Brian's Saxophone Clinic Title

The Saxophone

This has been an instrument that I started to play when I was in the 5th grade. It has been almost 30 years now and who would have thought that I would still be playing the saxophone for so many years now. I have been playing in our home church for about 16 years and I play in our community's summer band program ever since I was a sophomore in high school. I started this webpage in 1997 and it was my intent to create a site that was user friendly and helpful to beginner players as well as professional players.
Please Bookmark this page and stop by occasionally as I have plans to make some changes. I would appreciate your input on these changes and any ideas that you may have in creating these pages, as they are for you to gain knowledge.

So please feel free to E-Mail me and let me know.

Might I add that I am in no way a perfect Saxophonist but I have been playing the alto saxophone since 1978 and I have acquired some tips and tricks for refining my musical skills. My hope is that you will find this knowledge helpful as well. Please feel free to make and use copies of these pages. They are for your use. Please do not forget where they came from. If they are useful to you, please feel free to share them with friends and students as they just might be a good foundation for them to begin their carreer in playing the Saxophone. - Thanks -

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