Just to get everyone up to speed, I got the job! I start working full time with the Pennsylvania Hospital Oncology and Hematology Associates on May 24th! I'm making the big move to Philadelphia on Friday May 21st..... Stay tuned.....

Welcome! My name is Leslie and I am a 21 year old graduate of Penn State University. This page is my story. 21 years ago I was adopted and I've never known my birth-parents. I've always wondered though but I have still led a wonderful life so far! Here you will find some of my favorite sites on the web. You'll also find many pages about my personal experiences including love and loss, friendships, what it's like to be adopted, places to go and things to do. Thanks for visiting and enjoy your stay!

This is my senior picture.

Click here to learn a little more about me.

These are a few of my favorite sites

All My Children

My Favorite Soap

My Favorite Links

Trigger's Page

Are you in love?

Best Friends

Attention Sports Fans!

The Places I've Been

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E-mail me at leslies@ptd.net.

Last updated Thursday May 13, 1999

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since October 18, 1996.

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