Uri's page-Black List

Hall of Shame

Black List of Dishonest Numismatists



If you are not getting paid or sent items to you, you can only list the dishonest person here after two or more months of receiving no response from that person.
I'm not responsible for the consequences of this list and not responsible for information posted here if it is wrong or untrue. I am only placing letters or e-mails received from persons who have asked to publish the info on this page.
Once the dishonest person settles his/her accounts with you it's your duty to contact me as soon as possible and to let me know to remove your letter from this page. If you are not able to deliver your coins to someone you have to notice that person right away. If you delay with delivery, you might end up here. Rather admit that you are unable to pay your debt than hide. If you've been paid for the goods that you all of a sudden can not deliver then send your customer's money back to him/her immediately. Any kind of delay will only put you in trouble. Remember, the one who hides is not right. The one who delays with delivery is considered dishonest, not talking about those who swindle and steal.

(Temporaly off-line)


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