WeaverLady's Wool Shop

Haltwhistle Fibres

Kathryn G. Carras

Blue Face Leicester lamb
Owned by White Craig Farm
of Haltwhistle, Northumberland, England

A little bit about me:

I became involved with wool spinning in a kind of backwards way. I was given a border collie puppy, who, of course, was very active. When she was about 11 months old I decided she needed some sheep to work so I bought three young lambs. I sold them in the fall for a small profit and the next year I bought three older ewes. When one of them had a lamb, I was hooked. So then I had to learn to spin and the rest , as they say, is history.

I have been spinning for about 25 years now, and no longer raise sheep and the border collie training never did work out, although I have had others since that first pup. I learned to weave 9 or 10 years ago and am thoroughly hooked on spinning, weaving, knitting, crocheting, felting and needlepoint. In order to feed my habit, I started selling yarn and wool. I am also an Anglophile, having visited England many times in the last 15 years, so I have combined my favorite things and now import combed top from England for sale to other spinners.

Of course I manage time for spinning British fibers, too. After all, I need to make samples for my booth at the wool festivals.

For many varied reasons (such as a full-time job!) I have decided to stop importing wool from England for re-sale. I am out of most of my popular wool types, such as white and light grey blue-face leicester. I had many enjoyable years of going to wool festivals and dealing with mail order customers and would like to thank all of you for buying from me over the years.


More Information will be posted here soon, please call or e-mail for more details.

E-mail me at: weaverlady@sbcglobal.net

Website Created and Maintained By: Paul T. Carras
Last updated on March 29, 2006
