Greetings, and welcome to my site! I'm not sure where you came here from, but it was most likely from my other pages. If you'd like to get back to them, go to the bottom of this page and click on the right link.

I originally made this site when I was angry and frustrated with the world. It started when I saw a non-pollution commercial on TV that showed a woman buying all these foods in pre-wrapped plastic. After a few days, it really got to me, and I decided to do something about it. This is where this site comes in. As a person concerned with the environment and Nature, I feel as if I have to get my message out to people who want to help, but don't know how.

Although many people, environmentalists, conservationists, and animal rights activists, seem to be concerned with preserving the planet, they seem to overlook one thing: GARBAGE! Most environmentalists only concentrate on recycling, and although recycling is an integral part of my program, it just isn't enough. You have to get rid of normal garbage in order to eliminate landfills and eyesores. Not only does this help the planet and make you feel good about your choices, but it practically eliminates all the hastle of taking your garbage to the dump, except of course for your recyclables.

I know this may sound difficult at first, but as soon as you realize the tricks to getting through it, it's extremely simple!

And as I said at the top, you're one step away from ending pollution, and that step is you!

Why I Think This Is Important | One Person Can Make A Difference | Adapting Your Food Purchases | What & How To Buy Things In the Stores | Recycled & Recyclable Products | Making the System Work for You | What To Do With Cardboard | Tell Me If You're Pollution-Free | Sign Guestbook | View Guestbook

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