[Written in February 2001. Published in "Deccan Herald" newspaper, Year 2001, Bangalore, India.]

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     Fluff the big white cloud sighed aloud for about the hundredth time that day as he wandered all by himself. His face wore an expression of extreme sadness and his big fluffy cheeks had turned a pale off-white. As he floated around miserably in the blue summer sky, his face grew sadder and sadder.

     "Why me? Why?" he sighed again, with tears in his eyes. "Why am I so different? All my brothers and sister know how to rain so well. They turn such a lovely shade of gray in the rainy season. But I... I'm simply, simply hopeless!"

     It was sad, but true. Fluff had never been able to rain ever since he was a little cloud. The other clouds -- young and old -- would shower the lush, green valleys with clear, sparkling water. But with Fluff, it was not so. Try as he might, Fluff could not squeeze out even a few tiny drops when the season came along. The little clouds would snigger behind his back and poke fun at him for not being able to rain. But the older clouds would shake the heads in despair over what would become of him.

     The night was chilly and Fluff shivered as he floated on, lost in his own thoughts. The stars in the night sky called out to him to play. But Fluff silently passed them by. His old friend the Moon spotted him wandering gloomily along and cried out, "Hey Fluff! Care for a snack old pal?" But Fluff simply shook his head and floated on.

     No one, not even Fluff himself, knew how long he had been floating for or how far he had drifted away from home. But suddenly, after what seemed like hours, Fluff stopped with a start and looked around him and down to the Earth below. He had absolutely no idea where he was! The wide stretch of sky around him and the large expanse of land below were totally unfamiliar. Where he came from, spruce and conifer and pine trees lined the rich, dark brown soil. Mountain ranges loomed up sky high. And in the greenness of the valley below, hundreds of little people would rush around busily doing their daily chores. But out here nothing -- absolutely nothing - seemed to be even vaguely familiar. Even the stars were no longer the same! Nothing moved. The air around him was absolutely still and the earth below as empty and fruitless as a desert.

     Fluff shivered, more from the fear that now gripped him than from the growing cold. "Where am I?" he asked nervously. "In what strange land?" He looked around scared. Down below a few small shrubs hissed mischievously as they nestled together in the darkness and the soil glistened a curious brown-black in the moonlight. Apart from this, there was no trace of any other life whatsoever.

     "I'm lost, hopelessly lost! And there's not a soul here to help me find my way back home," Fluff burst into tears. "Why did I not see where I was going? Now how in the wide, wide world am I going to get back?" Tears flowing down his face, Fluff began to look left and right trying to find a familiar star or at least a lost ray of moonlight that could become his guide. But nothing seemed to be the same anymore.

     Fluff peered far into the darkness lit faintly only by the light from the stars. And as he strained his eyes he thought he heard the faintest of sounds like a sad lonely wail of pain. Fluff gave a start. "Surely my ears are playing tricks on me?" he thought and looked away. A few seconds later the painful sounds reached him again, a little clearer this time, "He...lp!" cried the voice thinly into the silence, "He...lp!"


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     Fluff dived lower and sailed haphazardly, zig zagging through the air. "Where are you? Where are you?" Fluff called out. "Who needs help?" But there was no reply, just another heart-rending wail that cut through the stillness like a knife, and then silence.

     Fluff was now more frantic then ever. Someone seemed to need help desperately. And there was no telling what even a second's delay could do to that poor soul in the wilderness! Moving as fast as he could, Fluff soon came to a little area scattered with small rocks and a few blades of grass sprouting here and there. He spotted a lonely little wild Lily lying limply in a patch of yellow-green grass, shivering in the cold night air.

     "O my God! O my God! What have we here!" cried out Fluff in despair as he floated lower still and hovered in the air. "Why, you look absolutely pale little Lily, and so weak...''

     For a long moment the Lily was as silent as the night. And then slowly, almost softer than a whisper, Fluff heard just one word "W..a..ter!"

