Please take the time to sign my guestbook, as well as visit the pages of those who have! :)

08/22/00 17:15:51
Name: Diva Devoir ~Unique~ My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: surfed on in

Hi! I enjoyed my visit here so much, I would like to invite you to visit our website, Divine Divas of the Web. Feel free to write us with any questions you might have, and perhaps even apply for membership into our organization. Once accepted, you will be notified via e-mail of your acceptance, you will receive a personalized membership logo to place on your website.
From Earth's farthest reaches, Forged from Diversity, Finding solace together, We stand as One.

Divine Diva of the Web does not discriminate against persons of any Race, Religion, Beliefs, or Creed. We welcome the diversity!!!

07/16/00 01:28:16
Name: Lynda My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: An idea whose time has come.
Should I add a Rainbow Ribbon cause?: disability rights.

I really like the concept and equally important the causes. I especially like the should I add a Rainbow Ribbon cause. So that the Rainbow Ribbon can always grow. Warmest wishes Lynda. PS Feel free to sign my guestbook

07/16/00 01:25:54
Name: Patti My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: I agree fully
Should I add a Rainbow Ribbon cause?: mental health

You seem to terrific, caring, all round wonderful. I have child abuse, domestic violence resources on my site. You may want to check it out. If you do, please sign my guestbook.

07/16/00 01:23:32
Name: Jerry My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: I really like it
Should I add a Rainbow Ribbon cause?: mental health

Your rainbow ribbons sentiments are very good. I wish you well on your campaign. Please check out my site and sign my guestbook.

04/22/00 17:13:09
Name: tammy
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

NAME: Tammy Email: Homepage: Web site Title: Survivors Against Domestic Violence How did you find this site? A friend! Comments:

Hello, as the founder of Survivors Against Domestic Violence (SADV) I wish to personally extend to you an invitation to visit our site at: http://survi We are an Internet group based on the idea that all victims can become survivors and there can be an end to Domestic Violence. Please accept this letter as a formal invitation to view our site. Feel free to write us with any questions you might have, and perhaps even apply for membership into our loving group of survivors. If you meet our membership criteria and are accepted, you will be notified via e-mail of your acceptance and you will receive a membership logo to place on your website.

In Love & Peace,

Lady Madona

Founder, SADV

01/04/00 02:05:26
Name: Rev. Johannes Erich Myors My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: (good, except you need a link between the rings page and the main page)
Should I add a Rainbow Ribbon cause?: nothing at the moment

Shalom from a fellow member of the Help the Innocent Children WebRing. I want to wish you a happy new year and I pray that this year will be more effective and productive for you than last year was. Thank you for taking a stand to help children. So have I Take care in Y'shua.

11/18/99 03:29:19
Name: Carrie AGAIN My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: brilliant still!
Should I add a Rainbow Ribbon cause?: I think landmine victims, maybe it sounds dumb, but it is a serious problem

that is all! hehe, I was just reading about Di and saw that! So there ya go!

11/17/99 02:33:18
Name: Carrie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: I think it is BRILLIANT
Should I add a Rainbow Ribbon cause?: umm... I cannot think of any

I think this would be a PERFECT world if people could follow the rule things u have written down!

10/07/99 16:11:31
My URL: Visit Me


08/23/99 03:55:00
Name: Cathlyn Leming My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: It's great!

I love your pages! Thank you so much for allowing me to visit. I shall return! ~C~

08/08/99 00:03:54
Name: Rosemary Mc Lean My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: Lovely with love the best
Should I add a Rainbow Ribbon cause?: Keep the good spirit flowing

I shall only be to proud to place this Rainbow Ribbon on all my sites it is what this world needs. (people caring about all these issues)I wish you the very best and keep up the great work here.(Rosemary Mc Lean) ps:I shall email my urls to you when I place these ribbons on them.

