Bubblegum Crash : Knights' End

A Knight Sabers' fanfic in nine parts
by Mark Latus

Part 6 : Four Funerals and a Wedding

     2:00 pm. Sunday November 4 2035 -  Kobayashi Funeral Home Memorial 
                                        Chapel, MegaTokyo.

     Detective Leon MacNichol leaned against the building and watched the 
people filtering into the chapel.  Mainly women, late twenties to earlier 
thirties, smartly dressed, not looking particularly sorrowful.  Leon figured 
them for managerial level employees of the Silky Doll chain.  Here more out of 
an obligation to attend the founder's funeral than from any sense of personal 
loss.  He tried to stay patient.  Stingray had to show.  He was hardly going 
to miss his own sister's funeral.  There were a lot of questions Leon wanted 
to ask him.  Like why he'd paid for the burial of one of the most hated
people in this city.
     Funerals, too goddamned many funerals.  He was sick of death.  So was the
whole city.  The body count for Red Tuesday had just topped the 5000 mark.  It
was still rising as rescue squads pulled more bodies out of the rubble.  The
worst terrorist action in living memory.  All of it blamed on the Knight 
     Bullshit!  He'd known the Knight Sabers, he'd worked with them.  He knew
they weren't killers.  Or rather he'd known one of the Sabers.  Not as 
intimately as he'd wanted to but he'd known she was one of them.  As far as
he knew no one else even suspected Priscilla Asagiri had been the Blue Knight 
Saber.  And Leon thought he knew who two of the others had been. 
     By now everyone knew the late unlamented Linna Yamazaki had been one of 
the Sabers.  Hers had been the only body recovered in a hardsuit, the others 
had apparently suicided before capture.  Probably a wise decision as they 
would have been unlikely to live to stand trial.  Still total vaporization 
concealed the number of Sabers that had in their plane.  Leon knew for sure 
Priss hadn't been on board.  She'd been dead about an hour before the crash.
So had Nene.
     He shook his head at the thought.  A week ago if anyone had suggested to
him that she'd been a Knight Saber he'd have laughed himself to death.  That
thought brought him up short.  Death ... it was the funerals that had started
his suspicions.  His mind drifted back to a few days earlier.
     ADPolice had been drafted into helping the civic disaster squads along
with the regular cops and the self defence force.  Wednesday was a day spent
picking up bits of people and losing hope that there were any survivors in
the "slaughter zones".  That name had begun in Sector Five and been extended
to cover Sector Eight.  Sector Eight actually looked better, most of that
zone was one large crater.  The majority who'd died there had been killed
instantly.  Sector Five was a nightmare.  Heavily armed Boomers against 
unarmed civilians.  Slaughter just didn't cover it.  Streets choked with 
people gunned down as they ran in fear.  Parents' bodies sprawled before their 
bullet riddled children, having spent their final moments begging the biomechs 
to spare their babies.  Young and old, rich and poor (mainly poor), the 
Boomers hadn't discriminated.  Some had cowered, some had fought, some had 
prayed ... all were dead.  The cleanup at the Hot Legs club ... Leon tried to 
push that image out of his mind.  He took a moment to wipe his eyes.  It 
hadn't just been Priss, it had been impossible not to cry in Sector Five.  
Anyone who hadn't probably wasn't human.  Macho only goes so far.
     He turned his mind back to Thursday.  Their help wasn't needed so the
ADPolice had taken that day to bury their own dead.  There was no shortage of
those, the undermanned force had taken heavy casualties retaking Sector Five.
If those Boomers had been fully operational ADPolice might have been wiped  
out.  Not having air support while GENOM took on the Knight Sabers hadn't
     He'd only attended two of the funerals that day.  Daley's had been in the
morning.  Leon had delivered the eulogy.  It hadn't been anything particularly
profound.  Sincere though not terribly original.  What he'd said could be
reduced to; he was my partner, he was my friend, he was a good cop, we all
miss him.  It had been the first time he'd met Daley's parents.  They seemed
like nice folks although the father seemed uncomfortable about meeting some of 
Daley's friends.
