Macanudo Investment Club

Home Page & Web Site Directory



Welcome to our Investment Club!

The Macanudo Investment Club is a small, private investment club,
founded in Boston in 1983.
The Club is dedicated to enjoying each other's good company
and the process of investing (as well as the occasional
good smoke -- hence, our name).

This web site serves three purposes:
as a common resource for investment analysis on the Web;
to keep members informed about the Club's portfolio and meetings; and
to communicate with and learn from other, like-minded investors.

We hope you will look around, make use of our links, and send us your investment thoughts
by signing our Guestbook, and then join us in a smoke.
Enjoy "the sweet smell of success"!

Directory of Places to Go:

Ashtray - club schedule, minutes and Bylaws (rev. 9/20/98)

Club Room - on-line investment clubs, forums & newsgroups (rev. 11/98)

The Humidor - our stock portfolio (updated quarterly);
today's portfolio value (for members only on

Quick Lights - stock market info.; our monthly DJIA game

Whiffs of Smoke - "hot stock" picks; stock trading

Smoke Room - a place to chat (live!), read news and send comments

Tobacco Fields - resources for stock analysis

Other Really Useful Stuff - other links and pic's you might like (rev 4/5/99)

Next Page. We are also working on adding an on-line Bulletin Board,
with live chat and investment updates (see and

Hot News & Notices:

Our April meeting will be held after the holidays, on Monday, April 26th. Be sure to attend!
The schedule for the 1998-99 year and minutes are found at Ashtray.
We hope to post regular minutes for recent meetings shortly.
Congratulations CP & ME, winners of annual picks!

Preview for first time visitors to our website:

Here's a quick preview of the kind of information in our club site.

To get an idea how powerful on-line investing and on-line investment clubs have become,
take a look at the recent Forbes article, "Making Warren Proud" (Oct. '98).

Then look at recent press coverage in the Boston Globe (June 29 issue at A-9),
where Charles Jaffe gives a helpful review of the top Internet financial sites
including useful data for personal financial decisions:

Please sign our Guestbook by clicking here!

In our Guestbook, please give us your comments, including
your favorite investment web sites, your personal favorite stock and
monthly Dow picks, or any other irreverent remarks!

You can also contact us by emailing us at Macanudo email.
or by going to The Smoke Room for a live chat (during meetings).
If you'd like to receive our "Smoke Rings" Newsletter,Subscribe to Smoke Rings Newsletter
or Unsubscribe from Smoke Rings

To see what others have written, click: View Guestbook

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If you cannot open the Smoke Room to chat, you may need to
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Site Visit Counter: Last Revised: 4/5/99

Copyright 1999 the Macanudo Investment Club (a Mass. general partnership)