
Hi! So you wanna know more about me huh?

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Let me tell you a little about myself here....
Well, as I mentioned before I'm a student at RGS. I'll be in Secondary 3 next how time flies! My ambition, well, I have none at the moment, but it'll most probably have something to do with English and Literature for they are my 2 favourite subjects...and no I'm not going to be a teacher for anything in the world....I might consider doing something having to do with music too which brings me to the next point of my introduction.
I'm what my friends call a choir fanatic...yes, I lurve singing. Hence I'm a member of the RGS choir. I feel that when a person sings, you get taken away into a different dimension,if you know the song Music of the Night from Phantom of the Opera you would know what I mean. Apart from the school choir, I also sing with the Singapore Youth Choir. This is something I enjoy tremendously for the feeling of singing with people who absolutely lurve to sing is great! So far, I've sung in several concerts with them the most recent being World Hospice Day where we also sang in the combined finale with lots of other people, now that was an unforgettable experience. Of course Christmas is coming up and we'll be going carolling. Apart from all this singing, I take private voice and piano lessons too. Hope to complete my Grade 8 piano by next year.

Well,so far,I've heard so many great singers two favourite singers are Julie Andrews and Sarah Brightman,The former's got a crystal clear soprano voice, powerful diaphragm and wonderful diction! Sarah Brightman's got too much vibrato in her voice, which somehow makes her a great opera singer plus resonance and that diaphragm.

In case you really wanna know, I do not really enjoy listening to pop music.My radio has not been turned on for months now...Rather like I've been listening to all my CDs which I picked up from all those concerts and some which are my dad's ancient ones.(My dad likes instrumental pieces and oldies.

My lurve all those old musicals...My current favourite is The Sound of Music Yup..I can watch it over and over again for days!! I also like Mary Poppins, Oliver, Les Miserables, The King and I, The Wizard of Oz, The Phantom of the Opera....the list could go on forever!!

I'm a goner at sports,I can actually stand in the middle of the court while my team is playing and I Always duck when the ball is coming my way. I'm bad at running cos as I did ballet, I walk with my feet slightly turned a duck!

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