     Nene's funeral had been in the afternoon.  There was a fairly large 
crowd, she'd been a popular girl.  Although she hadn't exactly relished all 
the guys thinking of her a kid sister figure.  Leon had wound up sitting next 
to Nene's fellow dispatcher and close friend Naoko.  She'd cried through the
whole service.  This had distracted Leon and he'd wound up glancing round the
room.  That was when he'd spotted a familiar face.  Lisa Vanette had been
sitting in the back with a guy he didn't recognise.  She seemed to be trying
to tell him something urgent.  She didn't look to happy about whatever he 
said to answer her.
     After the service Leon went over to say hello.  Last time he'd seen Lisa
in person was when that notches  tried to take over ADPolice Headquarters.
Lisa was out of school and interning on the MegaTokyo Times photographic
staff.  Inevitably they were soon talking about Nene.  That was when he got
his first clue.  He'd said something along the lines of Nene having had a
few secrets.  Lisa had paled and stuttered, "...you knew?"
     "That she was one hell of a hacker?  Of course I did.  I remember this
one time me and Daley needed to know ..."  As he spun the anecdote he'd
notice Lisa relax.  He hadn't though too much of it at the time.  Then he'd
asked if the guy sitting with her had been her boyfriend?
     Lisa had shook her head and, after a pause, told him, "That was Mackie
Stingray.  He dated Nene a few times, came to pay his respects."   That was 
the first time he'd heard the name.
     The following day had been the funeral of Linna Yamazaki.  There hadn't 
been many mourners.  Her immediate family had died in the Quake.  Most of her
other relatives, scattered cousins and a few aunts and uncles didn't attend.
Showing up at the funeral of a mass murderer doesn't win you any popularity
contests.  Still someone must have felt they owed her something.  Though the 
hall holding the service was surrounded by a mob (waving signs reading "Leave
the bitch to rot" and similar sentiments) they were held at bay by a private
security force.  Most of whom looked like Boomers and no one was going to
cross them after Red Tuesday.  
     Leon had got into the hall by waving his ADPolice ID.  Inside he'd been
very surprised to recognise one of the sparse crowd of mourners.  Reika Chang, 
better known to the world as the rock star Vision.  He remembered her well.  
A bit over two years earlier he'd help cover up her efforts at attempted 
murder and kidnapping.  In fact he'd wound up arresting the victim, Dr. 
McLaren.  GENOM must have decided McLaren had ceased to be valuable and hadn't 
interfered. It was about that time, Leon reflected, that he'd stopped thinking 
of himself as an honest cop.  You could argue that it was payback, an eye for 
an eye. But while she hadn't killed anyone in MegaTokyo the fact was that he 
knew that Reika Chang was a murderer.  And he'd let her walk.
     The service hadn't begun yet.  Vision was sitting next to the guy Lisa
had been talking too.  She also didn't seem to like what he was saying.  Leon 
couldn't make out what they were talking about and began inching closer.  The 
bodyguards flanking both glared him back.  Vision's was male, the guy who'd
tried to take the fall for her crimes.  Stingray's was female, she looked
like she didn't particularly want to hurt him but wouldn't hesitate if he
forced the issue.
     The service had been fairly excruciating.  The minister telling those
assembled to remember the good things about Linna, "before the demons of
greed and violence consumed her."  Neither Stingray or Vision seemed 
particularly happy with that statement.  Afterwards everyone had headed out
through a concealed exit.  Leon, leaving through the front, had found himself
wondering about the fact media coverage was so light.  You'd have expected
more ghoulish interest in who attends a killer's funeral.  A lucky thing for 
Vision since that news would have sunk her career.  Still how had she bought
them off?  His professional curiosity aroused Leon had gone looking for a
     ADPolice files gave him what he needed.  A computer geek named Sato who
was suspected of a lot of computer espionage but never arrested because he
was occasionally useful.  Leon had tracked him down and convinced him to
cooperate with the forces of law and order.  Sato had weighed the alternatives
of money verses personal harm and agreed it was his civic duty.  For all his
bragging Leon didn't figure the guy was half as good as Nene had been.  Still
he found what Leon wanted with relative ease.  There hadn't been much effort
to conceal the identity of the financier of the funeral and its' security 
arrangements.  Except it wasn't Reika Chang, it was Mackie Stingray.
