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Rurouni Kenshin Sites of interest

The following sites are pages that can deliver you probably all the info you'd ever need about anyone or anything in Rurouni Kenshin. I highly recommend these sites.
Rurouni Kenshin Archive The Rurouni Kenshin Archive is probably one of THE most comprehensible sites ever about my stupid pupil. Go check it out and send that administrator money so she get those manga translations done!! :P
Project OrO Project Oro is an great place to check out RK, with profiles, history, and most of all, nearly all the RK CDs encoded to MP3. An overall great site.
Rurouni Kenshin Shrine The Rurouni Kenshin Shrine, a really killer site with lots of mp3, fanart, polls, message boards, and way too much stuff! Awesome site.
RK MPEG Movies Rurouni Kenshin MPEG Movies, which is a great site with tons of MPEG movie files available for download. Jerrin really is a saint for putting up a site like that.
Shinomori's Homepage Shinomori's Homepage, yet another mega Kenshin site.
The Sakabatou Shrine The Sakabatou Shrine, a great site dedicated to Kenshin and everything related to it. Even if a Sakaba is a sword for wusses XD
The Kenshin Gallery The Kenshin Gallery, THE place to get great images from RK, from wallpapers and scans from Zoushi's.
NO BANNER AVAILABLE Maigo-chan's Ruroken Translations, a site which has the first 15 volumes of the RK manga translated. Yet another saint who lives among us petty mortals that don't know Japanese ^_^.
NO BANNER AVAILABLE End of Summer, yet another RK Manga translation page, from episodes 152 - 195.

Rurouni Kenshin Character Shrines

These sites are strictly for specific characters of RK. All are great places to visit to find out information!
Mibu no Ookami Mibu no Ookami: The lair of Saitou Hajime is all about the other badass in RK, Saitou himself! Also has very cool information about the true Saitou and his real life, plus info on the Shinsen Gumi! Tokio has done a wondrous job with this site, and I strongly recommend it!
Kuni Tori Kuni Tori (also done by Tokio ^_^;;) is a dedication to the great villain Shishio! If you liked Mibu no Ookami, expect to see some of the same high quality stuff here as well!
Misao the Weasel Girl Shrine Misao the Weasel Girl Shrine pretty much speaks for itself...has pix, info, and some hilarious original Misao comics! If anything she's got the best character vocal...
The Soujirou Shrine The Soujirou Shrine, a silly shrine devoted to the little Natural Born Killer ^_^ I wonder how Hiko would fare against him...nah. It'd be too quick. XD
The Enishi Shrine The Enishi Shrine, all about the latest RK badboy, Yukishiro Enishi, who just so happens to be my favorite villain of the series...
Man behind the Mantle: Hiko Seijuro is the absolute best site in the world, because it's all about Hiko, and Hiko kicks supreme ass. He rules the cosmos because he kicks so much ass. Did I mention he kicks ass?

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