Weaver's News and Views


By popular request, The Spinning News returns for June 2000 and July. Later news events form a major part of the daybook. The sections today:
spinning news: the main news of a half monthentertainment: the secrets of the famous, and the funny items
womyn and men: the gender gap, and sexuality matters
ethics: non-party political matters, things the government should or might do
living real life, in all its strange glory
media: radio, press, television, and other mass communicationspolitics: splitting the parties, or forcing apart the president.
July1 - 1617 - 31August1 - 31
May1 - 1617 - 31June1 - 1516 - 30
March1 - 1415 - 31April1 - 1516 - 30
January1 - 1617 - 31February1 - 1415 - 28
December1 - 1617 - 31November1 - 1516 - 30
October1 - 1617 - 31September1 - 1516 - 30
August1 - 1617 - 31July1 - 1617 - 31
June1 - 1516 - 30May1 - 1617 - 31
April1 - 1516 - 30March1 - 1617 - 31
February1 - 1415 - 28January21 - 31

There are also opinion pieces and clippings from newspapers. I add these when I feel one is due, so check often for changes.
The future's female
Womyn in the entertainment business
3 April 99
The Wedding of the Decade
Popeye and Olive Oyl.
13 March 99
Richard Whitely and co.
9 March 99
New Barbie, new sales27 Febrary 99
Attack of the Killer Canaries!23 Febrary 99
Terry Wogan
We love him to bits!!
26 January 99
All The Chinese
How long till they can't all fit on
The Isle of Wight?
25 December 98
Go Cows!
"Stop Sending Us Poison,"
Says North Korea
8 December 98
Tortuous Television17 October 98
The grave of J. Dawson29 August 98
Direct from Broken, Herts18 August 98
More on the Pussy Posse.8 August 98
How Leo's backlash began.12 July 98
Summer 98's best flicks.30 May 98
Claire Danes on Les Mis29 Apr 98
Jesus re-incarnated as a star actress21 June 98
Why the Spice Girls are a 50's throwback28 Mar 98
20 things the makers of Titanic got wrong.4 Feb 98
See also the Music section
Womyn and Men
Sexism in The New South Africa:
A foreigner's viewpoint
2 Jan 99
The Word of Yawa:
Women and the Bible
24 Dec 98
Reasons to reproduce19 Sept 98
No kids, please and thank you18 July 98
Neurotic Mothers' Monthly.31 Oct 98
That's Ms, if you'd be so kind 11 May 99
My name, my identity20 July 98
What real girls want.4 July 98
The new feminism in one house21 June 98
A woman's place is on the web29 Apr 98
Homo and Hetro
AIDS amongst gay men3 Oct 98
"Cured" gays8 August 98
Can being gay be that dull?12 July 98
Reasons why gay marriage is a good thing21 June 98
Political bent
A brief history of eloping.12 July 98
QC Anne Rafftery on rape.9 July 98
Why NOW is now historic28 Apr 98
The Environment
Global warming
A counterblast.
11 May 99
The Ozone Layer
A crisis more on hot air than hot fact.
6 Feb 99
Fur is back in fashion
So are myths about it.
30 Jan 99
Clanging Chimes of Doom7 Nov 98
Confessions of a car user29 August 98
The Body Shop being Honest15 August 98
Eating meat: the global scale1 August 98
Deities Amongst Us
Your God may not be mine.
23 Jan 99
Burning crosses26 Sept 98
The "Nation of Islam"25 July 98
Thought and Speech
Hate laws
Penalising thought, not action.
9 Feb 99
Political Correctness
It all depends on where you're coming from
2 Jan 99
The Dirty Dozen Spams29 August 98
Turning your back on a visiting dignatory14 June 98
Control and governance of cyberspace28 Mar 98
Family Matters
Killing with Kindness
Why you can't trust a government with a family.
24 Dec 98
Worth what, exactly?12 Sept 98
Teens: born to conform?23 July 98
Judicial murder in the USA.4 July 98
The rights and wrongs of commercialism in the classroom21 June 98
Drop your guns, children.14 June 98