     Leaving Sato's dingy hole in the wall apartment (Sato spent most of his 
time in cyberspace so he didn't give a damn about physical appearances) Leon
had seen the poster.  It was advertising a wake for Priss to be held Saturday
night.  "Party till you drop to the music of MegaTokyo's latest and 
greatest thrash artist!"  Sure as hell not dignified but it sounded like 
Priss's style.  Only problem was where was the money coming from?  Priss 
wouldn't have left much of an estate.  He'd be there tomorrow night but he was 
going to be looking for answers the rest of Saturday.
     The next day he'd surprised the weekend staff by clocking in for overtime.
The wake was being held at the Burn Up Club.  There had been no attempt to
cover up the identity of the man hiring it.  Once again it was Mackie 
Stingray.  Just who the hell was this guy?  And why was the name vaguely
     A search of biographical data answered the second question.  His father
was Katsuhito Stingray, also known as the father of Boomer technology.  That
was why he'd known the name.  Four months shy of 19 years old, Mother deceased 
2019, Father deceased 2022, one sister recently deceased.  She'd been home on 
Red Tuesday and her apartment had been practically at ground zero.  Seems he 
had money to burn.  He was the owner of a biomech firm in Germany by the name 
of Phoenix.  His late sister had owned a chain of clothing stores which he 
would presumably inherit.  That was the publicly available data.  What it 
didn't explain was why he was paying for a Knight Sabers funeral?  Two of 
them if you included Priss's farewell party.
     Leon had reminded himself that he was supposed to be a detective.  Just
put the pieces together.  Solving this puzzle is better that sitting at home
remembering Priss and all the other victims of the rampage.  He wanted 
answers.  No one was going to tell him what he needed to know so he'd have to
find it for himself.  He didn't have Daley to rely on an longer.
     Ok a few facts.  Linna Yamazaki was a Knight Saber, everyone knows that.
What isn't public knowledge is that Priss was also a Knight Saber.  So that's
two of the four accounted for.  So, think about associates.  I know Priss and
Linna used to hang out together.  Matter of fact lots of times I saw them with
Nene ...  I remember that time at the airport they forced me to buy them 
lunch.  His train of thought derailed.  Nene!  He laughed.  That was crazy,
it made absolutely on sense ...  Didn't it?  He tried to think it through.
     Fact, Nene was an expert hacker.  Fact, her position gave her access to
everything ADPolice was investigating.  Fact, the Knight Sabers always knew
what ADPolice was doing.  Problem, Nene was not the most aggressive girl he 
knew ... had known.  Something about that tickled at his mind ... some sort 
of analysis.  
     A search through the Knight Sabers directory found him what he was 
looking for.  A couple of experts had done an analysis of all existing
video footage of the Knight Sabers.  Their conclusions?  From the fighting
styles it was obvious that the same people always used the same suits.
Therefore the Knight Sabers were a four woman group rather than a larger
group who alternated power armour usage.  Additionally one of the members,
the Pink Knight Saber, seemed to avoid combat where possible.  Perhaps this
indicated her function was data gathering/strategic analysis rather than
combat.  The report had been completed just prior to the Illegal Army 
incident.  During that the Pink Knight Saber was observed doing some major
ass kicking and the report was sent back for revision.
     Leon thought about that.  Nene had definitely become more aggressive
over the past year.  She'd always been running off to some "Increase your
self confidence" course.  Maybe she'd got tired of continually being 
overshadowed by her more self assured friends.  Leon had to concede that it
was actually possible.
     All right, for the sake of argument say Nene is the third Knight Saber.
That still leaves the identity of the fourth.  Not to mention the source of
the hardsuits.  Assume Mackie Stingray inherits his father's brilliance.  His
father died in a accident in a GENOM lab, maybe he thinks it wasn't an 
accident.  Maybe it wasn't, Dr. Stingray's death left GENOM in control of the
Boomer designs regardless of what their creator intended them for.  So using
his genius and/or materials he inherits for his father he creates the hard 
suits.  Only problem with that theory is that the Knight Sabers first appeared
in 2031.  Mackie Stingray would have been 14 years old at the time.
     Dead end.  Except that he wasn't an only child.  His sister would have
been 21 when the Knight Sabers first appeared.  Only she wasn't a scientist,
just a businesswoman.  
     One smart enough to build a clothing chain from nothing in competition 
with GENOM's retail empire.
     Leon had thought about it then called Sato again.  A combination of 
threats and compensation got Sato to break into the MegaTokyo Education 
Records.  A study of school records showed Sylia as a brilliant child, peaking
in her teens and then suddenly dropping to average grades.  Just another
prodigy who burned out young.
