Musical Qualifications


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Arts Fringe
Musical Qualifications

In 1995, Octmented distinguished itself in the National Music Competition by winning the Merit award. 

It also received the Distinction award in the ABRSM Examinations for Ensembles (Intermediate Level) in September of the same year. Subsequently, it was invited to perform in the High Scorers' Concert organised by the Singapore Symphony Company.

In 1999, it again received the Distinction award in the ABRSM Examinations for Ensembles (Advanced Level). It was described by the examiner, Mr Medley as "attractive and much enjoyed.  It is hoped the ensemble will continue to thrive in the future."

Here are the detailed comments from the Examiner:

Ubi Caritas

Imant Ramish

This was a confidant start and voices were well blended. There was a sense of lyricism and an obvious enjoyment of the lush harmonies whilst keeping diction clear and well coordinated.  Phrases had good breath support and there was an evident awareness of listening to each other.


Game of Love

Toru Takemitsu

There was good listening and vocal blending here with expressively shaped phrases and effective tonal colour. Diction and dynamics were both commendable and the tapering of phrases was well judged.  The textual meaning was well conveyed.


Tell Me Where is Fancy Bred

arr. Christopher Brown

The style of the piece was well grasped and confidantly projected here with some impressive vocal effects.  Articulation was crisp and pitch was well maintained.  The separate voice parts had clarity yet blended in well when coming together.  A rhythmical and well shaped performance.


Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

arr. David Blackwell

This very enjoyable arrangement was confidently sung and your uniformity of diction was admirable.  The close knit and complicated harmonies were concentrated and well negotiated.  Expressive singing.


Ma Tou Qin

Liu Zhuang

The contrast between sections was highlighted in your faces and eyes here and changes of vocal tone were effective.  Good ensemble and a well supported sound gave phrases a sense of shape and line.  An attractive, colourful and rhythmical performance.'



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