Photo of Army Flag ARMY

Photo of U.S.Flag

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The United States Army is the branch of the armed services responsible for military land operations. The Army must be prepared to use swift, forceful action to overcome any enemy that might threaten the United States or its interests in other parts of the world. It also helps train the military forces of many friendly countries and supplies them with equipment. The Army is often called upon to help in disasters such as epidemics, floods, forest fires, and storms. It coordinates the disaster-relief activities of the armed services. It locates and marks civil defense shelters.

In addition, the Army constructs and operates a large number of public works, including flood control projects. It also improves inland waterways and harbors.

The Army is the oldest branch of the nation's armed services. It dates back to June 14, 1775, when the Continental Congress created the Continental Army. Army history includes the deeds of such military leaders as George Washington, Ulysses S. Grant, John J. Pershing, George C. Marshall, and Douglas MacArthur, as well as the heroism of countless soldiers.

It is also a story of changes brought about by science, inventions, and discoveries. Its weapons have grown from muzzle-loading muskets to atomic bursts delivered by guns and missiles. Army transport has changed from horses and wagons to trucks and aircraft. The radio, telegraph, and television revolutionized communications. The use of aircraft and airborne troops added new strength on the battlefield.The U.S. Army operates under the Department of the Army. Army strength may vary according to the nation's worldwide and domestic needs.

Today, the Army has about 480,000 men and women on active duty throughout the world. About 560,000 people serve in the U.S. Army Reserve and National Guard. About 220,000 U.S. citizens serve as civilian employees in the U.S. Army. The official Army flag colors are blue, white, and red, with yellow fringes. The flag carries 173 streamers. Each streamer represents a battle or campaign fought by the Army. In all wars that have involved the United States, about 500,000 soldiers have died in battle. About 1,200,000 soldiers have been wounded in battle.