Special Guests

Cody Scholnick

     Cody is "the spare host" on the show.  He has made appearances on the Party Show, the Homerun Derby Challenge, and was mentioned on the Best Song EVER! Show.  But his biggest contribution to the station was filling in for Alberto on short notice on the Comedy Show.  This let the cast number be back up to five for the show, and allowed the smooth running of all of the skits.  Cody will continue to make appearances and will have many more encounters with his good friend, Dr. K!

Drew Kingsley

     Drew made his first writing appearance for the show on the Rock 'n' Roll Christmas, doing a skit with Dr. K and his anger for being used on the Comedy Show.  Drew also wrote an e-mail to Jim Fusco about his review of the Best Song EVER! Show.  Although this was just meant as a gag, Jim decided that The Comedy Show could use just one more gag, and Drew's e-mail was read on the show.  Drew is right up there with Matt and Jeff on the Comedy scale, and no doubt will be on the show in person very soon.  That is, if those hit- men actually do their job and keep Dave away!

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