UFO's and Aliens are one of the hottest paranormal topics around. Opinion on this topic can be found with just about any one, and there are a number of interesting theories on the subject. Whether or not you believe in UFO's, whether you think aliens will be little green men, or be small grey humanoids, I encourage you to check out these links. There are many interesting sites on the subject, with lots of neat info. You can check out the webrings on the front page if you want more info on the subject too.
     This is the first collection of links. Now that these are posted, I'm working on gathering a new set. These are some of the best sites on the net, so I encourage you to check them out. If any links are broken or you have a suggestion, mail it to ufoguy8@hotmail.com. Check back for more links soon.

Area 51--A nicely done Area 51 site.
Alien On Line--Nice collection of pics here.
The X-files--This site has info on the show, pics, links, and more.
International Society for UFO Research--It's got some pics and some articles.
UFOs Are A Hot Topic--This site has a collection of links at the bottom.
Evademics UFOs and Aliens Site--This is another nicely done site.
UFO Info--This site has lots of good stuff.
Total UFO--This is another large site(It even has some info on Chupacabra).
UFOs at Mining Co.--This site has a little bit of everything. It has a nice collection of links.
The Unexplained--This is another site with a lot of good all around stuff.
Alien Bases on Earth--The name says it all.
Alien Astronomer--Good Site. Some nice info.
UFO Folklore--This is another site with lots of good info.
Information regarding UFOs (Aliens)--This site has some nice links
The Ultimate UFOLOGISTS WWW Page--This is a good site, with lots of info.
Robin's UFO/Alien Gallery--This is another good site with a lot of info.
The Groom Lake Desert Rat--This is a series of good newsletter type articles.
Wibble's UFO Page--This is a great site, with tons of good info.
UFO SCOTLAND--A very nicely done international site.
Alien City--This is another one really great site. It's got a ton of stuff.
Military bases and UFOs--A list of military bases possibly involved with UFOs.
Alien Exchange--This site has a good reference section on aliens/ufos in the Bible.
Mystery Aircraft--A lot of info on mysterious aircraft. Check out some of the possible UFO connections.
Fund for UFO Research--This site has a really large list of UFO sightings. Just click on the Classic UFO cases at the bottom of the first page to see it.

Other Neat Things

An article I wrote entitled UFO's: Do they exist?
UFO Screen Saver--You can download a neat UFO screen saver here.
SETI Screensaver--You can download a SETI screen saver here, that allows you to help in the search for intelligence in outer space.

Pics of UFO's located on site:
UFO Pic1
UFO Pic2
UFO Pic3
UFO Pic4
UFO Pic5

The True Page of the Unexplained