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School District Website (with links to individual schools)

West Des Moines Community School District  

College Search

My College Guide

G&T Organizations

Iowa Talented and Gifted (ITAG)
The Belin & Blank Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development

National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC)

The Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented

American Association for Gifted Children

Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)

General Information on G&T

Hoagies' Gifted Education Page
Austega Gifted Information
Gifted Resources Home Page

Talent Searches and Study Programs

CTY (Institute for the Academic Advancement of Youth (IAAY) Center for Talented Youth
Independent Study for Gifted Learners
International Baccalaureate Organization

Research and Education

Gifted and Learning Disabled
Eric Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education

Developing Thinking in the Gifted
Learning Disabilities and Giftedness
The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented
One size fits all? Age based tracking versus ability grouping in elementary school mathematics
Understanding Tests and Measurements for the Parent and Advocate
Thomas B. Fordham Foundation

News Sites

Des Moines Register
New York Times

General Sites For Kids 

Kid Source Online
Kid's Web

Ask Jeeves Kids 
The Great Kids Network 
FunBrain.com - The Internet's #1 Education Site for K-8 Teachers and Kids 

Sources for Teachers and Parents

PBS Teacher Source  
FunBrain.com - The Internet's #1 Education Site for K-8 Teachers and Kids 
Educational Web Adventures (Eduweb) 
Using the Little Planet Times 
NY Times Education Links


Free Spirit Publishing
Gifted Psychology Press
Prufrock Press


National Council for Teachers of Mathematics - The site of the national standards organization for mathematics education.  There are activities and Java applets available for math.
The Math Forum - An incredible wealth of mathematics research, articles, activities, problems, etc.
Dave's Short Course in Trigonometry - A tutorial in basic trigonometry concepts.
Bamdad's Math Comics Page - A collection of copyrighted cartoons and comic strips with math subjects..
MathNets: Transformations by Brian Dye - A great series of interactive Java applets about geometric transformations.
Manipula math with Java - A collection of a large range of Java applets on different topics from middle school to calculus..

Social Studies and History

The Worldwide Museum of Natural History
The American Red Cross Virtual Museum  
Guardian’s Egypt
Smithsonian Museum of Natural History 
A Presidential Exploration - Home Page
Welcome to Geo-Globe Interactive Geography!


The Space Place  
The Exploratorium the museum of science, art and human perception. 
Welcome to the Yuckiest Site on the Internet! 
Kidzone - ENERGY.GOV - US Dept of Energy 
Discovery Kids


Lizzy Visits the Sculpture Garden
National Gallery of Art -- Online Tours
National Gallery of Art NGAkids splash page 
Global Children's Art Gallery - The Natural Child Project

Language Arts

Little Planet Times