The march of Civilisation
Victoria before 1848
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Arrivals in 1841,
Surnames - List

They came by the Georgiana, arrived 1841

Passenger lists - NSW lists as families or singles, Victoria has age of individual, or C=child, A=Adult.
Some are not on both lists, people slip between the lists - Vic includes crew and maybe the paying passengers.
Summary of the very entertaining record from Richard Ryther Steer Bowker's Diary, by

Richard Ryther Steer Bowker emigrated from Liverpool departing 4 October 1840 to Melbourne, Victoria, per "Georgiana". The Georgiana was a 406 ton barque under Capt. Stephenson, carrying bounty immigrants. He was the Surgeon Superintendent, and was paid £97/2/6 or about 10/6 for each migrant landed safely. He kept a diary on board.

Rev Mr. Wigmore about 45 years of age, an Irish Church of England Clergyman. He stands, I think, above 6 feet and is, as the vulgar say, as thin as a lash, gaunt and bony, his nose aquiline, eyes hollow, jaws like nutcrackers.

Oct. 9th: Mr. Wigmore, a second cabin passenger, complains this morning of the butter, of the sugar, of the biscuit, of the pork, of the wine and in fact of everything, in the name of the rest, i.e., he says he is their natural protector. Since being out, all the second cabin passengers have been accommodated with the cabins and have for part of the time messed at the cabin table and for all the time we have been out, till a day or two ago, have had cabin butter and sugar, have had presents of apples etc., from the Captain. We were unable from bad weather to get at some stores such as fruit, the ship being in distress and instead of considering the cabin table fare, they have used as balancing the above. Mr. Wigmore has demanded the other extras which they could not have last week from the state of the weather. I left it to the Captain and he decided that they should not have them, but now should go on regularly. I told them this and Mr. Wigmore said that he would draw up a report at Port Philip. Some of the cabin have had the cabin servants to attend upon them as if they had been cabin passengers, with other indulgences as aforesaid but nothing seems to satisfy this clergyman. Indeed, so quarrelsome is he considered by his countrymen that they asked if he could mess by himself, giving as their reason his quarrelsome disposition. Mr. Morris, and English or Welsh 2nd cabin passenger, made complaints 2 or more times to me that he could not obtain his allowance of spirits (the spirits for 2nd cabin mess were served out all together with the exception of Wigmore's children and which he did not think them entitled to). I was obliged to urge Morris' claim more than once. We have the greatest difficulty in getting the emigrants on deck or to clear the tween decks. I have spent some hours among them this morning, we requested them for their own sakes at first, afterwards were obliged.

Oct 15 - The noisy Revd. who grumbles (not grumbles either for it more nearly approaches a roar) all day long about the past and future victuals and when the victualling office has closed for the day piously thanks providence that he is no epicure and that he minds not a straw what goes down his throat.

Oct. 12th: Punished Evans junior for throwing scalding water in a President's face, keeping him on poop from about 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. with biscuit and water for dinner.
Mr. Williams, an Irish farmer, is courting Miss Casey, a fine young lady, religious and phrenological, metaphysical etc., who is descended from the Scots and has a most expressive and agreeable face, fine blue eyes.
Oct. 16th: Day before yesterday appointed Broderick & John Gibbons overseers and the Captain and myself gave them authority for demanding obedience of emigrants to rules which I had drawn up for the purpose of ventilation and cleanliness for I have one case of fever. We have had this morning a glorious view of the lofty peak of Teneriffe. I was obliged to punish a tall Irishman of the name of Readon, he had used insolence to my constables and refused to obey them when they told him to go on deck.
Oct. 29th: Yesterday and today have given lots of matter for journals A sailor (Bryant) was swabbing and came to the place they were using. Mr. Wigmore says Bryant touched him with the swab - at all events, he desired Mr. Wigmore to move, which Mr. Wigmore refused. The Captain, who was on the poop, repeated the command, Mr. Wigmore again refused, when high words, which I did not hear, were made use of by both.

Yesterday night Taylor's child died. It had been ill nearly from the commencement of the voyage with vomiting and purging and wasting, no fever.
Storm at Sea At last I got up and went into the cabin occupied by Williams, Morris and the two Drews After a crack of thunder they heard a woman scream. Williams and the elder of the two Drews were roused by the shriek. Williams had an intended wife below, dear to an excess according to those who see the billing and cooing between them on deck, and Drew a mother and sister and how did they know but the scream came from one of them. When the rain came, our live cargo, except sailors, were frightened into alacrity by the loud thunder and when the violence of this had abated and it began to abate immediately after the one which had so much effect, they were called and soon at work catching the rain, Child is committed to the water.

