About Me
I'm currently a student at Oxford University, studying music. I'm also a choral scholar ( or Academical clerk as it is sometimes known.) This basically means I sing 15 hours a week in college, in the daily services. I've been singing since I was 5. I joined the Chapel Choir of St.George's Chapel, Windsor Castle when I was 6 and a half and then went to the Pilgrim's school, Winchester when I was eleven, and sung in Winchester Cathedral. I went to Bedford School for five years, and continued doing tonnes of music there, namely drumming, but also got the opportunity to sing in the National Youth Choir, and their chamber choir, Laudibus. I've also sung with the Rodolfus Choir, the King's Consort, and spent my GAP Year singing as a lay clerk in Winchester Cathedral. Not to mention working for Dixons (!)
One of the better things I did at Bedford was start a Jazz society with my mate tom ( on the right hand side in the photo.) We started from scratch with no budget and managed to get a simply enormous amount of people to join. we had talks from respected Jazz reviewers and the like and put on a live gig at the end of the year. thanks to Andy Speedy and Doc Palmer for all the help.
Another outstanding Bedford instituion is the Chapel Choir. They do regular residences in major Cathedrals for anything from a day to a week or two. Recent residences include Lincoln, St.Pauls, Ely, and a tour to Prague, where they sung mass in St.Vitus cathedral amongst other things. The picture on the right is taken in Bedford School Chapel and the one below is from one of the many Baroque Churches in Prague.
Lets not forget Winchester Cathedral now.....
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Winchester's tour of florence....