Quantum Music

Investigation Object

A musical composer, with the disposition of creating something new, will face a series of fundamental questions. The main question, for me, is to enlarge the technical and aesthetical frontiers of music, what simultaneously liberates him from atempting to the mass marketing patterns but asks from him a compromise with the new ideas these days. The success of his work will rely upon his capabilities of connecting coherently the technical-experimental-acting with the contemporary-aesthetic-thought. How can we do that?

This second question, easier to answer than the Home-Page Quantum Music one, we just suppose, drives me to these researches which finality was to identify what should be the main ideas of our times, of a new paradigm, and what could be the apropriated techniques for actualizing them.

Besides the little bibliography on that subject, we found a very big one talking about the new paradigm. From those books we detach 2: The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (Thomas Kuhn) and The Tao of Physics (Fritjof Capra). There we found the roots of what we call Holonomic Paradigm, suggesting the emergence of a new world vision. After that, we found the path for renewing the contemporary thought: studying the CAOS�and FRACTAL Science.

Why to defend it into the Communication field and not music or physics
New Paradigm: a parallel between Classical Physics, Quantum Theory and Music Aesthetics
Structure of the work
Pointing to Fractal Music

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Eufrasio Prates