Babies Page

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The First Week

The Seventh Month

The First Month

The Eighth Month

The Second Month

The Ninth Month

The Third Month

The Tenth Month

The Fourth Month

The Eleventh Month

The Fifth Month

The Twelfth Month

The Sixth Month

Beyond The First Year

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The First Week

    Child psychologist Jean Piaget once said that the newborn baby is "a small collection of somewhat clumsy, unfinished and isolated reflexes." New research and observation have been done and have shown that the neonate is  more than that discription.  Before birth the fetus is sensitive to light, sound, and changes in temperature, and by the time you are due he has been sucking on his thumb for several weeks.

     Most parents if they have never seen a newborn baby will be a little shocked.  Instead of the cute baby with dimples and rounded parts, you're more likely to see a puffy-faced, oddly colored, crooked little creature.  He might have a fine dark hair (called laguno) covering him.  Do not worry overmuch, as this will dissappear.  Also the baby might have a soft white waxy substance covering him.  This is called vernix and will usually be removed during the baby's first bath.   The remaining vernix will be absorbed into the baby's skin within the next 24 hours.

     At birth your baby will probably weigh around 7 to 8 pounds but could weight more or less easily.  Length for a newborn is usually from 18 to 22 inches.  Both the heartbeat and breathing rates are nearly double an adults rates, but this may vary depending upon levels of excitement and activity.

     One of the things that is most startling to new parents is the shape and size of a newborn's head.  The newborn head makes up about 1/4 of his entire body length, and invariably, at the time of birth is too big to fit through the mothers birth canal. Since babies have been born vaginally for centuries it seems that nature has come up with an answer for this predicament by allowing the infants head to temporarily change shape.  This is commonly called the molding process, and is what causes the newborns head to have a melon shaped appearance, slightly pointed in the back.  As I said before this is only temporary.. your babies head will return to it's normal shape within a few days.

     A newborn's breasts and genitals may be enlarged (this is caused by hormones that have crossed the placenta from the mothers body)and will disappear in a few days.  Also a male may already be experiencing erections. This also is very common, and frequent(it is thought that they are caused by pressure on the bladder or rectum.)

     Crying styles among newborns is varied, just like the baby themselves.  Some may cry loudly, others cry   quietly but more frequently.  There is no "normal" crying average, although the baby may start and stop often.  One of the main reasons for infant discomfort is the baby's immature body thermostats.  This is most true for the first few days as baby is learning to adjust to the outside world.  This may be a trying time as parents don't know really what is causing the discomfort.

     Sleep patterns are another thing that is varied in babies. Current research indicates that babies have awake and asleep states, and that the newborn is awake far more of the time than was previously thought.  Sleep states during the first 24 hours vary from deep sleep, light sleep, drowsiness, wide awake, and visually alert.  In some babies these states are very distinct and noticable; in others it's hard to tell if a baby is awake or sleeping.

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