Wayne's Perfect Spin Off Cosplay

Have visited Perfect Spin Off Cosplay since Halloween, 1998.

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Togepi's Room

My little Togepi is loved by all
Absolutely carefree and oblivious to world
Let's see little Togepi while it's training
By it's most professional Pokemon trainer!

Togepi Fun!
"To ge, To ge, To ge briiiiiiiiii!"
Togepi Ok! Time to train again!
I choose you....
Togepi To-ge! To-ge!
Togepi Ok Togepi! Work on my homepage ok?
*all that gets typed it To-ge To-ge*
*rolls eyes*
Togepi Togepi, can you answer that call?
I think it's a telemarketer.
Togepi: To-ge?
*pet Togepi* Good Togepi, you can go play now.
Togepi AAAAAH! Togepi! You are a good little Pokemon, but....
What are you doing playing with my
vintage Return of the Jedi Imperial Shuttle Tyderium?
Togepi not allowed to play with that!
Togepi Here Togepi. Play with this.
Togepi *hops up and down*: Briiiii!
Now don't make too much noise!
Togepi Ok Togepi! I want you try and do Sword Dance
Com'on! Lift up the sword.
Slash? Cut?
*Togepi just does Metronome*
Togepi Try a lighter sword then Togepi!
*Togepi uses Kinesis*
Yay Togepi! Now go swing it around over there and away from my room!
"To-ge!" *slish slash*
Togepi *pet pet*
Enough training for today Togepi!
We'll get you to level 50 yet.
Ok, you can play with my Tatooine Skiff with "unique" Jedi Luke.
Togepi Ashitaka training Togepi!
Now be sure to pick up that arm
And dispose it in the proper area ok?
I don't want to find it lying around the front yard like yesterday.
Togepi Look! It's Mini-Me-Ashitaka
It is 1/8 the size of the original
You don't suppose that it's eeeeeevil do you?
No, can't be, since the original is sooooooo good.
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