Oct. 31st: The sea is smooth as a looking glass, the Captain has allowed the emigrants 2 boats for their amusement and after taking a party on a trip, am after splitting my sides at the sight of the grotesque rowing of some of the landsmen, particularly Readon.

Sunday Nov. 1st: We have been followed by sharks in spite of whose appearance our sailors and some of the emigrants bathed and appeared to enjoy it much.

Nov 1, This morning I was engaged in the hospital. Miss Drew met me going up for wine for some of my patients. She told me that Mr. Wigmore was being a trouble.
Nov. 5th: We have had a great deal of rain with hot calm weather and are 15 miles further north than we were 2 days ago. Today is fine, lat. 25, long. 20 and we have a nice breeze from S by E or SSE, and hope it may be the beginning of the Trades for we are heartily sick of this roasting and basting (vid a cookery book-roast hares). We see lots of vessels, mostly or all outward bound and are at present employed in at a conversation A la Marryat, with a fine English one, about 3 or 4 miles off. We do not speak of his reverence, we see him sitting in his cabin, his long skinny arms, neck and breast exposed and forming by no means a pleasant picture. He knows the Captain does not like this but it seems to give him pleasure to annoy.
Nov. 7th: Readon was struck today by Johnson on the nose violently. Boatswain said he heard Readon say he could beat any of the Johnsons on board. Freeman heard them quarrelling but could not tell what was said. Other Johnsons corroborated what the Boatswain said. As Johnson had been clearing the passage, a very good man making himself useful on every occasion, I punished him by confinement on the poop till dinner time only.
Sat. Nov. 7th: Today died Sarah Culley aged 4, of Scarlatina Maligna. Illness commenced on Saturday last. On Tuesday the eruption made its appearance, commencing over its legs.
Nov. 10th: On occasions, passengers have been insulted by the sailors and I reported them as often to the Captain who has taken no effectual steps to redress or even put a stop to it. Yesterday two, Peed and Waters, were assaulted without provocation.
Nov. 11th: Matthew Culley, about 3 weeks ago, missed his pannikin. Yesterday Horsefall saw this pannikin on the forecastle. Horsefall reached it to him and said "Culley, is this your can?" Culley then examined it and found the initials of his name had been erased from the bottom of it, but that the initials M.C. remained on the top of the handle. One of the sailors, McCraham, snatched it from his hand and said it was his own and threw it overboard. Horsefall saw the can on the forecastle, saw M.C. on the handle, showed it to Culley who at once knew it. David McWilliams saw M.C. on the handle. James Johnson saw M.C. on the handle.
Nov. 11th: Died Hunter's daughter of gastro-enterite, producing atrophy.
Nov. 13th: Died Gallagher's child (Mr. Wigmore's servant). It was buried next morning by the Captain. It was much emaciated, having had a gastro-enterite from the commencement of the voyage.
Nov. 16th: Wilmot, who has been for some time past getting uproarious, the purser having several times lately complained that Wilmot abused him, was heard by the Captain this morning to use improper language. The Captain placed him on the poop, he refused to eat his biscuits and tea while on the poop. About 6 the Captain lectured him and let him down.
Sunday Nov. 22nd Mr. Griffin owes me 5/-, he having lost this sum to me about the seaman's wages, he betting they were £2/10/0 in money, I that they were not more than £2/5/O.
Nov. 26th: Yesterday night died Crossley's infant. Some time ago it had a very severe attach of bronchitis and with very much ado, recovered, but never regained its strength. It was always a weakly child, pigeon breasted, its father a very delicate poor creature. They had previously lost 2 children, all they have had. The Captain read the service over it this morning and it was committed to the deep.
Nov. 26th,Nov. 26th: We have had a terrible disturbance again this morning between Wigmore and Captain, the latter has appeared to me for a long time to be prejudiced against Murphy, without just cause, in my opinion. Later in the evening, Mrs. Garrow was telling me what Wigmore had said (we were then in the passage leading from the cuddy to the cabins or in part of the cuddy) and Wigmore overheard, I suppose, what was said, for he burst out of his cabin and commenced in a violent manner to abuse Mrs. Garrow, calling her an insolent woman and telling her that she ought to be in the steerage. I heard the carpenter trying mildly to persuade him to allow them to shut his door but he, in his usual tone, refused to listen. I then heard Griffin's voice "God damn my eyes, let me shut the door", The Captain had the door locked with a padlock, Wigmore vociferating that he would break open the door. Wigmore called his son Richard who sleeps in my cabin. Richard got up and when he went to the door to enter, Wigmore commenced knocking the door from the inside as if with a hammer. The Captain came out of his cabin and when he found that Richard wished to go in, he unlocked the door, saying that he did not wish to punish the family.
Sunday Dec. 6th: Died Mr. Wigmore's daughter, Sophia, about 3 days before her death she was attacked by Scarlatina. About the same time died Hostom child, having sunk during the sloughing stage of scarlatina.