     Except what if that was an act?  What if she figured being known as a
genius would be dangerous?  Dangerous because four technological marvels were
going to be unleashed on the city.
     Leon had to admit that it was a fairly tenuous trail of reasoning.  He
had nothing to indicate a direct connection between the Knight Sabers and
Sylia Stingray.  He needed more but with all four of them dead where could
he go?
     He thought about it for a time then dialed a number.  The woman on the 
other end looked very down.  "What is it Detective MacNichol?"
     "Naoka, I'm sorry to bother you at home but there's something I need to 
know about Nene."
     "Did she ever mention a friend by the name of Sylia?"
     "Sylia Stingray?"
     Jackpot.  Keeping his voice level he said, "That's her.  What do you 
know about her?"
     Naoka thought back to Nene's last mention of the name.  "Not much.  I'm
not even sure they were friends.  I kind of got the impression Nene was doing
some sort of freelance work for her and getting overwhelmed."  A pause, "I
don't know if you know this but ..."
     "...Nene was a hell of a hacker."
     "Oh you knew that.  Well that's all right then."  Naoko sounded relieved.
     Leon ended the conversation as quickly as he could without seeming rude.
He had a somewhat stronger connection.  Sylia Stingray has Nene doing 
something unspecified for her.  Nene is good friends with two of the Knight
Sabers.  Sylia's brother is paying for the funerals of two Knight Sabers.
     Ok he maybe knew who the Knight Sabers were ... had been.
     So what?  They're still dead and reviled as terrorists.
     He had to talk to Mackie Stingray.  Confirm his suspicions and then ...
then do something to restore the Sabers' reputation.  If Stingray's sister
was one of them he'd want to do something about it.
     Still there was something nagging at his mind.  Nene and Priss were 
dead before the Knight Wing attacked GENOM.  But only two of the Sabers
were seen during that attack.  The White Saber killed Quincy.  The Green
Knight Saber (who turned out to be Linna) broke into a lab and destroyed
unspecified equipment.  GENOM had invoked corporate security when asked to
identify it.  So it was possible that they had killed Quincy.  Perhaps in
retaliation for the slaughter that cost them two of their members.  After
all he remembered finding Mason's body lying in a pool of blood next to the
words "Knight Sabers".
     In the meantime it was getting late.  He had a party to get to.
     "Burn Up" was packed, mention a free bar and an all night party and 
you'll attract a crowd.  Bouncers were turning people away and a recording was
announcing that only general admission had ended and only people on the list
would be admitted from now on.  Leon had barged up to the door intending to
use his ADP ID to get in.  He was surprised to learn he was on the list and
admitted immediately.
     Inside it was bedlam.  The dance floor was packed and Priss's voice was
screaming a song loud enough to make your ears bleed.  As Priss never got a
recording contract the music was either pirated or from her demo tapes.  
Screw it, he was off duty.  As he headed for the bar he got the impression 
that most of the dancers had no idea who Priss had been, they were just here 
to party.  That made sense, Priss's most diehard fans probably died with her.
     Leon was on his third drink when he spotted Stingray.  He was dancing 
with some pink haired girl about his own age.  Leon started over and found 
the bodyguard he'd noticed at Linna's funeral in the way.  She shook her head.
OK he got the message, right now is the wrong time to talk to Stingray.  He
kept watching him though.
     A little later Stingray had moved over to the a large window facing the
GENOM tower.  The current song ended and there was a second of silence.  
Mackie was carrying a mike in one hand and a plastic box in the other.
     "OK let's have your attention for a moment folks."  His voice boomed
over the club.  "Priscilla Asagiri, better known as Priss hated seeing people
getting depressed at funerals.  So she wanted her send off to be one big 
party."  Various cheers.  "So her last wishes were 'scatter my ashes over
MegaTokyo then party till you drop!'"  More cheers.  The window hummed open
automatically.  Mackie pulled the top of the box and shook its contents
outside.  The ash whirled away in the wind.  The window hummed shut cutting
off the November chill.  Stingray looked serious for a moment.  "Priss was 
the best damn singer ever born in this city and one hell of a woman!"  
Various howls and whistles.  "She wanted us to party so let's dance!"  He 
tossed the microphone aside and the music resumed.
