Knightgale's Raging Fire

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The fire still burns tho it has been many years ago. I am a survivor of child abuse.

I have wanted to tell my story for many years, but because of tremendous fear,growing up in the horrible years, my brother and I lived in silence. No sexual abuse, but the horrific physical and extreme mental abuse we both endured will forever burn in my soul. The bitterness and anger within me burns like a raging fire. The abuse endured is so horrific. I have had and still do have nightmares from years past. As a small child, I had a stepfather, very domineering and do feel my mother was afraid of him. She had two small babies on her hands and no where else to go or no one to turn to. My hearts bleeds thinking of those terrible years my mother had to endure just as a matter of survival!!! My biggest problem was I had wet the bed every nite of my life in my growing up years, was so punished severely every day for this. The punishment was so cruel, maggots was my bed, I had to sleep wherever I could find, for years slept on the floor for the bed was rotted away and infested with maggots, the abuse created a hatred and bitterness, that I still live with today, THAT'S THE RAGING FIRE!!!!!! The beatings with anything he could get his hands, made to chew rags with my own urine, drink my own urine, made to put my feet in the human feces at the outhouse all day long without food or water. (I was quite small, first grade) Feet and hands tied and hung from the ceiling and beat til blood ran off my body, then the rope was cut above my head and I dropped to the floor like a side of meat. Then kicked and cursed at, telling me to get up, but I could not. Poured table salt in and rubbed into all my wounds!! Was made to sleep on the floor where a snake had just fallen from the ceiling. Was tied to a chair and threaten to beat me if I did not tell the truth above the fifty cents I had, my stepfather said I stole it, but in truth, a friend gave it to me, but he swore I stole it, and to keep from getting beaten, I LIED AND TOLD HIM, YES I STOLE IT!!!! My brother had been beaten unmericifully because he could not swallow some large pills. My own mother kept beating and kept beating him, and I was there screaming please stop, mama, please stop!!!! There were no child abuse laws when we were growing up. We were afraid to tell anyone, living in daily constant FEAR!! I finally ran away from home once, only to have to go back, for I was not of legal age. So that is the only thing I was waiting for, and when I WAS within the legal age, I left home to NEVER RETURN. When we reached the high school age, and the rest of our class was having parties, games, cookouts, going places and doing things as teenagers, it was not allowed. It was all work and no play. If the neighbor kids came over to play, he would run them off. He refused to pay for our graduation rings, caps and gowns. I went to the prinicpal and talked with him about it, asking him to help me make money to buy my ring, and pay rental fees for the graduation cap and gown. I worked for him for almost the whole year just to get 24.56 to pay for my graduation ring. I SWORE AND TOOK A VOW NO ONE WOULD EVER HURT ME EVER AGAIN!!! Tho it has been many years ago, those HORRIFIC memories still haunt me daily, WOUNDS THAT WILL NEVER HEAL, when I hear of the many children in this world that are abused, beaten, and even murdered, some by their own parents, it sets the FIRE RAGING IN MY SOUL!!!!!!!, the blaze is forever burning. For I can certainly understand, from personal experience what it is like.

When I read the story of Valerie, a 12 year old who was horrifically abused and murdered at the hands of her OWN MOTHER and her boyfriend, it really struck a nerve, and rage within me. The mother sentenced to 12 years prison time, and boyfriend got life. Where is there justice when they both are still living and Valerie is dead!!!!!!!!!!!! It not only made me cry so hard, but lit that raging fire once again. The Purple Ribbon Parade held in Winchester, Virginia, on May 16th, 1997, was for and in memory of Valerie and all the children who have been abused and/or murdered at the hands of evil ones.

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Take a look at my other websites and affilations with other child advocates


One of my support pages in reference to "children" and IMPRISONED CHILDREN

My Journeys & Beyond
Knightgale's Biker Corner
My Personal Poems

The happiest in my life, is my present hubby, he is my guardian angel, my soul mate, so very good to me, he understands I need space, and time to myself, I get to do my things and he does his. We have been married 43 years(1/4/2009), he knows the hurt I have endured in my past. I will always treasure his love and understanding and hope he will be with me for a very long time.

My Hubby, My Love, My Life

This site is DEDICATED to my brother,who is at peace now. NO MORE ABUSE MY BROTHER, I LOVE YOU! :)James Earl Sizemore,11-9-39 to 4-29-00

Click for Enterprise, Alabama Forecast

Links to other sites on the Web

Center for Children and the Law
Safeguarding Our Chilren-United Mothers
Project Love Homepages
Kids in Court
Whoopass For Justice

If you have suggestions, comments or you are one of the survivors out there, I would enjoy hearing from you anytime, please e-mail me at address below!!!! WE NEED EVERYONE TO GET INVOLVED AND HELP STOP THIS MADNESS OF CHILD ABUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Many, many SPECIAL THANKS to my very special Canadian friend, "FOXY" for assisting me with music for my web pages,without him, this website would not exist.((((((HUGS))))))


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