A Banner showing some of the things located on my page

I am beginning a major audit of my webpages to see that they conform to W3C's HTML standards and to remove all shreds of browser-specific tags. This is liable to be a long, laborious task and I may be unable to completely accomplish it because, unfortunately, GeoCities appends certain constructs to the bottom of the page after it has been uploaded. These do not check out in any of the validation tools I have used. Also, some outside links (such as webrings) use deprecated characters in their URL's which check out as errors and/or warnings. Nevertheless, I will attempt to make the HTML that I control standards compliant. Some of my webpages now carry a validation image from the WWW Consortium. If you were to follow that link from this page you would find that it is not valid. This is because Geocities inserts their ad code in a way that makes all the webpages they host invalid. I have verified the validity of my HTML by posting it elsewhere.

From here you can view more pages containing links to some of my interests.

My musical interests can be found here.
I am quite fascinated by Germany, the German language, and German art, so come here to see my German links.
These are my computer pages, with information on my operating system, and various other things as I am able to write on them. There is also a link here to the webring that I manage, or go here to the FreeBSD Webring.
Here is where links to literature will be.

If you are courageous enough, then look here for more information about me. for personal information about me, and to find out who that remarkably good looking woman in my banner is.

If you have stumbled across my site looking for a resume, then here they are (with my contact information removed):

Please take a look at some of the things that do not seem to fit in anywhere in my miscellany. This is a graphics intensive page!!

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© 1996-2000 fosburgh@flash.net. Please see my Copyright for any restrictions that may apply to any of the contents of these webpages.

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Brainbench Certified UNIX Administrator

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