Things that make me crazy!

though some are negotiable. (ha,ha)

Note: The following is the only my opinion!

Road Rage

Drivers: In the fast lane doing 40MPH.
Robzworld rule: Keep right except to pass, loser!

Drivers: Come up on me like a bat out of hell, then I move over and they crawl by!
Robzworld rule: Wanna pass, pass idiot, don't slow down blocking me after I moved over to let you by!

Drivers: Tap, tap goes the brake lights on the highway
Robzworld rule: O.k. now you know they work, do not test them again for at least a mile unless you need to actually stop!


Shoe: Open toe sandals, birkenstocks, clogs, flip flops
Robzworld rule: No open toe shoes! No one wants to see or smell your feet, regardless of how comfortable they are. No Jesus Shoes allowed. Period.

Shoe: Workboots
Robzworld rule: If you do not wair workboots for work, they look ridiculous brand new and on your feet at the club.


Music: Electric Slide, Celebration, Bus Stop
Robzworld rule: These songs are forbidden and punishable by death! They say to me, O.k. everyone who cannot dance run to the floor, it's your song!

Music: The chicken dance
Robzworld rule: This song is still o.k. at weddings. It is cute and fun for all generations, unlike the a fore mentioned.


Suits: Multi - colored, polyester and rayon
Robzworld rule: There is no exception for a well tailored worsted wool or summer weight suit. Remember, if you think it looks or feels cheap, it is! Suggestion is Jones New York, three button all the way! If not, a shirt,tie and slacks still look better than a cheap suit


Fighting: Couples who fight in public and in front of you
Robzworld rule: This is an abomination. Not only is it rude to those around you, but at what point do you say, "We fight more then we love, therefore this isn't working."

Fighting: If you go to bed angry
Robzworld rule: If the issue cannot be resolved before you go to bed, then you need to make it all better with a good, I'm angry but I love you sex fest. They are great and the problem usually seems a little easier to deal with in the morning

Fighting: When you have oposing views
Robsworld rule: A friend once said that a compromise means that no one is happy, I laugh but disagree. Compromise is what keeps this country running and makes successful relationships work.


Communication: You are trapped in an automated phone system
Robzworld rule: Immediately press zero! If that doesn't work, pretend you are on a rotary phone and pray that they do not have a voice response system

Communication: You hold back what you want to say, out of fear
Robzworld rule: If it is important enough, you must find a way to say it, and remember that you can never control the way that someone will respond to what you say, only how you say it to them. Brutal honesty hurts, but you get an answer, which is better then guessing.


Friendship: You have trouble making or keeping friends
Robzworld rule: In my life, friendships have been a constant. Everywhere I go, I try to make strong friendships, based on love, understanding and strive for it to be unconditional. Without them, my life would be pretty empty. Therefore, get it together kid, and put yourself in a situation where you will meet quality people. Also, learn how to distinguish between friends, acquaintances and good friends. In my experience the places to avoid in trying to make friends include bars, bars and bars. Go there to dance and hang out after you have friends or with them. Get the hint! Pick up a night course, go to Coffee houses, place a personal ad, volunteer at a local non-profit. Your life will be richer and fuller for it.

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