Products and consuming
How to... Open a CD case 17 Apr 99
The Anti Gift List:
All the prezzies you don't want.
6 Mar 99
Predictive Marketing
Why I'm always prompted to buy utter rubbish
23 Jan 99
Let them use Mobiles!26 Sept 98
Consumer rage29 August 98
Junk Mail Is Good!18 August 98
Don't we all love... McDonalds25 July 98
International Culture
Driving on the Right
Right, or wrong?
8 May 99
The London Underground
A strange beast
26 Apr 99
Why we might light candles19 Apr 99
More Albanian Proverbs3 Apr 99
Ya Don't Say!:
Telling Americans that it is.
27 Feb 99
An Island Life
Not too big, not too small.
24 Dec 98
A wired province's profile7 Nov 98
Surviving a tidal wave24 Oct 98
Cops and Bicycles26 Sept 98
National Day13 August 98
Some Albanian Proverbs26 July 98
Say How it Is
It's, like, not good enough.22 May 99
Toronto's Big Snowstorm
When's it arriving?
8 May 99
Hanging on the Telephone
Just let us talk to a human.
13 Feb 99
Saying Nothing
A quiet call to speak up
9 Feb 99
Dealing with big numbers
The ones that make Bill Gates' accountant's head spin.
9 Jan 99
Dead Poetry Society
Are schools undermining the most expressive form of literacy?
19 Dec 98
Revising your spelling7 Nov 98
Neologisms5 Sept 98
The US-UK Spelling Bee31 August 98
Don't answer the phone15 Apr 98
Time: where's it all going?10 Mar 98
Odds 'n' Sods
Being Forgetful:
Its inherited, IIRC
13 Jun 99
Missing in Action:
People or reason?
20 Feb 99
The Titanic - What really went wrong?17 Jan 99
The Stealth Republic14 Nov 98
Bondage for Beginners14 Oct 98
Safety Helmets and Princes3 Oct 98
How hot is Hell?3 Oct 98
Another nation of tea drinkers31 August 98
A bond too far22 August 98
Doncha just love being held at airports? Here's why.21 June 98
The Media Network
Flops Like These
Hoping to let That 70s Show cross the pond
22 May 99
Talk Radio UK
A word to the new boss
20 Feb 99
The Warner Brothers Network
Targetting teens pays dividends
9 Feb 99
Introducing the National Post
Should Canadians be bothered about the South?
30 Jan 99
Reporting the Starr Report21 Nov 98
The Court Circular14 Nov 98
This Column Is Plagarised!3 Oct 98
Teletubbies Conquer America15 Aug 98
Wither radio news?30 May 98
The betrayal of the tabloid reader1 May 98
Gulf War II - the TV show?27 Feb 98
Pure Politics
Impeaching Clinton
The Story of the Year. 17 Apr
High Crimes and Misdemeanours
What is one when it's home?
25 Dec 98
Time to Go, Mr Clinton21 Nov 98
Clinton: those fibs in full24 Oct 98
Clinton: liar, liar, liar24 Oct 98
Britain in Europe
Why The Euro Failed
Looking back at the end of a flop currency.
6 Mar
Businessmen afraid of the answer14 Nov 98
Euro-Monetary Untruths31 Oct 98
Europhile Dissent15 Oct 98
Let's join NAFTA!12 Sept 98
Unfair treatment for Air France.5 Sept 98
British politics
Killing Grammar Schools
Yet another outbreak of Labour double-face.
27 Feb 99
Fixing the voting system
Even though it ain't broke...
30 Jan 99
Rules for Resigning
Leaked from Downing Street.
26 Jan 99
Can we copy your hard disk?17 Oct 98
English according to Hague19 Sept 98
Tony Blair, and rigged elections.2 July 98
New Labour, new fibs15 Apr 98
Peace finally comes to Ulster13 Apr 98
The rest
Vous parlerons Francais seulement
You will speak French only
11 May 99
Brian Tobin as Canada's PM
A preview
1 May 99
Moaning Minnies one and all10 Apr 99
Selective Justice
One law for Chile, another for Spain.
13 Mar 99
Sealing Their Fates
Abusing seals for your own ends.
6 Mar 99
Iraq's error
The November version (remember that?)
20 Feb 99
Hate Crimes
A poor reason to legislate
9 Jan 99

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