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     Hey all you super7 junkies out there! This is the one for you! This program will randomly generate the numbers for a Super7 lottery ticket and sort them in assending order. Each board for this lottery displays 7 random integers between 1 and 49. Good Luck!

/**Name of Program File: Super7.java
Author:   Travis McGrath                 
INFO140 Section #    04                  Date:      Nov. 1, 2001
Your Company Name: Lottery Predictors
Description: This program will randomly generate the numbers for a Super7
             lottery ticket.  Each board for this lottery displays 7 random
             integers between 1 and 49*/

public class Super7
    public static void main(String[] args)

        System.out.print("This program will randomly generate the numbers " +
        "for a Super7 lottery ticket.");
        System.out.print("The numbers for your Super7 ticket are: ");

        int[] boardArray = new int[7];
        for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j <= 6 ; j++)
                boardArray[j] = (int)((Math.random()*49)+1);
              }//end array loading for

            //sort loops
            for (int outerIndex=1; outerIndex < boardArray.length-1; outerIndex++)
                for (int index = 0; index < boardArray.length-1; index++)
                    if (boardArray[index] > boardArray[index+1])
                        int holder = boardArray[index];
                        boardArray[index] = boardArray[index+1];
                        boardArray[index+1] = holder;
                      }//end if
                  }//end inner loop for
              }//end outer for

            //print for loop
            for (int boardIndex = 0; boardIndex < boardArray.length-1; boardIndex++)
               System.out.print(boardArray[boardIndex] + "\t");
             }//end print for

          }//end for

      }//end main
  }//end class