Autumn-Winter 1998

I am hoping that this information will be of use to those among people with lymphoma who are willing to try an alternative treatment which deserves its accepted place in the treatment of lymphoma, as well as to those researchers who may have the means to organize a trial. This inexpensive substance could prove to be especially helpful in countries where the upcoming high tech treatments like antibodies will not be within reach of most of the people afflicted with lymphoma. And such a trial would benefit us all, since the treatments of advanced low grade lymphoma so far do not show the promise of a cure. In the meantime, it is up to us pioneers to try the treatment in the few centers where it is available, and report to others on the results.

Coley toxins can be of use for other cancers as well, particularly sarcomas, melanoma, and some forms of kidney and ovarian cancer. It may also be of use in other immunosuppressive chronic conditions, and depression.

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Blessings on all who dare!


About the name: It seems that Mrs. Nauts has been working to change the name to Coley (rather than Coley's) toxins. Most sources still use the original term, and I too am used to it. Will see if the new name catches.

United States

Cancer Research Institute
681 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Phone: 800-99CANCER (1-800-992-2623)

It is my impression that the Institute is no longer interested in promoting Coley's toxins, and has positioned itself firmly in the mainstream. They support research into conventional immunotherapies for cancer. I spoke a while back with someone there trying to get copies of old papers published by Dr Coley, to no avail. They might, however, be of assistance to someone sponsoring a trial of the toxins. Mrs. Nauts is no longer the Director of Communications, but she is still active and may be contacted through her assistant, Kidge Williams, at 212-722-8547. She is the Institute's contact regarding the toxins. Ms. Williams informed me recently that a book on Dr Coley's life and work is about to be published -- look for it in 1999. It will contain an extensive bibliography.

The Waisbren Clinic
Burton A. Waisbren Sr. MD, FACP
2315 North Lake Drive
Room 815, Seton Tower
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53211
Phone: 414-272-1929

This immunotherapy clinic has been in operation since the early 70s. They offer a combination of immunotherapies, Coley's toxins among them. The toxins are made at the clinic according to specifications posted on their web site. Dr Waisbren began to experiment with the use of a mixed bacterial vaccine originally developed to boost the immune system of burn victims. He added Coley's toxins several years later as they came to his attention. According to his published studies, only some of his patients receive the toxins. He says that Mrs. Nauts feels that the best results would be obtained by the administration three times weekly that would alternate subcutaneous, interdermal and intravenous applications. They have been unable to follow a regular regimen with most patients. They give the patient 1 ml of the toxins subcutaneously; no mention is made of titrating the amount upwards depending on response.

Dr Waisbren has been monitoring the results of his patients over time. He published a paper covering his early results with a variety of cancers. And the web site contains a paper that summarizes the results of treatments during the last 7 years (go to "downloads," then get the file named Immunotherapy and Cancer). Several patients with lymphoma were treated; three are long lived but they all had other treatments. Unfortunately, most patients that come to the clinic are in bad shape. Only a few clear-cut successes have been recorded.

Dr Waisbren is an internist trained in immunology. The web site provides his detailed credentials and experience. He has published a number of papers. Treatments are only done on site, except for those substances that have been FDA approved and can be given by the patients' local physicians.

Wayne Martin
25 Orchard Dr.
Fairhope, AL 36532
Fax: 334-928-0150

Mr Martin is extremely knowledgeable about Coley toxins. He is retired and devoting his time and resources in helping cancer patients find alternatives that work. In his youth he witnessed a trial against a doctor who used unconventional therapies, and resolved then that some day, he would help turn the tide. He has been in contact with patients and doctors worldwide for a number of years now.

Mr Martin is the key contact for physicians who either want to learn to make their own toxins, or who want to secure a supply to try the substance with their patients. He will also help patients secure a supply of the toxins in Guatemala if the patient desires to self-administer the treatment. Mr Martin has been contacted lately by many patients who hear about him on Gary Null's show, and has spent a considerable amount of money and time responding to requests, without nary a word of response or thanks. Please contact him only if you are serious about pursuing the toxins and cannot find your information anywhere else.

Atkins Center for Complementary Medicine
152 East 55th Street
New York, NY 10022
fax 212-754-4284

Atkins Center is in Manhattan, and has been operating since the early 80s. The clinic treat all degenerative disorders including cancer. They use many modalities, including nutritional changes, supplements, IV drips, herbs, enzymes, oxygenation, ukrain, urea, Coley's toxins, and others.

The clinic began to use the toxins about a year ago, but has recently been unable to get a steady supply (coming from Guatemala), and has had to turn patients away. Their new patient department is difficult to reach. I am hoping to get a copy of an article on Coley toxins their newsletter published a while back.