     Might as well honour her last wishes, Leon thought.  Answers can wait
until tomorrow.  Tonight, Let's party.
     Which is probably why he woke up at 6 A.M. in a hotel room with a raging
hangover and a girl who looked underage.  Trying to keep his head from falling
off and praying he hadn't committed statutory rape Leon got dressed.  His
companion didn't stir, Leon had no idea what her name was.  He slipped out 
the door and headed for the front desk.  The room was paid up until morning
and he hadn't brought his car.  He'd arrived by taxi, good thing he hadn't
tried to drive given the state he'd undoubtably been in.
    He caught another taxi home.  He'd collapse in his apartment, try to get
some sleep despite the pounding in his head and go find his car later.  He
had a funeral to attend today.  Later on he'd ponder if his actions 
constituted disrespect for the dead.
     Which was why he was waiting at Sylia Stingray's funeral for her brother 
to arrive.  Patience was rewarded.  A limo pulled up and Stingray and his
two companions got out.  The bodyguard looked a little tired but otherwise
fine.  Stingray looked to be in excellent form, however his girlfriend was
definitely under the weather.  Leon stepped forward.  The bodyguard moved
to intercept but Stingray raised a hand and she stopped.  Leon took a
breath, "Mr. Stingray I'm ..."
     "Detective Leon MacNichol, ADPolice.  Priss used to talk about you."
     That threw Leon off his tracks, "...uh yeah ...ah"
     "You were hoping to ask me a few questions about recent events?"  Leon
nodded dumbly.  Stingray removed his shades and slipped them into the breast
pocket of his black suit.  "I'll be happy to talk to you informally after
the memorial service.  I've been waiting for the chance to ... sonofabitch!"
Stingray's self control slipped.  All Leon could see was a small fleet of 
approaching limos.  "Sonya, I'll meet you inside, Ilsa ..."
     "I'm staying.  That's my job."
     "Fine."  Stingray sighed.  "I can't believe that bastard had the nerve
to attend."
     The cars pulled up.  From the first and third very large men emerged
and began scanning the area.  The people who emerged from the fourth car
looked like reporters to Leon.  He'd learned to recognise jackals by their
attitude.  The driver of the second emerged and walked around to open the
passenger door.  She was stunning and Leon gawked at her until Stingray
whispered, "She's a boomer."  That brought him back to earth in a hurry.
     The door opened and GENOM's acting CEO Daniel Dumas emerged.  He was
followed by a woman Leon recognised from somewhere.  Some high power GENOM 
executive.  Dumas smiled and extended a hand.  Stingray kept his by his
sides.  "What are you doing here?"  The tone was ice cold.
     With no sign of concern Dumas lowered his arm.  "Your sister was an old
friend of mine Mackie."
     "Was.  Past tense."
     Dumas shook his head.  "Things changed while you were in Berlin.  We 
were seeing each other regularly before this tragedy struck."
     Stingray seemed to consider an angry retort, swallowed it and said "I 
don't want to cause a scene.  Sit at the back and don't cause any problems."
     "Of course.  By the way Mackie I thought you wanted to talk to me?"
     "After the service!"
     "Certainly.  But where are my manners I haven't introduced you.  Mackie
Stingray this is Kate Madigan the head of GENOM HQ security.  Kate this is
Mackie, he's the head of Phoenix Enterprises."
     Again Stingray didn't offer to shake hands.  "I've heard a lot about you
Ms. Madigan."
     "I've heard absolutely nothing about you Mr. Stingray."
     Dumas smiled and took her hand.  "Kate and I will be getting married
later in the month."
     "I'm sure you deserve each other."  Stingray's voice remained cool 
though it carried a hint of amusement.
     That was when the reporters pointed cameras at the two CEOs.  "Mr. Dumas,
Mr Stingray is there any truth to the rumours of Phoenix Enterprises coming
under the GENOM umbrella?" 
     "It's too early to say that ..."
     "When hell freezes over!"  Stingray's response was fairly unambiguous.
     "What will you be doing with the 'Silky Doll' chain?'"
     "No comment!"
     "Will you rebuild the flagship store?"
     "No comment."
     "Do you feel Phoenix can continue to remain independent in today's
economic climate?"