     Fluff gasped but did not move. He seemed to have frozen in mid-air and just stood staring at the wilting petals of the Lily as they grew more and more lifeless by the second. "Water? Where am I going to find WATER on this lonely, barren land," thought Fluff loudly, "When I don't even know where I am... "

"Think you are in very big fix stranger?" spoke up a high-pitched voice out of nowhere. Fluff gave a startled bounce and spun around to face the voice. "Oh! Oh!" he mumbled.

     "Stop 'Oh ohing' stranger. It sounds silly!"

     "I'm not silly" replied Fluff, his cheeks puffed up in irritation. "And I'm not a stranger! My name is Fluff and I had absolutely no idea I wasn't alone,"shouted Fluff, all in one single breath. "The least I expected was a star to creep up behind me in the middle of nowhere."

     "I'm Sparkle," said the star, ignoring Fluff's irritation and looking at the Lily. "So, think you can help her? She's been groaning for hours and my heart bleeds to watch her dying."

     "What can I do Sparkle? It makes me feel sad too. But what can I POSSIBLY do?"

     "Fluff, if you are a cloud, maybe you think you could shower a few drops of rain on that poor flower," replied Sparkle.

     Fluff looked away. Sparkle's words had pierced him like a thunderbolt. "I can't. I simply can't," said the cloud. I know it sounds silly, I know you'll probably laugh and jeer at me just like the other little clouds. But ever since I can remember, I simply CAN'T rain. And I do so much want to help little Lily." Fluff's voice trembled with grief. "She's thirsty, I'm a cloud, and yet I can't do anything to help her. It's unfair to both of us."

     Sparkle glittered soundlessly in the darkness, not uttering a word. Fluff's sad story had shocked him into silence. "I'm sorry Fluff,' whispered the star.

     "It's nothing really. It happens to me all the time," said Fluff smiling a sad smile.

     Sparkle and Fluff stood silently side by side, each one not knowing what to say to the other. And then suddenly Sparkle spoke up, "But there IS something you CAN do, Fluff," said Sparkle excitedly, his eyes twinkling brightly.


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     "What in the world can I do?" asked Fluff confused by Sparkle's sudden flash of excitement.

     "But of course you can Fluff," laughed the Star in happiness, almost ready to burst.

     "Okay now listen carefully, we don't have much time. Now Fluff, not far away from here is a huge lake," said Sparkle pointing in a direction towards a far-off clump of bushes. And let me hope against hope that that merciless Sun has not dried it up of all its water."

     "So?" asked Fluff, not really understanding what Sparkle was trying to say.

     "So? There's a nice, cool lake, and here are you -- a pretty little cloud. Now do you get the picture?" said Sparkle his eyes glowing bright with joy.

     "No," said Fluff sadly. "I don't. Please tell me. It's really getting late."

     "Okay, okay. What I meant to say was that if you could fly down to the lake and fill up your fluffy, cottony body with water, and bring it here."

     "I could sprinkle it over poor Lily," said Fluff, finishing the idea that Sparkle had started.

     "Exactly!" cried Sparkle joyfully. It's worth a try. And any day better than just sitting around and doing nothing for Lily," said Sparkle looking at Fluff.

     "I'll do it! I'll do it! I'll do it for Lily. And for all the sneers and jeers that I've heard for not being able to rain," promised Fluff. "But there is one big problem."

     "And that is?"

     "I don't know the way Sparkle. How do I get to the lake?"

     "That's no problem at all little cloud. Follow the path along which my light shines and it will take you to the lake," said Sparkle, pointing to the narrow strip of earth that had lit up with starlight.

     Fluff began to float away as Sparkle flashed him a 'thumbs up' sign.

     The path was long and lonely, and silence filled the night air. Only a sickly drumming noise of the crickets filled the emptiness around him and Fluff hated it. The light from Sparkle had also become dim, and Fluff was beginning to find it difficult to see the path. And just as the starlight was beginning to totally fade away, Fluff thought he spotted a glimmer of water just behind a large clump of dried up bushes.

     The lake shimmered against the dim light and soft waves rippled softly through its blue-black surface. Fluff edged slowly downwards in the direction of the lake. The quiet ripples grew louder as the wind blew softly through them.

