Sarah's Page

Shhh.... I'm hiding. I always do that when new people come around. If you stick around for a little while, though, I'll peek my head out from the basement doorway and slowly make my way to your lap. I'm a princess, you know. Little Princess Dairy Face. My Aunt Peggy gave me that name because I love butter, and any other dairy product. If Mommy leaves the butter dish out I push it with my paw until I knock the top off and then I leave tongue tracks in the butter. I get scolded when I do that but I do it anyway. Besides, I run faster than Mom does.

Everyone says I have an especially rough tongue. They know that because I like to give lickies, and if I give you lickies, especially nose lickies, it means I really like you a lot, so you should be pleased. Even though it's a sign of affection, my Mom gets really annoyed when I do it very early in the morning and calls me a pest. She has to make sure no skin is sticking out of the covers because I like to give her lickies to wake her up and get me and Patch some breakfast. She's really good at saying "Sarah, NO LICKIES!!!" Of course, I don't pay any attention but she says it anyway.

I also have another nickname....(blush!)... Miss Poop-in-the-Tub. I do that sometimes. Mom doesn't yell at me too much for that, since it's easy to clean up and really, she doesn't blame me....she understands how it is sharing a bathroom with a man!

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