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Selra H.C. Newrad's Economics Home Page


Who Is Selra H.C. Newrad?

    Professor Newrad was born in the early '60s in Frostburg, a small university town in the mountains of western Maryland.  In her early years she published poetry in the noted journal, Pantisocracy.


    After one particularly bad winter during which her unicycle was lost beneath snowdrifts until May, she moved to Berkeley, California.  here some of her most politically astute articles were published in The Berkeley Gazette shortly before its demise.

    In the mid-'80s her interests turned to econodynamics, a newly emerging sub field of economics, physics, and mathematics.  Published here are a selection of her path-breaking papers as well as some of her less scientific, but equally influential, works.

    Currently, Professor Newrad is working on resolving unsolved issues in Econodynamic String Theory.  She is also devising a plan for cleaning her garage.



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