it with happiness. I then bought it, and listened to it all the way home. Needless to say, I know why it came so highly recommended: the intense BGM and Heart of Sword - Yoake Mae. All of the music here is from the Kyoto Arc on, including some fillers. Heart of Sword(which is incidentally what Kenshin's name means) is among one of my favorite songs. It had a nifty video to go with it, as I found out after watching episode 28. Since Hiko's theme is on here, it's already been risen to the godly status of CDs. Kaoru and Misao has three versions, my personal favorite being the Full Mix. You also have the Oniwabanshuu theme, very nice in it's own right. Also Warrior's Blue, the Aoshi theme, is a very emotional song, with thoughts of sadness mixed with sympathy for what Aoshi and his followers had to go through. The Warrior's Suite is a long track, with music from Kenshin's training under Hiko Seijuro for his Ougi. It also has an awesome xylophonic theme that is played while he fights Shishio, and it's just so perfect for that scene. (Warrior's Suite is also played when Fuji gets pounded by Hiko, but I digress. =P) This is my favorite Kenshin CD. No other CD I have(import or otherwise) can really compare to it at all for its quality, diversity, and great listening that never gets tiring.

Original Soundtrack IV:
Let it Burn

While this CD looks really good on the outside, the inside is somewhat of a let down. The imagery featured in this package and booklet are great, but the songs on this album aren't very interesting, some are slight remixes of other BGMs, and some are new(mainly for the later filler episodes). If you're a diehard Kenshin fan, give it a shot, but if you like vocals, stray from it.

Rurouni Kenshin
Best Collection

This was my dream CD come true in a way...it had all of the vocals for the Opening and Ending scenes, with the exception of Kimi ni fureru dakede, which is the 3rd opening song, and Dame!, which is the 8th ending theme(and consequently, one of my favorites.) It also did me a favor too: No 4th Avenue Cafe! I abhor that song above all others, and it's really the only ending song of Kenshin I don't like. Thank God it only stayed on the show for only 5 or so episodes. This CD also has Tactics, the first closing theme, a cool as hell song. Also is 1/2, a song in which I can't stand anymore, though it's not too bad. I've just seen it too many times ^_^. Then there's It's gonna rain! the 6th ending song, which is described in one word: Groovy. I can't think of any better words, and after listening to it a lot, I noticed the singer sounds suspiciously like Sheryl Crow. *shrug* 1/3 no junjou na kanjou is a great song with a great video...and the song seems to fit the mood of the series well. Then there's the Movie theme, Tomorrow's Promise(or something like that), a song that gets an A on effort, but a C in execution(just like my college grades!! :P). Animetal did this song as well as the other two songs, which are very long and irritating to listen to.

Rurouni Kenshin:

This album consists of 8 vocals, and 2 instrumentals. Aisuru hito mamoru tameni is Kenshin's song, as it sings about(drumroll please) protecting his loved ones. It's a decent song, but I think it could've been a little better. It's not love or something, by Kaoru, is a perfect song for her, and nice to hum to. Naked Heart is the Sano Vocal, a kickass song in almost everyway(I can just see it now, J-Pop star, Sagara Sanosuke!! ~_~). His voice is clear and his music in the back is cool too. There's an instrumental version of this played when Saitoh and Sano first meet in 28, if you listen closely. Yahiko's song is Okay, but then again, I don't think many people wanted to hear him sing. Summer Picture is the Kenshin/Kaoru duet, and only invites further evidence that Watsuki-sensei won't let the series have a bad ending. I can just see these two holding hands and singing this. 2 of a kind! is the Megumi/Sano duet, a song that is NOT good. Sano sings fine but Megumi really turned me off on this one. Ayame and Suzume's theme is too cute to be normal. After hearing this song you will be convinced that they are Angels of Death perching above us all ready to destroy us. This Corner of the World is the mega happy vocal, and even includes Tae(owner of the Akabeko) in it. This song reminds me of "Hands across the world," for some strange reason. I like this CD a lot, except for the Sano/Megumi duet.

Rurouni Kenshin:
Songs II

Songs II is another 10 vocal songs by various characters. Many of the original character singles are in here, nay, all of them. Misao's Ice Blue Eyes gave me a highly newfound respect for the weasel girl. Her song is just one of those that sticks in your head forever and NEVER gets old. And she does a good job singing it, too. ^_^ Sano's Ippatsu Yarou is the type of song that suits Sano perfectly, with heavy music and aggressive vocals. Soujirou's got three songs here, which no doubt pleases his fans. There's Journey, Sou-kun's song that makes you wanna just wander around with a grin on your face. Innocence, Soujirou's other song is cool too, but the Drum/Bass mix is flat out odd sounding. Think of it as Soujirou singing on crack, but not really...There's also a version of Summer's Picture - '98 Version, a better version of the Kenshin/Kaoru duet on Songs. The rest of the songs are from the filler girls, Amakusa Sayo(Beautiful Voice, I love the song), Kaishu Itsuko(Seems monotonous to me), Moriya Misanagi(All around good), and Takatsuki "Look at my hair" Gentatsu(Good vocal song, also by the seiyuu of Enishi in the OVAs), the Hitokiri in the RK movie. All have decent songs, but they are just okay in comparison to the other killer songs on the CD.

Rurouni Kenshin:
OVA Soundtrack
Click this picture for a wallpaper sized version! ^_^

The Tsuioku OVA Soundtrack is the most amazingly intense CD I've ever heard. Nothing in recent memory can even come close to this bad boy. All the tracks are beautful and intense, capturing the mood of the OVA series beautifully...I can't emphasize enough how great this soundtrack really is. Even the inside lining has cool pics! In Memories - "A Boy Meets The MAN" is the introductory track, where young Shinta meets THE MAN (if you are reading this page, you know who I mean :P ) and is just...damn it kicks so much ass. Then there's One of These Nights, the BGM for Kiyosato and Kenshin's first meeting...starts out nice and peaceful while he chats with Tomoe...then degrades into this scary music and then BOOM!! The sweetest battle of Battousai (so far) rages. That's all that needs be said there. I could ramble all day about this bad boy, but I won't. This CD is awesome. Go to TokyoPop right now and order it from Master Mike. You won't be disappointed. Oh, it also reads on the inside liner, track 15 In Memories - "KOTOWARI" is HIKO'S theme (HELL YEAH! ^_^), and is the designated theme of Tsuioku Hen! Pretty cool random note, I think...

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