Wayne's Perfect Spin Off Cosplay

Have visited Perfect Spin Off Cosplay since Halloween, 1998.

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Zato 1
Guilty Gear X
Designer: Wayne
Worn By: Wayne
Preparation Time: 20 minutes, 00 seconds
Conception: January 14, 2001
Picture Date: April 1, 2001
Appearances: Fanime Con 2001
Components: Luxurious Long Blonde Wig Provided by Phoenix Seed aka Revlon chan, Black Sleeveless Turtleneck, Black Spandex, Black Tall Boots, Black Belt, Black Gloves, Red and Black Mask
Powers Gained: 1. Shadow Manipulation
2. Ability to transform into a shadow demon
3. Always chased by that cute Millia
Drawbacks: 1. Luxurious Blonde Hair is insulating and difficult to put on with the mask (hence long prep time)
2. Low visibility due to mask
3. Spandex -_-
Story: Guilty Gear X was out and the new rage in video games. After reviewing the character roster, iPLAY had suggested one person for me to cosplay. Unfortunately they were right in that this costume would probably be the easiest for me to do, based off of past costumes I had. They were gosh darn lucky I didn't see the gameplay until after I started on the costume, because Zato 1's moves are weird! Not to mention his stage is X_X. Some of his moves are cool though, and his Shadow Demon form I may be able to cosplay later since I have the materials for that too. Now all I have to do is put up with iPLAYs attempts to get me back in the costume and their desire to run their fingers through Revlon quality hair


Zato 1 Zato 1 Zato 1
Zato 1 Zato 1 Zato 1

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For Group Pictures and Event Photos Related to these "Costumes"
(if you are so generous to call them that),
Please Visit My Team Home Page of the
Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts
Specifically: AGSMA at Fanime Con 2001

Wayne's Perfect Spin Off Cosplay (PSOC) ゥ.
Anything Goes School of Masquerade Arts (AGSMA) ゥ.
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