Liz's Corner of the Web

Welcome to Liz's Corner of the Web

Hi, I'm Liz, and this is my little corner of the Web. Please bear with me while this page is in developement. I hope that you will bookmark it
and return to watch my progress.

Last updated May 21, 1998


I have some of these pages within this site,
most of which are now up and running.
To access these areas, please use the buttons at the bottom of this page.

  • About Me

  • An Essay on being a Full Figured Woman

  • Articles and essay's on being Disabled

  • Information on Fibromyalgia Syndrome

  • Links to things of interest to me, and hopefully you as well,
    including BBW sites, craft sites, FMS sites and Fun & Games.
    Webrings maybe accessed on the links page.
    More will come in time.

  • Craft pages, with pictures of my creations and ideas you can try. Most of the craft pages are up and running. Please go ahead and stop by to see what's there.

  • Graphics Pages where you can download graphics I've made, FREE
    There are hundreds of free graphics, that I personally made available now,
    with many more to come in the very near future.

  • Other ideas and things I come up with

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    I'm very honored to display my first award!!

    The Size Wise Excellence Award


    The HTML Writers Guild

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    This page created, maintained and operated by Liz P. Established January 30, 1998