08/07/99 21:44:57
Name: me My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: Its very pretty and I like the content
Should I add a Rainbow Ribbon cause?: what about animals?

hi, keep up the great work with your homepage.

07/08/99 01:57:29
Name: Lynn My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: It's awesome!
Should I add a Rainbow Ribbon cause?: Sure.

This is a wonderful idea...beautiful site, keep up the great work and I wish you the best of lick always. Come visit me and tell me what you think!

D'Goobie Fairy heard the news!
She has flown all the way over here
just because your site is awesome!
Here's some "Goobie" dust to give
you luck in The Site Fights!

Kisses from D'Goobie Fairy encouraging
you to go SHOUT IT OUT!
Keep up the great work!

04/15/99 02:42:39
Name: rachel My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: fantastic
Should I add a Rainbow Ribbon cause?: i think you got'em all

this is some a great page, with a wonderful sentiment. I was visiting a page and saw the webring and i loved "mission statement" on the webring graphic so i had to visit the site to see if i could get the graphic. I'll be linking to you very soon

04/10/99 03:43:20
Name: Jan My URL: Visit Me
What do you think of this page?: I think it's wonderful Should I add a Rainbow Ribbon cause?: I think you have covered everything

I have been trying to join your Rainbow Ribbon Web Ring for quite some is a wonderful idea and I would be proud to be a member. I have filled out all the appropriate forms...added the html to my page ...and still have not been added to the l st...I am still on the queue

03/10/99 03:32:15
Name: Sylvia Handlon My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: Like it
Should I add a Rainbow Ribbon cause?: would like to join

Like what you say about violence I to would like to see all the violence disapear. We all should love one another.

02/24/99 16:32:19
Name: Kim My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: It's fantastic.

Your idea is great. Just knowing that there is someone out there in the world who has taken the time to creat something so pure and good is refreshing. I'll add a link to your page as soon as I can!

02/15/99 02:18:24
Name: Linda
My URL: Visit Me
What do you think of this page?: it was great

thanks for sharing,very nice

02/05/99 22:23:07
Name: Lisa Ann Cacciola My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: I thought it was very interesting and it was something that I believe in

I am going to add the ribbon to my page and join the rainbow ribbon webring. I'm glad that someone else shares the same thoughts as i do and they are willing to speak up and support not just one but many causes and beliefs.

02/01/99 01:39:54
Name: Kyndall My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: So neat!

I'm 13. I would like a pen pal from Japan or China that can speak (or type) in english. It would also be better if they were between the ages of 11-15. I enjoy Sailor Moon and I want to learn how to surf and snow board. I have a horse, a dog, and two ats. I hope that this page will help me find what I'm looking for.

02/01/99 01:38:49
Name: Kyndall
My URL: Visit Me
What do you think of this page?: So neat!

I'm 13. I would like a pen pal from Japan or China that can speak (or type) in english. It would also be better if they were between the ages of 11-15. I enjoy Sailor Moon and I want to learn how to surf and snow board. I have a horse, a dog, and two ats. I hope that this page will help me find what I'm looking for.

01/23/99 06:38:53
Name: garnet My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: wonderful
Should I add a Rainbow Ribbon cause?: yes

Care for the Children...a gallant...most worthy cause...i've been looking for pages like this for a while glad i came upon yours...

01/23/99 04:31:14
Name: Donna Prothro My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: It's wonderful

I think your idea is wonderful. The ribbon expresses how I feel. I added one to my page with a link back to yours. Thanks for the little piece of inspiration.

01/23/99 00:31:09
Name: Mindy My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: GREAT!!

Grat sit and idea.... I am adding one of your ribbons to my brother memorail page... tank-you for caring Mindy

01/14/99 20:53:03
Name: Bethany My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: Love it
Should I add a Rainbow Ribbon cause?: Hmmm...

I love this page...I had a banner but I lost this URL. I will be linking you ASAP. I will also be joining your webring...Great page, good message.

