Table Of Contents
Guild Houses of Blood
One Small Detail
T. R. O. K. Awards
T&T Handler II Update
Graphical Dungeon
Poetic War
Trollhalla Coinage




T. R. O. K. submission points (Issue 3 - Volume 1, November 2004)
Published and submitters names  Publish Score (Issue) Submission Award (Issue) Total Score (issue)
Graham Buckingham 82 , 467 3 , 000 87 , 467
Angela St. Andre* 35 , 078 00 37 , 078
Kyrinn S. Eis 23 , 744 1 , 500 25 , 244
Quaghmyre 12 , 622 2 , 000 14 , 622
Katharine Kerr* 7 , 768 00 7 , 768
Justin T. Williams 3 , 020 1 , 000 4 , 020
Taran Dracon 1 , 529 500 2 , 029
Ken St. Andre* 00 2 , 000 2 , 000

* -- Ken St. Andre submitted this story by Katharine Kerr and Angela St. Andre

Published and submitters names  Publish Score (Overall) Submission Award (Overall) Total Score (Overall)
Graham Buckingham 149 , 198 3 , 000 152 , 498
Kyrinn S. Eis 58 , 749 1 , 500 60 , 279
Angela St. Andre 35 , 078 00 37 , 078
Ken St. Andre 15 , 211 1 , 000 16 , 211
Quaghmyre 12 , 622 2 , 000 14 , 622
Dandelion Studios 15 , 000 00 15 , 000
Unknown (Issue 2) 14 , 489 00 14 , 489
Katharine Kerr 7 , 768 00 7 , 768
Taran Dracon 5 , 103 500 5 , 603
Justin T. Williams 3 , 020 1 , 000 4 , 020


January 2004
May 2004


Graham Buckingham