All New !!!!
Want to help us out?  We are looking for unused electronics equipment. VCR's, hard drives, floppy drives, tape recorders, etc., and anything with solar cells. If you have a question just e-mail us at
Ohio County Elementary Middle School


*** New ***  Check out the robot of the week site.  "Cool"
*** New ***  Here are plans for a floppy drive robot "Floppy the Robot"

Welcome:  Thanks for coming to our robotics page.  This Page is all new and growing.  Many students seem to be really into robotics these days and ask me all kinds of questions about how to build them.  This page will hopefully be a link to sources that can get them the information they need.  If you have questions or know of a good links let me know.  My e-mail address is
The Roboforge Game:   Robots can become quiet expensive especially in combat where they can be crushed and destroyed.  But at Roboforge, you can design and build robots and compete with them over the internet.  This site provides a program that you can order.  The program allows you to design your own computer robots with hundreds of different parts and textures.  You also program them to fight and compete with other designers over the internet.  Check out the site and reviews. Roboforge is also our sponsors and helps support us with each game sold. 

Atlanta Robot Rally:  This is an annual competition with a wide variety of events for all types of robots.  Check out their site for more information.

Western Canada Robot Rally:  This is another annual competition with a wide variety of events amny including BEAM robots.  The site also has information, supplier links and builder hints.

Robot Building Links

There are several great sites for building robots on the internet and finding materials.  What I'll try to do is steer you to the ones that I have checked out and think do a good job.

Solarbotics. net.  This site has everything you need to know for building BEAM robots.  It takes you step by step, tells you the tools and materials you need, provides plans and sources for parts.  This is the one stop shop that I usually recommend.

Ben Hitchcock's Robot Farm  This site is a good site for basic information about electronics and BEAM robots.  He has information about how different electronic parts work and how they are used in BEAM robotics.  He explains things in an easy to understand manner for beginners and experienced builders.

Robotics 101  This site gives you plans and directions for one of the basic robot designs.  For your first bot, this is a good choice.

BeamArt  Do you need ideas for your next robot?  This site provides examples of dozens of examples of all types of BEAM robots.

Beam Robotics Tek  This is another site that gives you steps and lessons on how to build BEAM robots.  It has plans and some great ideas and is a good back-up site for the site.
Parts    This site is the source for all you beam robot parts.  They have kits and accessories and are a great source for information.

JCM  This is another robotics kit company that deals in BEAM kits.  Their prices seem good, but I haven't tried any of their products yet.  They don't sell loose parts only kits.  This is an electronic source and carries all type of parts needed for BEAM robotics.  Their prices are pretty good especially if you buy in bulk.

Class Projects Interested in Robotics?  Want to see how you can earn projects points for class and learn about electronics and robotics at the same time?  Then try this classroom link, it lists activities and the number of points you can earn by doing them.  The activites start out simple and increase in hardness as you get better and learn more about robots.
Robotics Project Page