01/09/99 20:41:04
Name: Beth My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: it's great
Should I add a Rainbow Ribbon cause?: if you want...

Great page--I usually don't join ribbon campaigns, but I felt this one was worth it.

12/30/98 21:33:58
Name: BECKY My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: great

looking for female preteenage penpal

11/22/98 12:26:15
Name: mary b My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: Great idea
Should I add a Rainbow Ribbon cause?: No page yet but of course I am in favour of all causes listed.

I am an abuse survivor and would like e-mail from other survivors for mutual support. I promise toreply to all who mail me.

11/10/98 20:45:30
Name: mike fontana My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: I love it!

Very inspiring. I plan to send it along to others.

10/15/98 04:12:47
Name: Pinkie D'cruz My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: super

The campaign is great....keep up the good work! I'll be adding a ribbon to my pages :)


10/13/98 07:29:12
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

10/06/98 16:22:04
Name: jeni branting My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: I love it


10/04/98 14:52:01
Name: Denise My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: It's super
Should I add a Rainbow Ribbon cause?: Light blue for stop child abuse.

We have formed a grass roots campaign against child abuse and we use the light blue ribbon. Would like to hear from you maybe we can work together to reach more people. We haven't used the net at all yet.

09/15/98 21:51:44
Name: Chuck My URL: Visit Me
What do you think of this page?: Kind of mal-informed and topical Should I add a Rainbow Ribbon cause?: Crucial Arts

On racism: what of the much deeper currents of rigid mindsets beneath racism, which allow such human stupidity to continue to flourish?

09/03/98 02:02:40
Name: Carole A. Koehler My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: loved it!!!!!!!!!!

This is great. I'll spread the word about your site.

Cindy - 08/31/98 10:46:58
comment: Nice page... see the magazine at the url above!!

08/21/98 07:00:04
Name: cartman38 My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: preety groovy
Should I add a Rainbow Ribbon cause?: it stand for alot

you have a preety cool page i love too write peotry too

08/18/98 17:17:14
Name: Kate My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: its ok
Should I add a Rainbow Ribbon cause?: yes

You have an ok page..its really deep

08/15/98 02:03:39
Name: Kate My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: its cool
Should I add a Rainbow Ribbon cause?: yes

Great page, and great ring

08/15/98 01:52:40
Name: Kate My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: its cool
Should I add a Rainbow Ribbon cause?: yes

Great page, and great ring

08/02/98 18:15:29
Name: GOOD NEWS, Inc.
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hi! I am here looking for members of my FAMILY and you are one of them. We are so many that our numbers extend into Heaven. You are not what you seem to be and human nature is not your true nature. Please follow me Home and I will tell you all about i ! It is Heaven! Ah! Sweet Heaven! Your Home, because you are a child of the Most High God ... created in His image and likeness. You are immortal! You are a spirit stuck temporarily in a clay body, but you will rise and fly Home like all human beings h ve done before us. Like a worm in a cocoon eventually becomes a butterfly, we dwell in a clay cocoon. After "three score and ten years" or so, we fly away "drawn" to Heaven by our loving Father. Guess what? God "shall lose nothing"! ... not one human shee ! ALL RISE to the feast of love, many and indeed MOST as "prodigal sons"! Do you want to know more about your "certain eternal life" and your angelic heritage? Join me at You are more than welcome as a beloved angel (male) or "virt e" (female, correctly speaking) and member of the household of our Creator-Father God! Who is El Shaddai meaning "the breasted one"? She is God's Wife and YOUR Mother! Visit Mom at You made a significant start … just by being human If you don't find me at Mom's Place, I also hang out in the END-zone, That is where YOU can learn your alpha-point in time and space! "GOOD NEWS"

08/02/98 13:15:44
Name: yusuf hassan My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: very good


07/22/98 23:22:54
Name: Kimmy Smith My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: Great

Nice site...I loved what I saw.