Monday 7th Dec: This morning the Captain performed the burial service and the bodies were committed to the deep. The Captain, previously to burying them, went to tell Mr. Wigmore that if it were any satisfaction, he might perform it. He said the Captain might do as he liked. Today died Horsefall's child after the sloughing stage, having sunk during the separation of the sloughs. Tuesday Dec. 8th: Captain interred the body of deceased. Mrs. Anson delivered of a male.
Dec. 12th: Yesterday we had a great disturbance. Joseph Johnson forcibly stole a piece of pork from the purser. Johnson had many times before been abusive, so I sent Clark, one of the overseers, to bring him up. how could I hope to overcome the fever if they were allowed to persist in refusing to obey the regulations. I repeated several times that I would never again go into the tween decks and at last he ordered Mr. Griffin, the 2nd mate, to fetch him up. Mr. Griffin went down and said to him to come up, the Captain wants you. The sailors had cutlasses and bayonets but at last the emigrants were got down from the poop and Joe Johnson put in irons without injury to any of them, as they gave way to the intimidation. The offender was kept on the poop and asked for water, it was given to him. He afterwards said that he wanted to go to the head. I had his irons taken off and took him into my cabin and after he had finished, the irons were put on again (his mother begged that I would take care that he did not jump overboard, so the carpenter made the foot bar fast to the floor of the cabin). I gave him a book, some of the homilies to read, and left him. At tea time his brother brought him in some tea, and biscuit and butter, but he refused to take it and it was left by him. At bedtime I told him that if he would give me his word that he would allow me quietly to put the irons on him again in the morning, I would take them off and he should sleep in the hospital. He agreed, and did so, Mr. Peed being in with him. This morning I put the hand irons on again. He still refused his breakfast. His mother, father and brothers were abusive to me, yesterday afternoon his brother William saying that if he were kept in irons all night there should be blood spilt and saying that he had a pistol and should fight a "duel" with me in the morning. In the evening the Captain had the men aft to speak to them and ordered, through me, the women, boys and girls below. The Captain asked William Johnson if he were past 21. William Johnson said he was. The Captain then asked his elder brother his age, he replied between 23 and 24. The Captain and I then looked over the list and found that William Johnson was 19 and his elder brother 21. The Captain then addressed them on the folly and danger of insubordination.
Dec. 16th: Yesterday died one of Irving's children of the sequela of Scarlatina, having gradually sunk under chronic inflammation of the intestinal and gastric mucous membranes. Several abscesses formed also on the external surface. During last night died Brookes. He had been during the whole time of being at sea, very disponding and grieving about leaving his wife and 6 children on shore.
Sat. Jan. 30th Mrs Bland died this morning. She had for some time laboured under dysentery and latterly under a muco-gastritis together with the former. She had been married just 7 months when she was seized with the symptoms of labour, apparently brought on by disease and after a rather lingering time was safely delivered of a male child. By its size it appeared nearly 7 months old. The pupil and nails were developed, it lived 2 days.
Monday 22nd Feb: Soon after casting anchor we showed up a light and fired a gun. The Captain and I sat down in the cuddy and beguiled the time by a conversation on the joys of being rid of our cargo, the Captain enjoying at the same time his Havannah and glass of grog. Presently, Mr. Griffin announced a pilot boat. He was told to usher in the pilot who soon made his appearance. He was a fine looking fellow who might earn something by sitting as a model for a ruffian, about 5' 9" in height, shoulders large and bulky, his eyes fine, dark as was his face, his forehead large in the region of the perceptive organs, his head rather low, very wide and bulky about the hinder part of it. He had been in the Portuguese service and I learnt afterwards, had killed a man by a blow of a handspike.
I never shall forget the scene which ensued. On his entrance into the cuddy, the Captain sat still, his face turned to the ground and his features mounted in surlipsimo. He spoke not a word, the poor pilot stood cap in hand inside the door, looking first at one of us and then at the other. I waited, thinking that if I spoke, our Diogenes might open his battery. At last I could stand it no longer so I pointed out the Captain to him. The pilot told him very civilly and humbly that he was a pilot, no answer, and come to take the ship out of danger.
No you're not - your ship may be lost before morning - no it won't - I must move your ship directly - no you won't - we must trip the anchor -no we shan't. He thus tried quiet words, then - I am a pilot and I take charge of the ship - no you don't, how do I know you are a pilot, show your licence. I heard the gun and came off in a hurry without them. I'll no move my ship till daylight for you or any other man, in the morning I give it up to you - Well I have warned you. This interesting and polite discussion having thus concluded, the pilot sat down and was helped to a glass of grog. Gradually the Captain rose from below zero to about his usual freezing point and questioned the pilot as to the place. I threw out as broad a hint as I could about the folly of this opposing the pilot's wishes but as it was all of no use, the Captain being of the mongrel kind (a cross between an ass and a pony).
