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loving you forever more
drowning in juices

~~5 april 2000...for a haiku contest with 'toys in babeland' online...yet another endearing expression of my delight~~

  a sudden     light i 
see...it illuminates my path 
to you...how long had you been there 
in the shadows...my mind races...my heart 
soars...offering delight...to share...to hang 
up the phone...indeed a new agony...what you 
do to me...i will not leave...lest you throw 
me away...loyal and devoted...to no other...
be assured...your heart is held...safe....
within me...your soul will be nourished
by love that i give...to you...freely
..eternally...always...in all ways
...i love you...dear...sweet...

~~6 june98...written to dear sweet elizabeth...marking the beginning...recognition of "the one"~~

calm invades me
for thoughts of you
bring balance and peace
til the wetness seeps in
and the desire consumes me
perpetual wetness you say...
perpetual desire.....thank you
aphrodite...and we fuck ravenously
again and again....til pussies are
sore...then the gentleness.... 
of butterfly kisses..........
restores the calm..........

~~23 june 98...morning thoughts to my lovergrrl~~

molten desire
springs forth new life
feeding my soul
nourishing my very existence

when you are liquid
my fire rages
passion expands
wetness cages
the flame so hot
burning your essence
into my center

replenishing my balance
somehow you manage
to soar across time
and cradle me
i am safely enshrined
within you

~~24 june 98...feeling the lava flow from the night before...sweet elizabeth, i love you...~~

how fortunate
to have found
my 'one'
and recognize
before she passed
out of sight
forever in my heart
longing for the touch
9 more days
oh my! 
single digits 
i love you sweet elizabeth

~~3 july 98...posted to "the loft" to announce the glory...sigh~~


a plane i need
if only for a day
no warnings you heed...
i whisk you away

fuck you senseless
with tenderness...


riotous want
makes you pant
senses glow
only i know
the need you shun
know i am the one

don't miss
my kiss

~~may 98...upon realizing the connection to my 'one'...before she knew...~~


to see your face
to touch your flesh
to smell your scent
to kiss your lips
to breathe your breath
i fly to houston
on the plane in 3 hours

~~13july98...the end of the countdown at "the loft"...~~


what color is the sky if you are laying on the forest floor looking up through the trees? i ask because i have decided that this is the color of dear sweet elizabeth's eyes...growing up on a campground in the middle of the adirondack mountains afforded many opportunities to study this particular color...you lay there in a bed of pine needles...fortunate to be away from everything and one with the mother...i never appreciated it until now...now that i recognize once again that color...when you are laying there looking up at the sky, you initially see the blue of the sky, the various greens and browns of the leaves...the darker brownish greys of the tree limbs...all these things are crisp and clear...then along comes the glorious rays of the sun...magnificent and bright...the colors are at once intensified and then blurred together...and then the sun becomes its own color and clarity is again there...it is the blurring softness of colors i see in her eyes...and i am transported...i blink and then i see the clariy...such is life...glorious regardless...

~~Saved message...Date: Wed, Mar 10, 1999, 4:23pm...Subject: [OUTspoken] maxi's musings~~

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