of Yolo County

Monthly meetings:
Second Monday
of each month
7-9 p.m.

in odd months
in even months

530 662-8970
or e-mail
for meeting

Merida & Paul Wilson
Vice President
Betty Hornbostel
Linda Birse
Hal Brown
Jenise Cardwell

April Meeting

The April PFLAG meeting will focus on Homosexuality and Politics: The struggle for simple equality, not special rights. Guest speakers for this meeting will include Jennifer Richard, office of Assemblywoman Sheila James Kuehl (author of AB222, 'The Student Dignity Act"); Todd Clark from the Office of the Legislative Analyst; and Guillermo Mayer, legislative assistant for Senator Tom Hayden.

Message from the President

by Fred Harvey

One of the most significant, and lasting, and memorable, courses that I took in college was Constitutional Law taught by the blind phenomenal Constitutional scholar Jacobus TenBrooke. Dr. TenBrooke had memorized every line of the United States Constitution and many of the associated text books, many of which he had written. He was in love with this stunning document and when the course was over, any one of his students who did not also have an affair going with it was brain dead.

In that instrument, there resides the 14th Amendment which prohibits a State from denying to any person within it jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. This constitutional guarantee of equal protection of the laws means that no person or class of persons shall be denied the same protection of the laws which is enjoyed by other persons or other classes in like circumstances in their lives, liberty, property and their PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. It is also worthy to note that the Constitution refers to person, not to citizen, not to Religious Right Christian, not to Republican Conservative, etc., etc.

In the America the we know and love at the moment, homosexuals are the last class of persons that can be legally discriminated, nay encouraged, to be legally discriminated, against in intent and spirit of the Constitution notwithstanding, that our rights have to be legislated. Blacks, Hispanics, Asians (you name the minority) have all had to exercise civil disobedience, revert and appeal to the courts and the bodies of government to establish their rights to exist within our borders and to pursue their individual happiness.

Here, in the far west of California, we are more fortunate than, say Wyoming, to have a legislature that is, historically, a bit more rational in the application of constitutional assurance. To that end, a spate of bills have been introduced this legislative session that, if passed and signed by the governor, would forward our liberties and quest of well being significantly.

There is a maximum of law that states, essentially, that if we sleep on our rights, we loose our rights. Eternal vigilance should be the universal motto or our community and that providence can be exercised in the support of those bills which have been proffered by several of our legislature friends. Take a moment, review the following recommended letter, grab pen and paper, and drop off a note to the Speaker of the Assembly and help him to help us.

The Honorable Antonio Villaraigosa
Speaker of the California State Assembly
State Capitol, Room 219
Sacramento, CA 95814

Dear Speaker Villaraigosa:

I am in strong support of your bill, AB 1001, to give gays and lesbians equal treatment under the law in jobs and housing. I also want register my support for related legislation: AB 222 to protect students; and four bills which move us closer to full recognition of domestic partners: AB 26, AB 107, AB 901, and SB 75.

Thank you for your leadership in promoting full equality for ALL Californians!



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Updated 4/2/99