September 2000 Newsletter
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Table of Contents
Board Members and POCs
I.    Meeting Minutes
II.   Byron Combs Visit
III.  Chapter 30 Students
IV.  Graduating VA/VR Students
V.   Chapter 31 Rate Increase
Voices of Vets Newsletter
I.  Meeting Minutess:
   Meeting minutes are now posted on the web through the News page.  Go to "Scheduled Meetings" next to each meeting date that has occurred will be a connection to the minutes.  Within the minutes, you will find a web link to the financial report.
II.  Byron Combs Visit:
   If you are part of the VA/VR program, please make plans to visit Bryon Combs between October 10-13.
III.  Chapter 30 Students:
   Some Chapter 30 students are having pay difficulties.  Atlanta has fallen behind in keeping up with their clients.  It is our understanding they are swamped under 15,000 claims.  If you are an individual that is having problems with your pay, please contact Susan Chavis for assistance.
IV.  Graduating VA/VR Students:
   All students in the VA/VR program, please note that the VA will pay all graduation costs except invitations.  The school normally send the bill directly to the VA in Winston Salem, but in the off chance this did not happen, please annotate on your receipt the reason for this expense.
V.  Chapter 31 Rate Increase:
   Effective 1 Oct 2000, Chapter 31 rates will increase.  For a detailed list, please click
VI.  Voices of Vets Newsletter:
Voices of Vets Newsletter is a new service.  The the growing population of Voices of Vets, our newsletter needs to grow with it.  We would like to have different sections of the paper to pertain to the differnt types of members--not be single minded focus.  If you or someone you know would be interested in assisting us, please contact any one of the board members.
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