Jacob MSN Chat
Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
Hello How are you all doing?

Dish Diva :
Jacob, welcome to MSN Live! Thanks for inviting us into the studio during your rehearsal.

Dish Diva :
Let's get started with the audience questions!

Dish Diva : TorontoOtownGirl Asks: What has been the hardest part of being on the road for you?

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
Doing laundry

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
I like the road alot it's just doing laundry

Dish Diva :
jacobs_girl Asks: Hi Jacob!! I love you so much! My question is: who do you get along with best in the group? Thanks! -Denise

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
I've known Trevor the longest so we have the most repore

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
but all of us get along like brothers

Dish Diva :
AshleyLOL Asks: Hey Jacob! What kind of tatoo do you have and what does it symbolize? I love you Jacob!

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
Jesus Christ Son of God Savior It is Hebrew

Dish Diva :
o-town_ice says: How hard was it to learn all the dances and become part of a group?

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
I think the work to me is the best part

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
I'm actually doing it right now =)

DishDiva :
jenbec Asks: Hiya Jacob! :p What do you enjoy most from being in O-Town? Love ya lots! Jen

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
Hi Jen My dream was always to be in music

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
It's really fun to start your career with a bunch of friends to share it with

DishDiva :
We are in the studio with O-Town's Jacob as he and the rest fo the group practice their moves. It's a good night to be joining us on MSN Live!

DishDiva :
O_Town_Gurl Asks: Hi, What is the craziest thing a fan has ever done for you? Love You

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
Hi O'Town Girl a girl in Toronto had a hamster for us to throw out

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
and that caught our attention

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
this big hamster cage !

DishDiva :
Do you still have the hamster?

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
No we were in Canada so we couldnt bring it across the border

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
so we gave it to the radio station

DishDiva :
That was amazing. She really wanted you to have that hamster. I can't believe she floated that hamster in a cage through the audience to you!

DishDiva :
sweetiedw1025 Asks: My question is what do you do in your free time?

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
Hi Sweet GW ..If I'm not home visiting friends I'm at home writing music
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