Stuff That Isn't Usually Recyclable!

Suave Liquid Roll-On 2.7fl oz Deoderant - #2 Recyclable(Listed)
Ban Clear Roll-On 2.5fl oz Anti-Persperant - #1 Recyc.(L)
Ban Clear Solid 16oz - #1 Recyc.(L)
Tussy Liquid Roll-On 1.7fl oz - #2 Recyc.(L)

Crest Neat Squeezer - #7 Recyc.(L)

Shaving Cremes:
Satin Care Replenishing Creme - #2 Recyc.(L)
Satin Care Body Wash/Shaving Creme - #2 Recyc.(L)

Hair Stuff:
Most Shampoo & Conditioner bottles are #2 Recyc.(L), just look.

Your area may not recycle some numbers, especially the ones for toothpaste or deoderant. What you can do is find a store in the next town over or so, that recycles the numbers you're looking for, and see if they have a bin to drop recyclables off at. I know that the Wild Harvest in Andover, Massachusetts does. And if you can't find one, suggest the idea to one. If enough people would like one, start a letter writing campaign. It couldn't hurt. Another thing you can do is make friends in other towns and have some kind of recyclable swap. I haven't tried this one, personally, but it's worth the try.

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