On editorial board of Opera Quarterly.

A discography of Leo Slezak, The Record Collector; Vol XV No. 9-10 (1965)

A discography of Hermann Jadlowker with Dennis Brew The Record Collector Vol. XIX, Nos. 1 &2, March 1970

A Hundred Years of Macbeth: Performances and Casts in Verdi's Macbeth-A Source Book-W. W. Norton & Co., New York and London, 1984.

Italian Performances in Vienna 1835-59: Donizetti Society Journal 4, London, 1980

L'Esule di Roma: A Performance History: Ibid.

Giulia Grisi: A Reevaluation: Ibid.

A Chronology of Grisi's Operatic Appearances: Ibid.

Giorgio Ronconi: Donizetti Society Journal 5, 1984

Lucrezia Borgia-Various versions and Performance History: Ibid.

The Arditi Tour: The Midwest Gets its First Real Taste of Italian Opera: Opera Quarterly, Vol. 4, No. 4, Winter 1986-87

A chronology of the appearances of Giuseppe Anselmi with Larry Lustig The Record Collector Vol.32 Nos. 3-5 April 1987

A Bibliography of Operatic Annals: Donizetti Society Journal 5, 1984 and Journal 6, 1988

Giuseppe and Fanny Persiani: Donizetti Society Journal 6, 1988

Advisor to the International Encyclopedia of Opera, St. James Press, Detroit and London, 1993 with essays on Giuditta Grisi, Giulia Grisi, Saverio Mercadante, Mario, Giovanni Pacini, Saffo, and Enrico Tamberlick

Contributor to the Grove Dictionary of the Opera (1993) and to the next edition of the Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians

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