They administer Coley toxins three times a week. The patient is in the clinic from about 8 to mid-afternoon. They hook the patient up to a vitamin drip, then push the toxins through the IV tubing into the vein. The first week, the patient gets small doses to assess the response. The second week they begin to escalate the doses for optimum reaction. The pattern is three weeks on, one week off to rest. They also monitor the bloodwork regularly each week. Some insurances covers much of what they offer, including the toxins. (A patient having a BC/BS plan reported about 40-50% coverage.)

Donald J. Carrow MD
Florida Institute of Health in Tampa
(formerly Florida Preventive Health Services, Inc.)
4908 Creekside Dr. #A
Clearwater, FL 34620

Dr Carrow uses the toxins in combination with small doses of Cytoxan (I heard secondhand that it is 25mg orally) for lymphoma. Two years ago he was able to shrink a football sized underarm node of a woman who remains in remission, by injecting the toxins into the tumor directly. He will do phone consults. (He also appears on a Talk Radio show called Here's To Your Health!).

Dr Carrow makes his own toxins. He has been harassed by the FDA and does not wish an influx of cancer patients seeking alternatives. His fees are more reasonable, however, than those of the Mexican clinics, and if you would like to be treated there, please contact Wayne Martin first. Treatment would necessitate living in the Clearwater area for about 3 months.

Innovative Therapeutics
2020 Franklin Street
PO Box 512
Carlyle, IL 62231

They provide various products directly to physicians. Listed in the Alternative Medicine Definitive Guide to Cancer as one of the the contacts. They tell me they do not carry any bacterial vaccine. When I asked them if they are listed in the book by mistake, they referred me to People Against Cancer.


Prof. Dr. med. Klaus F. Kölmel
von-Siebold-Strasse 3
37075 Göttingen
Phone: +49-0551-39-6081; Fax: +49-0551-39-6092

Professor Kölmel undertook a trial of the toxins in advanced melanoma, which was published in 1991. (See file on " research" for the detailed abstract.) Of 15 patients, 3 attained a complete and lasting remission. Despite such encouraging results, professor Kölmel and his associates have stopped any further work on the toxins because "it was not in the mainstream." Asked whether he still believed the Coley's toxin method to be valid, Kölmel responded" "The file is not yet closed." Kölmel adds that they have stopped such treatment because the supplier was not willing to manufacture the medication anymore. "Since melanoma is now treated with well aimed vaccinations and other sophisticated combinations of cytotoxic agents with various cytokines, the situation politically does not allow a simple treatment such as Coley's." (A friend recently contacted prof. Kölmel by letter and phone, and the quotes come from that communication.)

I note with interest that Coley's toxins, which had been sold OTC in Germany as a fever inducer at the cost of about $2 per dose under the name Vaccineurin, were discontinued by the manufacturer in 1991, the same year that saw the publication of the melanoma study. Was this simply an unfortunate coincidence, or was there pressure applied by those profiting from high tech melanoma treatments? And how is it that mainstream medicine can ignore a treatment that can save the lives of 20% metastatic melanoma patients with minimal side effects?!

Fachklinik "Leonardis"
Albstrasse 9
70806 Kornwestheim

It has recently come to my attention that there are several German clinics that still have stockpiles of Vaccineurin. Leonardis is one of them. A contact reports to me that it is a very competent clinic which specializes in hyperthermia and immunotherapies. For more information on his experience, see the report by Anonymous. The cost of the stay is about 500 DM per day. They will only treat after they have ascertained that the patient is immunocompetent, with T-helper cells not lower than 500/ul.

Freie Universität Berlin
Klinik für Naturheilkunde und Allgemeinmedizin
Kranenhaus Moabit
IV. Innere Abteilung
Turmstrasse 21
10559 Berlin
Tel: 49-30-3976-3400
Fax: 49-30-3976-3409

This clinic has had extensive experience with the toxins, but unfortunately their stock of Vaccineurin is shrinking. They report that Vaccineurin was distributed in Germany until 1995. They also use a similar vaccine developed by Cologne University which is based on "propioni bacteria." Costs for staying at this clinic are about 600 DM per day (I don't yet have Euro figures.) One treatment requires 2 days' stay. They ask for immunological and hematological lab work prior to admission, and usually treat up to 10 times.

Specialklinik Höhenkirchen für Naturheilverfahren
Bahnhofstrasse 16
85635 Höhenkirchen
Tel.: 08102/8930
Fax: 08102/89384

This clinic uses intravenous toxins administered twice a week. Patients usually stay several weeks. They also provide a complement of other holistic therapies ranging from diet, acupuncture, relaxation, homeopathy and others. Costs are about 300 DM per day.

Klinik Graal-Müritz
Postfach 3201
18175 Graal-Müritz
Tel: 038206/750
Fax: 038206/75175

This is a rehabilitation clinic for post-treatment cancer patients. They use the toxins but only very rarely.