     Lower and lower he floated till his small white cottony body almost touched the lake. He slowly started skimming the surface of the lake, floating like a big soft glob of winter fog. And as he moved, Fluff began to feel the water seep into him, his cottony body taking in all that it could. Slowly, slowly, ever so slowly, Fluff felt his body grow heavier and heavier with each movement of the water lapping gently around him. It was a long while before Fluff felt he had enough water with which he could fly back safely without bursting with the weight.

     The little cloud rose up slowly from the lake as much as he could without feeling the strain of the water within him as his eyes searched for Sparkle's starlight. "Ah, there it is!" said Fluff spotting the path along which he had come. And once again with the starlight to guide him, Fluff made his way back to Sparkle, this time carrying a cloud full of water.

     Meanwhile Lily had begun to shrink even more, and Sparkle could barely see her tiny petals against the light. And, she had barely uttered a word or even opened her eyes.

     "What if it's too late?" said Sparkle, his light shining dimly then brightly in alarm. "No, no, no negative thoughts. Everything will be just fine. I know it!"

     As if in response to his words, Sparkle saw Fluff floating up to him panting and gasping for breath. The journey back had been even longer for because of the enormous weight he was carrying.

     "You did it Fluff, you did it and you never thought it possible," spoke Sparkle in a happy voice.

     "Yup, thanks to you!"

     "Ok so then, what are we waiting for?" asked Sparkle looking first at Fluff, then at the Lily. "Make it rain little cloud. Squeeze, squeeze, squeeze hard."


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     Fluff looked anxiously at the Star wondering whether he would be able to squeeze hard enough to sprinkle water on the Lily. Fluff took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He could feel the wetness of the water within him and sense the eerie terror of the Lily below him Lying on the ground. He took another deeper breath this time, closed his eyes tighter than he had ever closed them in his life and began to curl. He curled slowly and felt the water splash against him inside. He could feel Sparkle's eyes watching him.

     "Tighter Fluff, you've got to make yourself tighter," whispered Sparkle Fluff curled tighter. The brave little cloud continued to curl. His cheeks puffed up and then softly, ever so silently, Fluff felt something he had never felt before. A soft tiny drop of water began to form slowly and trickle down his chin. At first he thought, it was a puff of breeze. But it wasn't. Fluff couldn't help but smile.

     "Congrats Fluff!" shouted Sparkle in joy, "You've just made your first drop of rain."

     "Wow!" gasped Fluff and curled up more. He felt the tiniest of drops brush against his chin and fall away onto the earth below. "I can't believe I'm actually doing this!" thought Fluff in surprise.

     Sparkle cheered him on, and Fluff was soon showering drops of rain on a dry land far away from home on a dying flower. It took more than a few drops though to quench little Lily and by the time the cloud had squeezed himself out to the last drop of water, the night had grown darker and deeper. Lily had taken in every drop of water thirstily and now seemed emit a glimmer of life. Her petals glistened in the pale starlight and she had a sweet smile on her face as she lay peacefully on the ground.

     "She'll look and feel better when the Sun comes up tomorrow morning," said Sparkle.

     The two watched Lily for a long time, silently thinking about the adventure they had been through.

     "I think I'd better find my way back home now," said Fluff to Sparkle.

     "Don't be silly Fluff!" replied Sparkle, "In this darkness, you'll probably find yourself over Antarctica and that wouldn't be too good, would it?"

     Fluff laughed, "Okay, okay, I'll spend the night here and maybe the Sun will show me the way back home in the morning."

     "Great! But you probably won't see me then. So, goodnight and goodbye dear friend! You are one brave cloud!"

     Fluff smiled to himself and went to sleep. It had been a night of 'firsts' for him and he was happy -- he had found his first real pal and sprinkled his first drop of rain to save a life.



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Caravan To Thul

Night and the Glowworms

The Sun Through My Window


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[Written in February 2001. Published in "Deccan Herald" newspaper, Year 2001, Bangalore, India.]

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Scala the Little Witch-Maid ...  and more yet to come ....!!

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