I went to bed and awoke to the sound of the Captain with the "cheery men of the crew", they had been a very little time at work before the chain cable broke, the anchor worth about £100 I suppose, was lost. This will perhaps be a lesson to his muleship, if he is not too old to be taught, for of course, as the pilot had not been allowed to have the command, the Captain would be responsible. We sailed along with just the proper quantity of wind, up a spacious bay, 30 or 40 miles long, when we nearly reached within a few miles of our destination, we were hailed by Mr. Stafford, the tidemaster, who asked about our health.
On telling him that we had had Scarlatina, he ordered us to heave to until he brought someone else. He sent out the boat containing Mr. Lewis, the harbour master, who after more questions ornamented us with a yellow silk pocket handkerchief and sent us to anchor in the quarantine ground. This was pleasant after our many days spent in longing for the land. Arrived in port, we were fixed just far enough off to see the wished for shore. I have often when a boy and hungry smelt a good dinner going for someone else. This reminded me in some measure of the sensation.
Feb. 23rd: We continued in quarantine until Monday and during our confinement received a visit from Dr. Cousins, the colonial surgeon, who not being able to take notes of my answers while in the boat was persuaded to mount the side. He stood on the steps outside the ship but after a time was induced to come into the ship. He thought that we ought not to be kept in quarantine and having dined with us, promised to procure an order for our liberation. We continued, however, in status quo all Sunday and on Monday morning received a visit from three medical men who constituted a board and were deputed to examine and report our condition. After the examination, they allowed us to haul down the pocket handkerchief and to move the ship into a more agreeable situation.
On the Monday following, the board sat for the purpose of passing the emigrants. They asked each if he had any complaints to make and carefully wrote down such as were thought of sufficient moment. Many complaints of assault were made against the Captain and some against the crew. Not one was entered against me but I was much gratified to find that many spoke in my favour. One who made the gravest complaints, said had it not been for my kindness, he could not have lived through the ill treatment he received. Some of the board said that I ought not to have allowed the Captain to have interfered with the emigrants. I showed them my instructions, they said these were inadequate so I think altogether I have escaped very well.
Feb. 23rd: We continued in quarantine until Monday and during our confinement received a visit from Dr. Cousins, the colonial surgeon, who not being able to take notes of my answers while in the boat was persuaded to mount the side. He stood on the steps outside the ship but after a time was induced to come into the ship. He thought that we ought not to be kept in quarantine and having dined with us, promised to procure an order for our liberation.
Mrs. Howitt in Port Phillip, tried to soften all the disagreeables but she too regretted leaving England. Principally, she said, because it had not been of so much benefit as they expected to her eldest boy who is afflicted with scrofulous disease of some of his joints although these have not improved, his general health and strength are much increased, the other children are remarkably healthy and one very fine looking.
Richard decided to go to Sydney In Sydney on August 10th, 1841 he wrote: After staying about three months in Melbourne Miss Drew became so very friendly and her brothers, mother and sister so candid that I fancied I should be complicated and obliged to marry her if I stayed. Besides I got little practice and heard that I should easily get a situation of surgeon on board a vessel from Sydney home. I, therefore, considered that I had better take a passage to Sydney, which I did in the Frankfield paying £10.
I had promised two months before to give a lecture on fever (?) at the Mechanics' Institute, but had not been called upon to do so. The day after I had taken my passage I saw an advertisement in the paper that I was to lecture the day after the Frankfield was advertised to sail. I saw the secretary and told him that I was to sail in the Frankfield and advised him to see the agent and if possible the agent.** He did so and it was thought that she would not sail before the lecture, so I agreed to deliver it if there was time. I had written enough for two long lectures and on Friday prepared some ships ** and examples. So in the evening I delivered my lecture and was obliged to forsake my notes and give it ex tempore. I kept them more than two hours and on Saturday morning sailed.

Richard then joined a whaler - recorded on the Frankfield page

Summary of the very entertaining record from Richard Ryther Steer Bowker's Diary, by

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England - Tetbury around 1735
First site was our Anglican parish
This latest is Victoria to 1847