     "Yes, now if you'll excuse me I don't want to be late for my sister's
     Stingray and his bodyguard stalked inside.  Dumas turned to the reporters
and announced his upcoming marriage.  To Leon, Madigan's smile definitely
looked forced.  He left and slipped inside the hall.
     It was a memorial rather than a religious service.  There was nothing
to bury, no ash to scatter.  Like far too many others Sylia Stingray was gone
without a trace.  Mackie Stingray introduced himself and talked about his
sister.  How she'd raised him after the deaths of their parents when they
were both young.  How she'd been a successful businesswoman but that was such
a small part of her.  Sylia's courage, compassion and above all her humanity.
It was an eloquent and beautiful eulogy.  Perhaps wasted on this crowd, 
though maybe not.  Leon could see tears on more than a few cheeks.
     There were few other speakers.  Mackie had announced the tragic deaths
of his sister's closest friends during his speech.  To conclude Mackie 
returned to the podium and announced that by the terms of his sister's will
he inherited the clothing chain.  As he had no interest in running it himself
he'd be interviewing current store managers interested in the position of
president of the Silky Doll chain.  Leon could almost see them updating their
     Mackie thanked everyone for coming and the memorial broke up.  He headed
for the back of the room.  Leon started to follow but the bodyguard snagged
his arm.  "Later.  First he's got to talk to Dumas."  She was staring at
GENOM's boss with definite loathing.
     Dumas excused himself from Kate and headed over to Mackie.  Both checked
their scramblers were working and the conversation began.
     "I imagine there's a lot you want to say to me Mackie."
     "You have no idea how much I hate you."  Mackie's face and voice were
perfectly controlled."
     "I'm sorry but it was necessary."
     "Necessary?  There must have been millions of ways to get rid of Quincy
without causing a massacre."
     "Quincy controlled the company.  There were limits to what I could set
up with him watching me constantly."  He paused a moment.  "This was a truly
a tragedy.  It shows just how vulnerable cities are."
     Translation: what happened here could happen in Berlin.  
     "There are countermeasures that can be taken."  
     "Indeed there are."  Dumas paused, "Most terrorists are trying to avenge
some past injustice.  But violence just perpetuates violence.  We have to
break the cycle."
     Translation: Berlin is safe as long as you don't cause trouble.  
     Mackie nodded.  "Disaster's like this make you realize how much you have 
to lose."
     Translation: While I'd risk my own life to fight you I'm not going to
risk hundreds of innocent bystanders.
     Dumas smiled, "That's a truly mature attitude."
     Translation: You're scared of me.  That's a healthy attitude.  
     Mackie nodded, "I prefer to fight my battles in the financial arena.  Far 
less bloody."
     Translation: Phoenix isn't buckling under to you, scumbag.  
     Dumas shrugged. "Quite so, healthy competition is the cornerstone of 
     Translation: Not a problem.  It'll spur my people to outperform yours.
However with GENOM's resource base you can't hope to win.  Five years maximum
and Phoenix will be either bankrupt or absorbed.
     Time to turn this personal.  "I have some employees who feel you might 
bear them some ill will."
     Dumas smiled, "Nonsense.  Tell Frank and Ilsa not to worry so much."
     Translation: Keep your Wolfpac leftovers.  There's nothing they know or 
can prove that will hurt me.  I'm throwing you this minor concession because 
if you feel there's nothing to lose you might become dangerous.  If you're
responsible for people's lives you'll remain under control."
     "I'm sure they'll be glad to hear that.  They've been worried about
their hobby."
     "Tell them I have no objections."
     Translation: Keep running the Knight Shadows if you want I'm not that
concerned with what you do in Berlin..  With Staeler gone you've lost your 
enemy and therefore your purpose.  Besides armoured vigilantes are going to 
become very unpopular after recent events.
     "My sister left certain bequests ..."  Namely her evidence on you and the
illegal things you were doing in Europe before your transfer.
      "I'm afraid those will never be fulfilled."
      Translation: The physical evidence was destroyed along with Knight Sabers
HQ, I've taken steps to neutralize the stuff designed for public release into
the globalnet.  Beside I've got enough power now to bury anything I missed.
     "Well I guess we know each other's position."
     "It's good to have such a frank exchange of views."
     Dumas left to rejoin Kate and his security people.  As he'd expected
Mackie was under control.  In three to five years Phoenix would be gone and
Mackie would have nowhere to turn except GENOM.  Yes, it would be useful to
have another enhanced handy.  Especially one firmly under his thumb.
