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This page is graphically intense please be patient it is worth it I'm sure you'll agree !
Page 7 the conclusion of my story is up thanks for being patient

Welcome to the Gilmours Castle

Lady Theodora Welcomes you

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I have wonderful news my friend got her liver transplant and is doing very well thanks to all of your prayers and thoughts.

Lady Theodora's Castle Protected By Her Good Luck Dragon

Welcome to my Castle I am Lady Theodora it is my pleasure to give you a tour . Follow my links to the story I wrote . You can find a link to my kitchen pages where you will find a good recipe. I have just updated my kitchen page so enjoy the new recipe. Also you will find my pages filled with some great links to just about anything you might be interested in :-) So have fun and enjoy my Castle stop by again soon I'll be waiting !
To go to my other pages click the box with the arrow and a grid will appear select which room you choose to go to by clicking on it , then click the button next to it," visit now" and you will be taken to the page of your choice.
Come back often HAPPY SURFING :-)

I did it Thank You Geocities

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