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This site was last updated November 21st, 2003



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By-Laws 2003


by-laws updated 2003 - April 4, 2003


1st Whitecourt Venturers-

Article 1: Name of the Venturer Company
a.) The name shall be known as 1st Whitecourt Venturers
b.) Another name, “Whitecourt Conquistadors” will be used for purposes other than banking

Article 2: Membership
a.) The following are membership requirements:
I) The candidate must be 14 to 17 years of age as of September 30th of the current year
II) The candidate must agree to adhere to the bylaws of the 1st Whitecourt Venturer company.
III) The candidate must display:
· standard level of maturity
· standard level of physical condition
· honest effort to adhere to the aims and principles of scouting
IV) Candidates must attend at least 3 meetings before being considered for membership.
V) At least 75% of active invested members must approve of acceptance of the potential member.

Article 3: Investiture
a.) Investiture will take place before Nov. 30 of that current year, or before 3 months after the first meeting.
b.) Special circumstances may dictate it is appropriate to accept membership applications after investiture.
c.) Upon becoming invested, the candidate will recite the Venturer promise, law, and motto.

Article 4: Membership Conduct
a.) No swearing, foul language, racism, or discrimination will be tolerated.
b.) No drug usage (including alcohol and tobacco) will be tolerated.
c.) Respect for everyone and all property is required.
d.) Relationships that develop between group members are to remain discreet, and will not interfere with any company activities.
e.) No males in female shelters and no females in male shelters during sleeping hours.
f.) Invested Venturers not in full uniform at “V” ceremonies “ex. Opening/closing”, will be required to take one step out of the “V”.
g.) Failure to adhere to any of these codes of membership will result in immediate review by the disciplinary committee, which may determine that termination is necessary.

Article 5: Absenteeism
a.) Members who miss more than half of all fundraisers will be subject to termination, or financial penalty.
b.) Failure to attend 2 meetings, or to be late for 3 meetings without prior notice to the president, or vice-president will result in immediate membership review, by the disciplinary committee.
c.) A member may decide whether or not to attend camp, up to the point where money is spent. After that time, if the member changes his/her mind, he/she will have to pay for his/her portion of money spent.

Article 6: Positions
a.) Positions in the 1st Whitecourt Venturers are to be:
b.) Other positions may be added if required
c.) duties for the positions are as outlined in the Conquistadors “position roles” document
d.) President and Treasurer positions must be occupied by an active invested Venturer who is at least in his/her second year if at all possible.
e.) The disciplinary committee will consist of advisors, and all senior ( in 2nd year of Venturers or more) Venturers that are not being tried for an offence.
f.) The president, quartermaster, vice president and advisors will receive keys to the Venturer cupboard.

Article 7: Election of Officers
a.) A Venturer may hold a specific office only once
b.) the term of office is one scouting year
c.) Election will happen immediately after investiture.
d.) Elections are to be by ballot.

Article 8: Dress
a.) Full uniform consists of the official Scout shirt, Whitecourt group necker, Venturer epaulets, and woggle.
b.) Full uniform shall be worn at all meetings and camps unless a change has been previously agreed on.

Article 9: Treasury
a.) Every member shall not be allowed to spend any of company money without prior approval from a majority vote of the company.
b.) each driver will leave with a full tank of gas, and return with a full tank of gas. The difference will be paid upon the presentation of receipts.
c.) The account shall be at the Whitecourt Branch of the Royal Bank, and shall be under the name of “1st Whitecourt Venturers-Scouts Canada”.
d.) Receipts to be reimbursed will be presented within 1 month after the date on the receipt or they will not be repaid.
e.) Signing authority shall be given to the president, treasurer, head advisor, and group committee representative.

Article 10: Amendments
a.) Bylaws are to be reviewed annually within one month of investiture.
b.) A 75% majority approval of active invested members is needed to change, discard, or create bylaws.
c.) Should the need arise, with a majority vote, the bylaws may be reviewed at any meeting
d.) Granted that the advisor has good reasons, he/she may revoke any decision made by the company.




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