(Centro Hospitalario Internacional Pacifico, S.A. de C.V.)
Center for Integrated Medicine & Research
Nubes #670, Esq. Creston
Seccion Jardines del Sol
Playas de Tijuana, Baja California
Mexico 22700

Gerson Research Organization
PO Box 1850
Chula Vista, CA 91912
1-877-424-4772 (U.S.A.)
Other countries, call collect 1-760-722-8353

The CHIPSA hospital used to work closely with the Gerson clinic and the Gerson Research Organization was the research body. After a careful review of several thousands patient records, they began to change their cancer protocols to implement new insights. This eventually led to a split. They still use a modified Gerson protocol, along with the protocols developed by Dr Issels who used to run a controversial cancer clinic in Germany. They also incorporate other treatments, such as Coley toxins, Danapoulos urea/creatine therapy, hyperthermia, ozone therapy, enzyme therapy and others. They are actively evaluating new treatments and adding them to the list. They also run small trials. Their other web site at www.1999.com/gerson had more details on these trials but the site is currently being rebuilt.

They will send a packet of information to those interested, which has a brochure introducing the treatment programs in general terms, some information on insurance matters, and a paper by Dr Issels on his protocols. They also provide a video which focuses on patient experience at CHIPSA.

They prefer to detox the patient first, and those coming to stay for 5 weeks will spend two weeks detoxing before the toxins are administered. (They are however, very willing to help the patient start the treatment while still at home with the supervision of a local health professional, so that the stay can be shortened.) They then administer the toxins by an IV drip twice a week, and provide a supply for home self-treatment. They will supervise the treatment for the duration via phone consultations. They are reluctant to supply pain medications to patients undergoing the Coley toxin treatment, and since the pain can be considerable for the duration of the drip, patients are well advised to bring their own pain medication (making sure, of course, to choose the type of medication which will not interfere with fever.)

The treatment for the toxins cost $2000, and there is no additional charge if more toxins need to be ordered later, apart from postage. (See more about CHIPSA's treatment from patient stories.)

If contacting CHIPSA by mail, do not write to Mexico. It will likely get lost. Write c/o the Chula Vista office.

GenesisWest Medical Center for Biological Medicine
Avenida del Agua #256
Seccion Jardines
Playas de Tijuana
Tijuana, Baja California
Mexico 22700

Make inquiries to:
GenesisWest Medical Canter
PO Box 3460
Chula Vista, CA 91909-0004
Phone: 619-424-9552
Fax: 619-424-7593

This clinic is based on the work of scientist Jacob Swilling who has a PhD in clinical nutrition, and research experience in biochemistry. He has developed an approach to degenerative diseases which utilizes many modalities. Every patient undergoes an evaluation consisting of dark field microscopy, blood and urine tests, bio-energetic testing and other tests. The treatment includes colonics, ozone baths, ultraviolet irradiation of blood, mineral heat lamps, local short wave hyperthermia, magnets, supplements, Rife frequency generators, and other modalities. The clinic also uses 714-X (Naessens treatment) and Coley's toxins. They also have a biological dentistry branch, dealing with mercury fillings and other dental problems.

Upon inquiry, they mail a package of materials consisting of various brochures (incl. one on Coley's), two audio tapes, and a video tape showing the operation of the clinic. Cancer patients are encouraged to come for three weeks, but shorter programs are also available. Coley's toxins are administered at night, by an IV drip, starting with a small dose and gradually increased. They are given every day after the initial evaluation is complete. Starting dosage varies depending on patient evaluation. When the patient leaves, the clinic provides a supply of the toxins for another 2-3 months of self-administration by injection.

They tell me that the toxins come from Germany (as do most of their preparations). On the other hand, the word out there is that the Germans no longer make the toxins. Could their preparation be some other bacterial pyrogen? Stay tuned.

When in Tijuana, I walked over to GenesisWest, hoping to get a tour of their facility. Unfortunately, the place was closed down by the Health Department. It is a small bungalow building, and based on the video I saw, there is a courtyard behind it, and some other low structures to house patients. The clinic is about 2 blocks from the ocean and a beachside walkway. Their Chula Vista office said they are hoping to reopen in a few weeks; they claim that these close-downs for inspection happen every 5-6 years or so.


Dr. Jose Francisco Monjas Angeles has been making the toxins and making them available to patients who want to come to Guatemala for treatment, or to come pick up a supply for self treatment, and is also able to supply physicians around the world. More information will follow.


I saw a tantalizing mention of putative Dutch trials of Coley toxins in 1996. A friend is making an inquiry there over Christmas; if you are in a position to make inquiries, please do so and let me know what you find out. The source did not mention the type of cancer in relation to these trials.


Coley Hospital
Dr. Guo Zheren, MD.
Phone: +86-1-868-401.

Beijing Children's Hospital

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Researched by Vera Bradova © 1998, 1999
Updated 4-15-1999

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