     Mackie rejoined Ilsa and Sonya.  Leon was waiting with them.  Time to
get on with this.  "You still want to talk to me?"  Leon nodded.  "OK.  Ilsa
take Sonya back to the hotel, that's an order."  She looked about ready to
argue but nodded.  Mackie looked at Leon, "There's a bar two blocks down.
We'll talk there."  His expression darkened.  "I just had to make a deal with
a very evil man.  I really need a drink."
      The bar was almost empty.  Mackie ordered a double whiskey on the rocks 
and headed for a corner booth.  Leon grabbed a beer and came over to join him.
Before he could ask anything Stingray said, "No one's monitoring us.  Now 
would you mind turning off your recorder?"  How the hell had he known?  Leon
pulled the device from his pocket, set it on the table and popped the audio
disc out.  Stingray relaxed a little. "So.  You have questions?"
     Where to start?  And am I dead wrong about this?  Start with what you do
know.  "You took quite a chance paying for Linna's funeral?"
     Stingray didn't flinch.  "That fact is going to stay buried.  I don't 
have to cover it up, someone else will do it for me."
     "GENOM."  Leon looked amazed so Mackie added.  "GENOM's new president is 
not going to want any links established between the Stingray family and the 
Knight Sabers.  It could cause questions to be asked concerning his
relationship with my sister.   Don't look so surprised.  Why did you think 
media coverage was so light?"
     "GENOM told them to lay off?"
     "Right.  By now all references to who paid for that service are either
erased or buried."  Mackie paused.  "If I'd done it openly it would have been
an act of provocation.  So I buried it beyond the reach of the general public 
and let GENOM worry about the finer details."
     "The hacker I hired ..."
     "He's safe enough as long as he doesn't try to use his knowledge.  Dumas
likes to think he's a civilized man.  So he won't wipe out everyone who 
possesses some knowledge about the Knight Sabers.  At least as long as they 
don't try to do anything with it.  Things like who the other Knight Sabers
were for example."  A pause.  "You'd better warn your hacker not to try 
blackmailing me.  He'll be dead and his evidence gone before I have the 
chance to pay him off."
     Have to warn Sato.  What to say next.  "I know who the other Knight 
Sabers were."
     "I believe you."  There was no hint of disbelief in Stingray's voice.
Leon tried to think.  What next?  Name names?  No.  Bottom line was he wanted
to know why.  Why had the city gone crazy.  Why had Priss died?
     "Just what did happen tuesday night?"
     Stingray gazed off for a moment.  "GENOM suffered a change in management.
Other people took the blame for it.  That's really all there was to it."
     Images flooded Leon's mind.  All the corpses he'd seen in sector five 
... Priss, Daley, Nene.  All dead because Daniel Dumas wanted to be CEO.  It
     "Keep your voice down please."  With an effort Leon calmed himself.
"All right what are we going to do about it."
     Leon stared at Stingray, "You can't mean you're going to do nothing!"
     Mackie's control slipped and Leon could see the rage written across his
face.  "Do you think I want it this way.  I just lost my sister and three
good friends.  If that's not enough they're blamed for the worst massacre of
civilians this decade.  Every good thing they ever did is forgotten.  And
the bastard behind it all is untouchable."
     "So you're just giving up.  That's crap.  The Knight Sabers never gave 
up!  They ..."
     "ARE DEAD!"  Somewhat more calmly Mackie added.  "You know I was like
everyone else, I really thought the Knight Sabers were invincible.  And why
not?  They faced unbelievable odds and always triumphed.  They seemed bigger
than life."  Mackie sighed and sipped his drink.  "But the truth of the matter
is that behind those suits were four very mortal women.  And all it took to
bring them down was one night.  One night and a man willing to do whatever it 
took to wipe them out."
      Leon studied Mackie in disbelief.  "Your own sister dies and you're 
just going to shrug and say 'shit happens'?"
     "As long as I do that Berlin doesn't get a Red Tuesday."  Mackie looked
tired.  "Remember what I said about having knuckle under to an evil man.
Long as I stay quiet Berlin doesn't burn."
     "But we could ..."
     "What?  There's no way to prove any of this.  Try to expose Dumas and
all you'll do is get yourself killed."
