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Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
and I was in a christian group on the West Coast

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
so I've been slowly getting into it since high school

DishDiva :
Jacob_Is_A_Cutie says: Hey Jacob!!! I was wondering, if a fan gave you a gift what would be the best thing they could give you??LOVE ALWAYS, Ashley

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
Hi Ashley , I have no idea . I dont expect anything so I wouldnt know what to tell you

DishDiva :
GidgetOO Asks: do you miss the life you had before you joined this band?

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
Not really

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
This is the life I'm been aspiring to have since I was five years old

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
so this work makes me happy

DishDiva :
All_For_O_Towns_Love Asks: Hey Jacob!!! What instrument did u play in ur band in highschool, or did u do vocals??? Thanks, luv ya, Jessica

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
Growing up I played Saxaphone, Piano, Clarinet,Guitar, Bass, and I'm wanting to learn the violin now

DishDiva :
iluvotown1 Asks: Hi Jacob!! Where do you see yourself 10 years from now? ~Shaunie

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
that's too far in the future to say

DishDiva :
sweetywi4 says: Hey Jacob!! Why did you dye your hair red? Any special reason? hugs and kisses, Sarah

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
Hi Sarah before I did this I used to dye my hair once a month

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
so I guess it was just a way of proving that I wouldnt change just being who I am

DishDiva :
Brutal_Honey_Presto Asks: Hey Jacob, when is your birthday?~?

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
April 25, 1980

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :

DishDiva :
Ashleyz_Angel_4ever Asks: Jacob, I always watch MTB and I was wondering why do they blur out your shirts sometimes? I luv U

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
Not allowed to wear logos

DishDiva :
OTownFan4Ever Asks: Hey Jacob! What was your favorite cartoon growing up? Much luv Bea~Bea and Marly

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
No I didnt

DishDiva :
coolbeans says: Is there anything in school that you prepared you for the path you are now on?

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
Well I did it for myself by learning the instruments

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
and taking vocal classes

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
i started in the seventh grade

DishDiva :
erigirl15 Asks: Why did you paint your nails for the Regis and Kathi Lee performance ? Any particular reason ?

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
I've been doing it for over a year

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
it was when I started playing the guitar and I liked it

Guest_O-Town-Jacob :
and it was another way of proving that I could do this and not change who I am
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