07/06/98 06:02:11
Name: Muniffa My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: awesome and unique
Should I add a Rainbow Ribbon cause?: Yes

This is my second try at sending this comment. Your site is really cool. I really like the rainbow ribbon campaign. Your ideolagies are positive and I think people around the world should adopt that sort of an ideology. I was wondering where could I get hold of the rainbow ribbon? Keep up the great work and I will definitely be returning to your site. Peace Muniffa

06/28/98 03:16:42
Name: Alicia My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: way cool! i love it!
Should I add a Rainbow Ribbon cause?: yeah

this page is great! I love the causes! keep it up!

05/11/98 03:36:04
Name: jacko
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

I found your site on the GeoGuide! You have a very nice home page. I really enjoyed my stay and will be back. Keep up the good work..If you get time please come by our home page and look around and take time to sign our guest book. ...........J@cko

A GeoCities Featured Page

This site is dedicated to the Women who
endure the Pain, Fear and Injustice from the many Medical and
Legal Problems associated with Silicone Implants.
Operation Commitment and Hope for Silicone Implant Survivors
Operation Commitment and Hope for Silicone Implant Survivors

04/12/98 19:32:30
Name: Claudette Letendre My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: wonderful!

What a beautiful site! I love your Rainbow Ribbon Campaign and it's a winner of my Angel of Peace Award. Click HERE.I also love you caring for the children! Here's my Angel of Love Award. HERE.

04/11/98 03:44:27
Name: Yelena Koval My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: Awesome!
Should I add a Rainbow Ribbon cause?: Not necessarily

Thank you! I've gone through many other pages of survivors, and I feel so much appreciation towards every single person who put the web page for people like me, like yourself. Please, be strong, and I hope you'll get out of your parents' house - soon. am in a similar - although not the same situation now, and I know I have to leave - for the sake of staying sane. Good luck on your healing path! Peace and love, Yelena

04/11/98 03:18:51
Name: Ronnie & Sharri Couch My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: very nice page

Just followed your banner in here to see what your page was about. Would like you to leave your banner in our guestbook; if you want? Thanks, Ronnie & Sharri

03/25/98 03:28:43
Name: Leigh-Ann Peters My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: very good

Thank you for this site!

03/22/98 12:11:13
Name: Barb My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: a 10, without a doubt!
Should I add a Rainbow Ribbon cause?: YES!

Beautiful pages! I took your banner and will be adding a link from my Homepage. THANKS!

03/20/98 08:41:44
Name: Jackie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: Wonderful Page

My page already includes AIDS resources and links to M.D. Anderson-Cancer Center-Childrens Art Project. I will add a rainbow ribbon to my site and have applied to be part of your web ring. Please visit me when you can.

03/14/98 10:03:56
Name: Jennifer My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: Exciting.

Hello! It's very exciting. But I also want to know whether I can get a pen-pal or NOT! Bye!

03/14/98 10:00:13
Name: Jennifer My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: Exiciting.

Hello! It's very exiting. But I also want to know whether I can get a pen-palor NOT! Bye!

03/04/98 14:58:52
Name: Shujauddin Qureshi My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: It is very good
Should I add a Rainbow Ribbon cause?: Yes

I am willing to have link with you

03/01/98 16:20:56
My URL: Visit Me


02/22/98 19:27:37
Name: Aprill aka Sunshyne My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: It's awesome
Should I add a Rainbow Ribbon cause?: Sure

Life is like a flower. Blossom!

02/22/98 05:24:21
Name: Stephen My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me What do you think of this page?: Awesome, very good idea!!!
Should I add a Rainbow Ribbon cause?: Sure, sounds good.......

Hi, Awesome idea you have here. What a way to combine all the ribbon sites out there. There are so many i am sure your ring will grow quickly as word spreads. I plan to join as soon as i get a chance with my homepage. Thanks again for a wonderful webring. Also I would like to welcome you once again to Messages With Meaning its an honor to have you in our special webring family!!! Take care...

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