     Leon looked at Mackie with contempt.  "You're nothing like your sister,
she fought for what she believed in ..."
     "And she died for it.  GENOM's as powerful as ever.  Powerful enough to
wipe out a lot of innocent people and get away with it."  Mackie locked eyes
with Leon.  "If it was just my own life at risk I'd go for it.  But a lot of
other people would suffer for my actions and I can't risk that."
     Leon sat back.  After a moment he said, "I'm not like you.  Maybe you can
just walk away from this but I can't.  I have to do something."
     "She didn't love you."
     The words seemed to hang in the air.  Leon felt very cold and stared at
Stingray.  "WHAT?"
     "Priss didn't love you."  Leon's right hand slammed across the table to 
grab Stingray by his jacket.  Halfway there his arm stopped dead as Mackie
grabbed his wrist and held it motionless.  Leon's left hand twitched towards 
his holster.  
     "No!"  It was spoken quietly but very coldly.  Leon froze.  In a more
normal tone Mackie added, "I really don't want to have to break your wrist
Leon."  Leon had absolutely no doubts Stingray could and would do it. "Ready
to listen?"
     Leon nodded and Mackie released his wrist.  Leon thought briefly about
renewing his assault but dropped it at the look that flickered across Mackie's
face.  Mackie seemed to consider then said.  "Priss liked you, I'd even say
she was fond of you.  But she wasn't in love with you.  If you think you'd
be honouring a bond between you by going on a suicide run that's just not
true.  Priss wouldn't want you to throw your life away for nothing."
     Leon found it difficult to breathe.  He managed to say, "She was special,
I ..."  He trailed off, uncertain of what he'd wanted to say.
     Mackie nodded.  "Priss, Nene, Linna, Sis.  They were all special.  But
they're gone and there's nothing we can do to avenge them."  After a moment
he added, "I'll tell you the same thing I told Reika Chang.  Maybe you'll
     "Go ahead."
     "Dumas is more dangerous than Quincy ever was!  If you try to fight him
you'll die futilely having achieved nothing."  He looked depressed.  "She
wouldn't listen.  I'm going to try to convince her again but I don't think
I'll succeed."  He sighed.  "She'll get herself killed and Dumas won't even
be scratched."
      Leon tried to think of something, anything to say.  "You really believe
     "Some people are above the law."  Before Leon could interrupt Mackie
said, "We both know that's true.  Especially in this town."
     They sat and drank in silence for a while.  After a time Leon asked, "So
what do we do now?"
     Mackie put down his glass.  "I'll be setting up the administration for
the Silky Doll chain before I return to Berlin.  Once there I intend to take
out Eurocitizenship and stay there."  He finished his drink.  "There's
nothing to hold me in this lousy city anymore.  Everyone in this country I
cared about is dead."
     "My advice to you detective is to get on with your life.  Act as if you
believe the official story because there's no way you can expose the truth.
For Priss's sake don't throw your life away."
     Leon didn't answer.  Just got up and left.  He'd be unhappy when he found
the disc on his second recorder contained nothing but unreconstructable 
     Mackie headed out to hail a taxi and return to his hotel.  As he waited
thoughts unechoed on his face rippled through his mind.  
     "Goodbye Leon.  I really hope you bought my line of bullshit because
there's no point in you throwing your life away.  But I was lying to you all
along, and more importantly to Dumas."
     "I'm not going to let Daniel get away with this.  He'll pay.  Not today,
not tomorrow but someday.  That's why I'm planning to do the craziest thing
I've ever done.  When I rejoin Sis in Berlin that's when we'll get started."
     "No it doesn't end here.  You're not infallible Daniel.  You missed Sis
and you didn't believe I could lie to you.  We've got plans and we're both
as enhanced as you are.  Your day is coming.  Someday I'll fulfill Priss's
last request."
     He almost smiled at the memory.  Those hadn't been Priss's ashes he'd
scattered.  The real ashes had been mailed to Berlin.  Priss had been very
specific about what was to be done with her remains.  Mackie wouldn't be
acting to the letter of her wishes.  Right now it was pointless to waste them
on Quincy.  But he figured she'd meant the living GENOM CEO.
     And someday soon he'd cram them down Daniel's throat.

End of Part 6

Next: It's December in Berlin and things are starting to happen.

Part 7 : Soul Survivors.
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